Saturday, 1 December 2012

the "i" removing itself, step by step, from the world


  1. At one. There is no one. There is only one. There is none.

  2. Très belles photos !!

    ❄✹❄ Laure ❄✹❄

  3. Une première photo super intéressante qui joue entre flou et graphisme!

    Bon dimanche

  4. I was hoping that the ducks would have somehow survived.

  5. mi se intampla des,in aceste zile,ca inima sa "mi se opreasca in loc",cum spune expresia-si aici a fost unul dintre locuri,inca de cand am vazut titlul postarii si cand doar aceasta oprire,singura,ar putea sa imi dea incremenirea,cand ies,,cumva,tot timpul ies,si vad,in retragerea mea,lucruri,unele parca m-ar opri,si totul,totul parca ar fi doar o stenografiere ,atat de repede cat o pot eu prinde.vad insa ca apa ramane ,in umbletul ei,doar la suprafat are acele valuri fine.amnioticul meu drag:)
    inima mea,oprita,insetata de acest umblet

  6. hello beautiful Roxana,yes another beautifully profound post.
    your last post was one of the most beautifully profound images that I have ever come across.-well yes it has led me to consider the pathways of the self.
    it is as if at the conception in the womb it is also like a cosmic birth where the dna strands are like threads of light connecting to the vastness of the universe.-the uniqueness of the self entwined with universal mind and consciousness.
    and the "I" from the time of birth entwined with its mortal path, its earthtime circumstances and powerful sculpting influences setting up blocks to universal paths.
    perhaps this is why in healing we often use this idea of psychological blockages,perhaps it goes deeper than weare capable of speculating on and even imagining.-the insalubrious interference with the insatiable dance of light.
    and when we talk about fate we talk about specific mapped out pathways well blocking an infinite number of ways.

    well that is my dream interpretation for today.

    sending you snowflake kisses.
    thankyou for another remarkable post!it is no wonder that I name you the dream goddess.

  7. I don't know if you meant it this way, but in times of prolonged thought and creativity, I do feel very separate from the world of "normal" day to day human activities. Sometimes, it's a shock to reenter. But reenter one must. Time and time again. I see in these images a much more graceful interplay of such interminable transitions...

  8. A perfect vanishing. (-:

  9. Now you see it...
    Now you don't...
    We are waiting, Roxana...

  10. gorgeous entry!
    reminds me of one of my own:

    to reflect light
    as a thin blade of grass
    in a mid-summer field
    against the backdrop of a sea
    ~ nothing else
    i wish


  11. Step by step, a cinematic sequence. Egolessness. Grace and beauty. The self feeding on the carrion of the self.

  12. perfect sequence, I know that water :)

  13. thank you, my dear friends, for your so thoughtful and creative readings of my post, you bring the Bridge to her real life, every time, - a bridge would be nothing without the other's reverberations, or am i wrong?

    in case you want to take another (and different) look at the little girl, more photos here

  14. The photo "girl and the sea 2" is huge, really huge.
    I take the audacity to ask for a post that photo on our blog of the Dwarves of Honorius.
    See you on the blog, Roxana.

  15. cat as vrea sa pot umbla pana la sfarsit,daca asa ceva este posibil, in gesturile si privirile ei,simt ca nimic nu mi-ar mai trebui,in plus,de la viata;este,acolo,inceput si final,desfasurarea vietii in sine,cu toate sclipirile,intrebarile si raspunsurile ei,removing,between,distance,near.
    iti multumesc cu expresia ultima a linistii mele,dincolo de contemplatie,asezandu-ma.

  16. of course you may use any of my photos, Wolfang! i am very happy that you found one that you like so much! :-)

  17. oh this last run of images is simply divine is like the reflection of an infinite number of stars on the water. and at first I thought that the stars would be imposing a force on her will but then I felt that this force would be recipricated- the momentum of her will -spinning the stars.

    beautiful my friend.
    wishing you many beautiful starry evenings.

  18. dieses letzte bild ist besonders schön und seine stille nimmt mich mit und wiegt mich in den zarten warmen raum hinein und ist Schutz und Sehnsucht zugleich...
    mit diesen, selbst mich erstaunenden worten lächele ich dir zu und wünsche dir einen warmen zarten abend , liebste roxana.
    renée, die sich aus dem schweigen kämpft, das weite weiss betrachtend :-)
