Thursday 25 October 2012


 The mysteries remain,
I keep the same
cycle of seed-time
and of sun and rain;
Demeter in the grass,
I multiply,
renew and bless
Bacchus in the vine;
I hold the law,
I keep the mysteries true,
the first of these
to name the living, dead;
I am the wine and bread.
I keep the law,
I hold the mysteries true,
I am the vine,
the branches, you
and you.

Hilda Doolittle


  1. Qu'il y a-t-il de plus beau qu'une femme ? Donner la vie, fruit de 9 mois dans un corps qui vibre, se modifie, un enfant qui perpétue l'histoire du monde...
    Un cep de vigne, solide, résistant, qui lutte contre le vent, résiste aux brûlures du froid, du soleil, se moque de la pluie... et porte fruits, raisins, depuis la nuit des temps...
    Tes photographies Roxana me font penser que cette femme que tu nous montres ici est solide, fragile en même temps, beauté que rien ne détruit... pas même l'usure du temps... car lorsque l'arbre ou le cep de vigne ne peut donner de fruits, il n'en demeurent pas moins que la femme est le socle du bain de l'humanité et qu'elle porte aussi en elle la loi et les règles qui font que la société peut s'appuyer sur elle...
    Que serions-nous hommes sans femme... ? Des phallus imbéciles en quête perpétuelle de pouvoir et d'emprise sur l'autre ? Toi Roxana, tu viens apaiser cette lutte et adoucir cette guerre avec ton propre phallus... car la femme le porte aussi en elle !
    Tes "images" m'inspirent et m'amènent trop loin... je te prie de bien vouloir m'en excuser ma belle... ;-)
    Bises à un rêve que je n'atteindrais jamais... Te serrer dans mes bras...
    Amitiés :-)

  2. This is just WAW! I like them verey much. Congrats!

  3. There is a place somewhere way back in time, when life was more soulful, perhaps. We think about it now and then. And now and then, we dig deeper than the ego would like, to try to regain what was lost along the way to arriving at the modern 'me'. In the lore of most all cultures there was some falling away from our fullness. There were many gods before me, now they are just constellations in the night sky. Something got lost on the way to today.

    Lovely images, and reflections, Roxana.

  4. coincidence, or perfect timing of this post, dear Roxana, on the day the name Demeter is celebrated in some parts of the world? i tend to believe, it is the latter. i smile. . .

    the photography is stunning, as always. the goddess of the harvest and earth-lover captured, it has to be both to make sense, no? withdrawing now for the winter, to be back. yes, she will be, it is the law of love!


  5. Je trouve que mon commentaire précédent est fort !!! ;-)
    Tes photographies sont merveilleuses...
    Bises ;-)

  6. I sit in the withered beauty
    of the wild grasses

    Santoka Taneda

  7. ah another masterpeice that reaches deeply to the heart of creation
    the goddess Demeter in the fields of grass weaving grass from destiny from the infinite laws of greeness and fazed fading the autumn scrub of beauty.
    and in the third photo I saw the goddess(well again this is my dream)poised to reflect from the reflection of the grass to the dissolving image into the fertile landscape unable to resist the luxurious lugubrious laws of her own making
    and finally the sexual abandonment to the freedom of ecstasy desire and will at the center of the wheel of creation where the fazed goddess fades into the landscape where her hair takes on the appearance of harvested wheat in a vernacular tension of vertical horizon lines like criss crossed lovers her limbs torded in a lustful passion to receive her dark paramour death stalking the grass fields like a gregarian chant stalking the fields .. the fields of golden replenishment of rebirth
    (well it is not hard to tell that I am a canadian prairie wheat child haha.)

    beautiful my friend.
    love and light and kisses to you.

  8. gorgeous photos and I so like H.D. :)

  9. Demeter ,la déesse des moissons...
    Qu'il est beau ce post , avec une symbolique forte..
    La terre-mére ,fertile et généreuse..
    Tres belle réalisation..
    Bises tendres Roxana..:)

  10. also the model in this presentation is beautiful-is it you Roxana-wink? and in the last images she dances a ritual dance she can be thought of also as a seductress of all of her infinite lovers and all the seasons are under her perfumed ecstatic charm and her drummer is the earth's heart beat...

  11. Demeter... Demeter...

    I tried to think of something philosophically profound to utter, but the only thing that came to the surface of my work-exhausted brain was what a taxi driver said to me once in New York City when I asked him to stop in front of a drugstore so I could get some eye drops. He said, "Ok, but demeter is running".

