Saturday, 31 January 2009

before or after or in-between


  1. Incredible photos.

    I had been without internet for a while so I'm catching up very slowly...

  2. mai am ce spune...

  3. Roxana, I'm not religious-as you well know-but..Jesus!

    Don't know what to say, really. Why is it that when I see these pictures I don't think of the mountains as simply existing, don't think of the artist that took them, but of the inner moods of the clouds and artist being one?

  4. hi michiko, some wonderful new flowers you've got there :-)

    I thank you so much for all your comments... and I am curious: in what way did my pictures make you see japan in a new light?

  5. I don't know what to say either, listening to you I might start to believe that I have realized the essence of japanese or chinese old masters :-) which is of course not the case. but maybe you have attained it and it is your gaze transforming the images this way? :-P
    do you know Yourcenar's 'Oriental Tales'? 'How Wang-Fo Was Saved' is so beautiful.

    and hi, K :-)

  6. sublime in its most awesome, Kantian sense

  7. yes, fff, I have thought of your and antonia's posts on the sublime when I posted this...

  8. edith, atunci nu zic nici eu nimic, doar iti zambesc si-ti fac cu mana :-)

  9. wow! can't believe I almost missed these.. the colours are so rich here - like a classical oil landscape; and the mountains look like they are made of copper itself.

    and like you said of me - "but how many different styles have you tried already...?"

  10. oh zuma, you remembered this :-) I have to be more careful with the questions I ask, you might throw them back to me in a year or so :-) (of course I won't be!)

    but I don't know how to answer, I guess it depends on the topic, on what film I use - I like to experiment with colours but I also like black and white. I can't find a common thread to all of them either, but some very perceptive readers seem to think there is a special 'signature' to all the images I show.
