Sunday, 11 January 2009

mulberry queen

'tell her you buy the entire bucket if she lets you take a picture of her', my friend said.
I looked at her again. her hands black with mulberry, a rosary instead of a bracelet. her head turned away, not defying but simply indifferent, her entire attitude as serious and dignified as that of a little queen.

'please, let me see your eyes', I begged all of sudden, and something like the despair of a rejected lover could be heard in my voice.
slowly, she turned towards me, and looked at us. it was not interest lighting her face, nor smile, only a vague and sad amazement at a world in which somebody's eyes could inspire such wild passions. hers was the world of quiet mulberries, of things whose life and roots are one, breathing equally and peacefully since the beginning of time. deep down in the field, deep down in the woods.

when I pushed the button, I was glowing with humility.
my friend bought her entire mulberry bucket.


  1. oh roxana, these are stunning, could make one weep. Beautifully and fittingly written about also.

  2. Excelent lucrat si povestit, parca nu este adevarat... succese!!!

  3. superbe portrete, superbe culori.
    pe ce ai tras? filmul ma intereseaza.

  4. Quelle beauté... Un billet à histoires multiples : celle de ces clichés si bien racontée, celles, présente et future, de cette petite fille à travers son regard et sa parure et ce que l'on en devine. Captivant.

  5. Wonderful, wonderful post, takes my breath away.

  6. you see her...
    that is pure and i think she understands all of it... in her worth.

  7. beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.

  8. la source: oui, je suis contente que tu aies vu ca, ce melange d'anciennes et de futures histoires, j'ai pense a un conte et c'est pour ca que j'ai donne ce titre, mulberry queen, un titre de conte, il me semble...

    michiko: oh thank you!!! :-)

    edith: ma bucur ca iti plac!

    mansuetude: that purity and somehow solemn understanding has struck me too.

    katrina, three times thank you :-)

  9. sorlil, thank you for these lovely, lovely words. I am happy that you felt this way.

    Dungha: multumesc, este adevarat, cu o exceptie, erau mure alea :-) dar suna mai frumos mulberry in engleza :-)

    dan, te rooog, nu ma pune sa caut in saci acum :-) adevarul este ca am cautat deja si bineinteles ca tocmai pe astea nu le gasesc, am tras multe filme asta-vara, le-am developat de ceva timp si abia acum am ajuns sa prelucrez. dar nu am avut decat fuji color si superia in excursia asta, deci una din doua. mie cel mai mult imi plac culorile de la superia, din tot ce am incercat pana acum, vorbesc dintre filmele astea, care se gasesc usor oriunde

  10. superia este un mega film.
    are culori minunate, de neegalat.
    multumesc de raspuns si scuza-ma ca te-am facut sa cauti :-)

  11. superbe !!!
    acum am reusit si eu sa le pot vedea ...
    te felicit ! sincer !

  12. multumesc pentru vizita, bogdan, si ca ti-a placut, ma bucur :-)

  13. tazeen, thank you so much for coming by and for enjoying my images :-)

  14. deci am dreptate cu superia, dan, daca zici si tu inseamna ca nu ne putem insela, ma bucur :-)
    si voiam sa zic fujicolor c200 la celalalt.

  15. ...and so her second went into a somewhat feel so deep it ends coming out of your lens...and what a great shot that makes. Then you gift us with lessons of humility...and humbleness ...and how to see a child beyond the circumstances...I thank you for that

  16. gabi, I guess she taught me that, in her silent, detached way... thank _you_ for seeing all that in (or through?) my pictures.

  17. Ce portrait très bien présenter le sujet très subtil beauté de jeunesse, et votre PDC excellent .