    Now, that could be an allegory for passing time, which we cannot possibly stop and hold on to, while we gaze at the mysterious image of your Demeter... yes, the meter is running, no matter how well we manage to silence our busy minds while beholding pure beauty...

  12. Demeter, glorious wheat-goddess, unable to conceal her divinity.

  13. Je découvre ton blog grâce à Owen et je suis enchantée par ce que je découvre! Je reviendrai!

  14. cat le-am asteptat:)-dar,cum stiam,a meritat,cred ca alegerea a fost grea,nu cred as fi putut-o face,in locul tau,fara regretul celorlalte,ramase intr-un alt fel de asteptare:)

    dar,oricat am pandit eu seria aceasta-cu adevarat mareata,niciun cuvant nu e bombastic pentru ea-,imi aduce,in plus,clipa imprevizibila a ceea ce inseamna evenimentul in viata noastra.o vad pe demetra sorbind acest vin al uitarii si al amintirii pe un asternut moale,care se pierde in umbrele incaperii,intunericul soarbe,si el,buzele demetrei,parul ei de penumbre,sclipiri de brate,incheieturi si ploaia se scurge peste noapte,sorbita si sorbind ,la randul ei.odata cu gandurile mele se nasc,din pamant,noi seminte,iar pe marea lor de matase imi las bratele si umerii sa incolteasca,atat am astepat,cum spuneam:)

  15. If you're me, yor're beautiful
    If you're me, you're too strange and slightly unrecognizable.
    As much can be the most beautiful things.

  16. Came here missing you. Leaving here remembering exactly why.

  17. demeter + h.d.!!! hoe can i not like that.sorry been quiet. witheringly busy!

  18. Love the pace of the presentation, how the figure starts to merge, becoming one with the increasingly frenetic movement of the tall grasses; which are not at all just tall grasses, but fireworks, or networks of energy. I am engulfed...

  19. Très belles vibrations terriennes, fertiles et aériennes.
    Je t'embrasse.

  20. Oh, and Roxana, if you have not been there before, I can't help but imagine that you may enjoying looking at :


  21. Jeff, de tres beaux mots, oui, et je t'en remercie, je sais que tu es toujours tres sensible au mystere feminin :-)
    et je suis toujours heureuse quand tu trouves de l'inspiration dans mes images :-)


    Gabriel, thank you!!! :-)

    myth, yes, and sometimes we tried to make up for that imagining that the gods are within ourselves... who knows... this is certainly a topic of my "goddesses selves"...

    tanya, timing is everything when it comes to seeds and sprouting and harvesting :-)
    yes, it has to be both, this is what i love about Demeter... thank you for being here, as always!

    b, you know, i hadn't thought of that!!!

  22. mts,
    you make me smile.

    Michael, just perfect! maybe i need to make another post just for those lines...

    thank you :-)

    Madeleine, i totally agree with your your interpretation, it is exactly like this that i see her - only it is not me :-)
    (i think she would be happy to read your poetic words as well :-)
    hugs, full of autumn :-)

  23. Marion, me too!!! :-)

    clo, tres chere, tout commence et tout finit avec la generosite de la terre-mere, n'est-ce pas? je ne cesse pas d'etre fascinee par le mystere de la germination - c'est ce que j'aime aussi chez les fleurs, non seulement leur grace...

    Ownen, demeter is running :-) only you could come up with something like this - but you are right, this might hide a deeper meaning after all :-)

    Prospero, and we, unable to conceal our adoration for her.

    Chrys, merci pour le passage et les mots d'appreciation...

  24. da, Cerasela, alegerea a fost atat de grea si nu sunt deloc multumita de ea, am mers mai degraba tematic, sa construiesc seria asta cu Demetra, si in afara de primele doua nu cred ca sunt cele mai bune aici... in sfarsit...

    thank you, Wolfang...
    beautiful and strange and unrecognizable... sometimes i dream that all women appear like this in my photos :-)

    thank you Lydia, so much, i will come visit too, it's been too long and i too miss you...

    swiss, thank you for passing by, i had been wondering what you could be up to :-)

    i have a longer series with her and it's been very tough to choose, i had to build up this "progression" to go with the poem but i had to leave out many photos that i liked :-(

    je t'embrasse, moi-aussi...

  25. Hi Roxana,

    I am discovering your blog and I am just amazed by your work. It seems very delicate, sensitive and strong at the same time. Beautiful work. I shall definitely come back to discover more...
