Thursday 5 March 2009

if white-fingered

Cu degete albe dacă bat în fereastră

Voi credeţi că ninge şi nu m-ascultaţi

Mircea Dinescu

If white-fingered I tap the window
You will think me the snow and won't listen

trans. James Owens


  1. Comme une illustration en fusain s'élaborent des visions du monde, j'aime on peut vivre longtemps.

  2. Siam, quand j'etais plus petite, j'aimais avant tout dessiner "en fusain"... j'adore l'elegance et la simplicite des traces noires, qui ressemblent tantot aux brumes indecises, tantot a la nuit la plus noire.

  3. uite ce minunatii, e scoala serioasa de fotografie la Craiova...

  4. you have surprised me by posting my "poem" on your blog. but i am pleased anyway. thanks. it gives a few friends of mine something to laugh at when my lines get called poems. some of them, you see, are really poets. but i try to imitate.that blog of mine exists sometimes for sport. and for indefinite things called poems.

    anyway, thanks again.

  5. Simona, hehe, nu prea am legatura eu cu vreo scoala, sunt mai mult asa, un lup singuratic (sa zic 'lupoaica' nu prea merge? :-) ceea ce nu inseamna ca nu e scoala serioasa de fotografie la Craiova :-)
    multumesc de vizita.

  6. Kubla, I understand what you say, I don't take my pictures seriously either, in the sense that I don't consider myself to be a photographer. I am surprised (and happy!) that (some) people seem to like them.

    no need to thank, it was entirely my pleasure to surround my pictures with your words, or, should I say, emotions.

  7. Your are excellent in capturing and interpreting the visual components. And you are very good at communicating your ability to the world with the photos. So by definition, you are a photo Artist, so called. :p

  8. 'so called' is a very good way to put it, indeed, Peter :-) don't tease me :-)

  9. these i love so

    they are tools of breath
    and yet, they take
    take away my breath.

    so nice.

  10. mansuetude, I just knew you would love them. there is silence in them, I only try to listen to it.

    (I'm so happy to hear from you, I have to say this again :-)
