Thursday 16 December 2010

first snow, today



...happiness ... might be just such a matter of the fleeting instant.

Shingo, in Kawabata's Sound of the Mountain



  1. i've finally decided: i'm moving north.

  2. Ahh happiness is seeing these.

  3. gorgeous, gorgeous

    the first photo, it's like the essence of this season - made me think of the nutcracker :)

  4. this second image, the second snow, is of someone who is half blind or half in love! strain one's eyes and form a picture..or let it go, because it is not the first?

  5. Je sens hiver chez toi ; rouge le feux est mis

  6. Happiness is always a possibility...

  7. Roxanna,
    moment by moment, this instant I must sleep, thank you for the peaceful places....

  8. Lovely second photo, Roxana. Hard to tell whether it's inside or outside.

    Hope all is well.

  9. like the
    ghost kisses of
    a long dead lover
    the first snow

    on my

  10. These images remind me of so many beautiful things, but are beautiful in themselves, of course. Steamy windows from good things cooking, feeling secure and warm inside while looking out onto the weather, the excitement of seeing the first snow, glass ornaments on my grandmother's Christmas tree when I was a child, being happily trapped inside a snowglobe where all the world is complete. Oh yes, a few dreams to float on here.

  11. ... then, one day, at last, the sky trembles and sighs and breaks into an infinity of snowflakes, like eternity falling into a swirl of days ... this lure into the snow itself, so much more than pictures of the snow ...

  12. so nice.............................

  13. It is with wonderment that I watch the first snow blanket a Romanian town from my little computer window here in southern California. Witness to another world still and quiet in a wintery dreamscape. You have captured and communicated an essence without the form. It is shear joy!

  14. zahrte Bilder, wie aus der Ferne gesehen, oder wie im Traume...
    "Alles ist vergänglich"... ja, dies ist ein "schrecklich" oft, in der buddhistischen Philosophie gebrauchter Satz und er hat mich lange Zeit sehr belastet, bis ich schliesse, so glaube ich zumindestens, verstand...
    Man kann die Freude nicht festhalten, das will er sagen, so dass sie verweilt, und eben das ist, was die Menschen so unglücklich macht, den Wunsch, das Glück festzuhalten.
    Aber wahrscheinlich soll man den Dingen einfach ihren Lauf lassen und mit Freude an den Augenblick zurückdenken, denn, und ich glaube, dies zu bedenken ist sehr wichtig, was wäre der Mensch, wenn sein Herz, sein Geist oder seine Seele nicht geprägt würden durch eben diese Augenblicke der Freude...!
    Sehr lieb umarme ich Dich, Roxana!

  15. Sehnsucht in Wasserfarben. Machen fast weinen.

  16. chère magnifique tellement gentille Roxana, bonjour.
    OH this is so pretty and haunting.I hope you don't mind my using the word pretty to describe this masterpeice ha ha.You know I am still somewhat on the window of annihilation it is connected to this post well everything is connected to this post and all posts are connected so now I won't bother explaining the connection but no Im kidding yes I will.
    I said on another day I could view the grandeur of annihilation well here is another day and another page.
    Well I can see the grandeur of annihilation in the sense that when a person is stripped of all unnecessaries or is surrounded by destruction there is still a certain pride there, then that person still holds a place in the universe, cosmic consciousness would not be the same without them.
    A friend of mine said that she didn't believe that life support should be withdrawn from a person in a coma. She feels that that person has connections to others that is not visible to us except for the third eye....and I like her views they seem me

