Friday 29 October 2010

late autumn garden (2)

not enough tears
to sing the countless
deaths within



  1. Powder of algaroth! These ebullient complementary colors) (you'll have to excuse me - i'm just a poor alchemist, so prone to crying rivulets of velvety tears)

  2. chère magnifique tellement gentille Roxana,
    ew c'est un autre chef d'oeuvre-c'est magnifique les textures de vert et les nuances de couleurs de pétale en cramois a brun a d'orée, les pleurs et les joies de la terre et sa fécondité des pétales tombées..

    thanks for sharing your "approach" to the last photo series- it reinforces once more how spontaneous art always is...

    You were mesmerized by the ivy of the old houses in your youth thanks for sharing that.They do fascinate don't they. As an adult I find them mesmerizing.
    I always stop to notice them when I am at our university and when I visited my maternal rome- the journey into my ancestry that is one of the first memories I have to discover an outdoor restaurant with adjacent ivory covered old brick walls behind the violinist but then the probably stronger memory of ordering a pizza and because I don't speak italian and I kept saying si si for all the pizza toppings and the next thing you know I ended up with a fried egg in the middle of the pizza and this revolutionized my italian life to think... that...and this memory was probably as strong as the ivy covered walls ha ha but then I am such a fucking perv ha ha.

    merci chèreRoxana, have a beautiful day of sacred light magic.

    and I am happy for you that you could transform your childhood magical memories into such a beautiful art series.

  3. Rivers of roses
    Will wash away your tears
    Clearing your eyes
    To see that years
    A single
    Of those countless
    Deaths appear
    They are not near
    For you
    Are timeless

  4. Late autumn garden (2)...
    Les êtres chèrs ne disparaissent pas tout à fait... Mais ils ne sont plus là pour nous rassurer, leur donner de l'amour, juste quelques fleurs symboliques...


  5. ...simple and true, is there anything else? ... i open my eyes in this garden, and these leaves fall through my blood ...

  6. ET est-ce que j'ai dit pour ce billet--c'est le paradis de l'interprétation ici ew c'est magnifique tellement...

  7. these are like the petals scattered on the floor before a perfect queen...and the second after she has walked past/over them.

    sorry, a bit too melodramatic for so early in the morning, but there you go.

  8. Tränen und Tod ... das wunderschöne Grün, wie Moos, etwas Altes, Schönes, Bleibendes. Die Rosenblätter, sie sind wohl schon seit ewig das Symbol der Liebe...
    Tränen und Tod sind weltliche Dinge und die Dinge sieht man wie man sie sieht! Deine Bilder sind schön, liebe Roxana und niemand kann dir nehmen, was du in deinem Herzen behütest. Der Künstler uberwindet das Weltliche..!
    Lass Dich lieb umarmen und ich denke an Dich. Mein Lächeln auch für Dich!

  9. How do you find bright and bold in the grey and brown of autumn?
    keep sending your brilliance.

  10. I like your blog, I find it very interesting.

  11. Des pétales qui s'égrainent comme chaque seconde de la vie qui passe...
    Un petit hommage par chez moi, mais tout petit...

  12. Pétales de lumières de nos étés trop courts..
    Je t'embrasse Roxana..

  13. o fata isi joaca degetele pe un sirag de margele purpuriu-pamantii,este un joc cu clinchete si rasete,aburul toamnei e din ce in ce mai dens,petalele ravasite ale gradinii reflecta jocul ei,atat de calm merge ea,in toamna,si atat isi iubeste,cu zambet discret,iubita

  14. Michael, i suspect my dark is always colourful, i still have a lot to go until i can reach the luminous grey :-)

    Prospero, poor alchemists are the ones who can speak to the moon and gather its dew, so in fact they are not at all poor.

    thank you, amar, for your constant presence here, and for sharing with us your vivid impressions and intense feelings - and this time such precious memories as well, i see that i am not the only one fascinated with ivy... i am so happy if my ivy-play succeeded in making you relive those moments, but ancestral rome, wow, do you have latin roots yourself? :-)

    my petals, yes. magical, aren't they?
    have a nice week, my friend, and come back soon.

  15. thank you, Trée, i am glad they spoke to you.

    ah Owen, timeless, how you make me smile with your gentle humour and tenderness, cher ami...

    Jeff l'eternel optimiste, ou quelques feuilles symboliques, non? :-)
    je t'embrasse et te souhaite une belle semaine pleine de couleurs vives et magiques.

    James - each one of them changes me, both the red and the yellow. sometimes especially the red, when they become a veil, the dress of a dying time.

  16. anon, you seem to live in a strange monarchy, should i pity or envy you, i don't know? :-)

    Renée, du bist ja so lieb und sanft... was waere meine schwebende bruecke ohne dich - jetzt kann ich mir das nichtmal vorstellen. aber eins weiss ich doch: sie laechelt immer, und eine ruhige, so reiche stille umgibt sie, immer wenn du sie betrittst.
    lass dich ganz lieb umarmen...

    Ian, mysterious xx-man, merci.

    bright and bold in the brown, how lovely, Dianne...

  17. mansuetude, yes. that's all we need to know.

    thank you for your visit, Leovi, and your appreciation.

    K'line, la citation d'Enomoto Kikakou? j'adore, je ne peux pas l'oter de mes pensees.
    je te remercie pour tout, chere petite fee, pour ta gentillesse et tant de delicatesse que je me crois souvent caressee par un reve.

    clo, je sais que tu ressens ca aussi intensement que moi... moi aussi je t'embrasse, avec tant de joie.

    Cerasela, si iubita o inventeaza pe ea, si inventeaza si toamna care le cuprinde, incet-incet, pe amandoua... ar trebui sa scrii tu, tu, aceasta poezie :-)


  18. Likening the soft fallen rose petals to tears! They also put me in mind of crushed dreams, the wellspring of so many tears. I love the luminous absinthe green of the second one.
