Sunday 29 March 2009

stray reflections

what is meant by "for"?

this longing

for the end of longing

that some call death

and others life.

the light falls around us

never in us

it's there

in the seeping of the days

the darkening of your face



like a cloak to the ground


fragments of a Black Sun


  1. mă bucur că-ţi plac, Vali!

  2. the second photo brings back the feeling of a dream i must have had but can't remember. i love the texture in the last photo, too.

  3. These are sublime! I don't know why, but I get a sense of time passing here.

    And I love the way colour returns.
    But are those red/blue reflections fish or people?

    Now, get out of here and stop embarrassing me!


  4. Le flou te va à ravir!!!

    Splendide photos c'est magnifique,l’effet est tout simplement superbe.

  5. Ce frumos .... îmi plac acestea visele pe ape....

  6. I like lovely pinky or reddish spot I see in every shots. Great Great Work!

  7. m, I am happy that my pictures made you dream...

  8. billoo :-P

    this time you are asking questions :-) I don't know! imagine that, it can happen to me too :-) I was so lost in the landscape that I didn't pay attention to anything else. or thought about any questions anymore. so I guess the red and the blue would remain like this forever, just wanderings of light...

  9. edith, multumesc :-)

    bine ai revenit, emese, ce bine-mi pare!

    Marc., ah, je suis enchantée que tu aies tant aimés ces photos, merci de tout coeur !

  10. ffflaneur, if I think about it, this could be a very good title for this blog, poetics of floating! I love that...

    james :-) it is almost correct:
    Ce frumos .... îmi plac aceste vise pe ape....
    (I like these dreams on water, yes?)

    peter, thank you :-) I don't know where they come from, as I have already told billoo...

  11. Très grand Fascinants, comme dans le Tao et au Zen, qui permet d'envisager sous un angle différent le rêve les événements qui ponctuent nos nuits, Ah, quel magnifique coucher de couleurs Roxana.

  12. de foarte mult timp n-am mai parcurs un blog de la cap la coada. fascinant. multumesc

  13. such beautiful muted shades, roxana, blending from one into another; I for one does not believein the common pagan theme that nature is a sapient being, but it does ashtonish me how beautifully coordinated,always,the colors and tone and even composition turn out from seemingly random tectonic movements and plant growth in the untouched places of the world - as if some great artist were carefully choosing just the right shades of brown-green to go with the native bird's extravagent couture....
    thankyou for capturing that so well... and now she will gently interrupt my monologue to tell me thatthese are not really "wild untouched places" but her dear friend's backyard or a park in some european town. no matter... no matter...its the theory that counts (if you haven't noticed I haven't left my armchair all along)

  14. interesting colours, is that portra? ;)

    cannot wait to see how digital will corrupt your soul and bring you from hades into shiny world of digital sweetness

    I also cannot spot any local adjustments in your pictures, and that innocence will also go away

  15. ce culori!!!
    bine prins
    (nu-mi ies niciodata pozele color)

  16. merci, Allan, je suis tres touchee... je n'avais pas pensee au tao ou au zen ici, j'etais trop captivee par l'emotion impressionniste.

  17. oh, piticu! (ce nume fain, "pitic" e si una dintre poreclele mele din familie :-)

    sunt onorata, cum adica in intregime? mai face cineva asa ceva zilele astea? m-ai lasat fara cuvinte.

  18. zuma, I don't know about 'sapient being' and nature, but I know about beauty and nature. I'm happy you loved them - desert images would be so different, and truly untouched. I think that there is a certain intimacy in these reflections which makes me feel them close to human beings.
    (and she will gently interrupt your monologue to tell you that it is in fact the park in Craiova, where I happen to live :-) but that she has nothing against your armchair daydreaming :-)