  17. now to continue with this beautiful snow image,Yes I agree that it seems joyous and the snow is falling prettily here in Canada also and our joy is connected and so are our hearts as is confirmed by the red in the image that can represent the joy and the bleeding of our hearts
    anyway I chère magnifique Roxana I think you have truly captured the joy of the first snowfall.
    and this is how annihilation is connected to this post in my dream today.
    Well the snowfall can be considered as an agent in the annihilation of the earth. I very pretty one mind you..haha.
    I mean as a metaphor, it covers reality the way the earth was before, it covers the earth in a white blanket snow.
    And then well it is a carte blanche.We start dreaming to replace the old world.We build snow castles and trace floral lace patterns on a frosted windowpane and there is so much wonder in this winter dreamscape that no dream seems to be impossible and if it was impossible it really wouldn't matter because in this frozen magical stillness.
    Ew I am so used to canadian winters and the fairyland of the snow but you know chère Roxana, I have never really considered why the snow had this magical effect and well it is always so rewarding to unearth these dreams in your journal

    bisous rouges chère Roxana may you have many magical white days in your winter wonderland

  18. Coucou Roxana,
    Restons bien au chaud derrière ta vitre...tout est là.

  19. prima zapada a dragei,privita printre gene in care,mie,una,mi se pare ca adasta amnioticul meu tanjit,imi aduce in ureche paginile pline de ierni,toate tresarite atat de adanc de pulsatia purpurie a sangelui meu,atat de rosu sngele meu,in ierni,atat de fierbinte antiteza lui in Alb;plutesc,dincolo de pamantul meu

  20. Coucou Roxana..
    l'hiver a tiré ses rideaux de brume..
    langueurs floues du monde qui s'efface..
    tes photos sont une suggestion aux douces rêveries d'hiver..
    passe une bonne semaine..
    des bisous flocons..:o)

  21. The second one grabs me the most!

  22. Prospero, and leave that heavenly garden? it's true, there is no snow in heaven :-)

    merc, yes, isn't it?

    Manu :-)

    anon, i am not sure i can follow your poetical divagations, but i love them (i think :-)

    Alain, oui, l'hiver est arrive. ca te manque, l'hiver d'ici , parfois?

    Owen - true!

    you're welcome Dianne!

  23. billoo, both? :-)

    sutton - the first snow on one's skin, how can one ever forget that? i am always so happy when you come by...

    Lynne, i share the same memories, and dreams, how fascinating this is, how a simple image like this one can unite people from cultures so different, of different ages... and hoe beautiful...

    James, i know, i know :-) (i remember your snow poems, of course i do)

    thank you , Mariana

    Lisa, and i also like to think of you there, in that world which is so entirely different from mine - and yet how similar our feelings are, and reactions, in front of this world of beauty and wonder...
    a warm hug for you!

    liebste Renée, ich bin immer zwischen der Freude am Augenblick und der Trauer ueber das Vergangene hin und her gerissen, das ist ja meine Natur, so denke ich oft, immer gespalten zu sein - aber in der Freude eines schoenes Bildes, da habe ich Ruhe... und wenn ich fotografiere, dann erlebe ich wirklich eine Art Verschmelzung, Einswerden mit der Welt... Versoehnung...

    ich schreibe bald mehr, lass dich lieb umarmen...

  24. Robert, ich vermisse Dich hier, weisst du...

    ah, crederae, thank you for yet another wonderful and enriching interpretation. i know that snow must have lost all your magic for you in Canada, since you are so used to it, and it is true that i hate the cold myself, so i can't say i have only pretty things to say about the snow :-) much to complain as well... but there is so much tearing beauty in it as well - and it has that ephemeral character which fascinates me, in a way rain never has, or other elements... frailty and purity. i will post more snow, of course, until you will get bored of it :-)
    hugs and bises...

    K'line, ah, quelle joie... je t'embrasse aussi, souriant...

    Cerasela, in curand va fi zapada noastra, ti-o voi arata. te astept!

    clo, des bisous flocons, ah!!!! ca m'a fait sourir, et fondre de doux plaisir, comme si j'etais un flocon moi-meme :-)
    c'est tres joli :-)
    merci de tout coeur et je t'embrasse, bises...

    thank you, mythopolis, i am glad my snow could 'grab' you :-)

  25. that's okay, kid, I'm not sure i can follow them myself! :-)

    in case i forget: merry Xmas to you and all your readers.

  26. heroic fleetingness - of seeing those melting drops on their perilous way down a window pane
