HEAD PRIEST: Why yes indeed, there I see the mountain wind as it courses through the branches of the trees.
MOTHER: The blossom-laden waters look
HEAD PRIEST: As waves cloaked in white fallen from above
MOTHER: of cherry blossoms
HEAD PRIEST: or snow
MOTHER: Are they waves?
HEAD PRIEST: Or are they flowers?
MOTHER: These buoyant clouds
HEAD PRIEST: in the breeze by the river
MOTHER: they scatter, like waves on Sakuragawa
They scatter, these waves on Sakuragawa.
But I shall catch the drowning blossoms.

what an undertaking, what lovely images. you seem to have captured the emotional tenor of spring.
ReplyDeleteI wondered whether you liked them or not, you were so silent :-) I'm glad you do.
ReplyDeletei get silent
ReplyDelete"From all directions
ReplyDeleteWinds bring petals of cherry
Into the grebe lake." Matsuo Basho
Revin cu mare placere pe blogul tau,gasesc aici imagini pline de rafinament si sensibilitate...
multumesc, edith, si eu sunt bucuroasa ca ne-am "intalnit" :-)