  19. eneles, hmmm, to hear 'interesting' from your mouth, makes me wonder :-)

    but I'm afraid that corruption of my soul you seem to desire so will have to wait a little. I wanted to make the order but unfortunately they didn't give me the prize reductions I was counting upon, and I could have not afforded any lense, just the body. I got very upset and looked on the Amazon, and discovered that one could get them almost at half price in America. with less money than here, I can have both the camera and the TWO Sigma lenses you recommended. it is worth waiting a litle bit, isn't it? sometime in summer I will have them, I think, because I have relatives there.

    as to my "innocence" which I can only interprete as a weak point (coming from you, that is :-), I don't know what to say. let me see: what are exactly those local adjustments you are talking about? :-)

  20. iosif bogdan, multumesc! da, am observat predilectia ta pentru alb-negru, dar credeam ca e doar o optiune artistica. de ce nu ies, cum adica nu ies? poate ca esti tu mai atras de a-n si din cauza asta esti nemultumit de cele color.

  21. one doesn't have to be judgemental all the time, the colour solution is new to me and they seem to work on a number of people

    yes, I got my camera from US, it was obscenely expensive here - euro was much stronger year ago. I think the lenses are more or less the same price in EU and US. You do realize you would not be able to use new lenses on the old camera, do you?

    judging by colors you use split toning so it must be lightroom ;) and in lightroom there is a brush near the crop/spot removal - which allows for local correction of exposure and such. Try it, it is amazing.

  22. what do you mean, "the colour solution is new to you"? I forget to answer about the film, I don't remember :-( it is not portra because I have never used it for anythin but portraits - and I am not happy with the colours, but the texture is divine. all the latest pictures of the one you have called the high priestess are on portra :-) here I would guess: agfa portrait, I know that the nocturnal flower gardens were on agfa portrait for sure.

    but there is substantial difference for lenses, too! and of course I realize that :-)

    no, wrong guess, no 'tone splitting' ha :-P
    I use this very rarely actually. here only levels, curves and a bit of selective colour to make those red and blue things more vivid, and judging from the people's reaction, it was a good thing to do :-) and just a bit of that brush, yes, I have discovered it, it is divine, yessss, like painting.

  23. and it is always lightroom plus photoshop, I need both :-)

  24. as usually I am wrong in trying to understand the things you do ;)

    speaking of ordering from the US - I suggest buying some insurance on your camera as you won't have the warranty. I didn't, and that wasn't very clever.

    now i understand, you move handles both ways, while I only move them to the left due to bourgois desire for moderation ;)

  25. speaking of desert pictures, you should hazard a look now

  26. tu chiar pui suflet in ceea ce faci,
    aici e deja arta!

    felicitari frumoasa fata!

  27. eneles, the ideal situation would be that you don't understand the things I do AND love my pictures :-)

    I have to disagree, your pictures are the only thing that is NOT bourgeois in your case :-) and you have also outgrown the initial digital sweetness and come back to hades yourself. what else could the last series be, if not darkness itself?

  28. marius, ce ma lingusesti tu pe mine si pe "arta" mea :-) e din cauza ca te-am pus primul la concursul lui vali? :-P

  29. thank you, bradpetehoops, for stopping by. every time a picture looks like a painting, I am happy.

  30. cand am intrat sa dau punctajul inca nu aprobase Vali comentariul tau,
    imi pare rau ca tu crezi asta!
    ce-i care ma cunosc stiu ca nu comentez decat ce-mi place si la mine pe blog nu apar nici ultimele postari si nici lista de urmarire.
    intru prin sondaj si cand am timp pe unde cred eu ca am ce sa vad.
    asta a fost despre ,,arta'' ta
    acum despre ,,lingusit'' ce sa zic...asa sunt eu,imi plac fetele frumoase si sincer,chestia asta cred ca a fost observata si de alte persoane de genul feminin :)
    sa fi iubita!

  31. ah, Marius, imi pare rau ca te-ai suparat, eu doar voiam sa te necajesc putin in joaca, bineinteles ca nu cred asta! cei care ma cunosc stiu ca asa sunt eu, jucausa :-P

    banuiesc ca tuturor fotografilor le plac fetele frumoase, ca dovada si mie, de aia am arhiva 'my women' :-)
