Saturday, 28 July 2012

window dissolution 1






  1. thankyou for another profound masterpeice my friend.
    the darkness is overwhelming as the soul window looks inward from the reflected light of the outside world.It is the season of winter across the barren winter landscape of the soul where thoughts and feelings have become deeply embedded in impenetrable blocks of ice impassable forever.
    but there is a brilliance in these images -several panes are a brighter silvered ice almost as if there is a salvation there -circumventing the suffering as the soul travels on its journey to the stars.

    sending you summer kisses

  2. Mmmm, visually delicious...

  3. this post and the post before are truly incredible ... like a series of mark rothko, these images hover between place and spirit, opening into revery and opening again ... this seems a dream that never leave, never want to leave ...

  4. i can feel the thick and heaviness of water,
    i can almost touch it with my fingertips, almost...
    both series are a true delight, executed to perfection!
    and the light, ahh, the light!... i can never
    have enough of it! simply beautiful!
    thank you


  5. Dreams of The Floating City! The Grand Canal. Venice. Thank you for this sublime journey! Your images are hauntingly beautiful.

  6. imaginile mi-au trezit multe impresii,amintiri din filme etc,insa ceva imi scapa,nu m-a izbit o amintire legata de ceva anume-si totusi,forta cu care existau ele,acolo,ma gandeam la asta umbland prin casa...pana cand ,deodata,m-a izbit:pentru mine,cea a acestor zile,sunt camari din subconstient,de aceea nu imi erau clare amintirile legate de ele.adica,vreau sa spun,seamanau cu multe din cele cunoscute,insa nu puteam atinge una si sa urlu,cum se spune,ca "este":)ma fascina doar misterul ascuns de fiecare fereastra,ma intrebam daca nu e,de fapt,aceeasi,vazuta din mai multe iopostaze ale privirii.dar acum stiu-cum se scufunda ele in amniotic-stii ca iubesc acest laitmotiv-,apoi ies la suprfata,apoi iarasi...
    in prima serie, esti singur,cu desavarsire singur,insa in a doua se coloreaza lumea- in felul acela vag si cu o pelicula,a ta,doar a ta,in,la final,eu vad ceva din leganarea somnului-mai degraba,starea aceea dintre,in care totul se estompeaza,dar este,totusi...
    o lume noua mereu

  7. I feels a if I'm being invited, beckoned, to enter into something new, something else, something beyond...

  8. am loving these. it's as if you've visited in my absence!

  9. the aesthetics of rain ... (it must be pouring over there!)

  10. Je t'embrasse tendrement Chere Amie...
    Merci pour ta visite et pour tes mots...
    Excuse aussi ce long silence contre lequel parfois je ne peux plus rien...

    "Déjà je ne vais plus
    Longeant les murs des nuits poreuses
    Aux instincts magnétiques
    Aux lunes denses
    Ces nuits-mêmes où tu allais si bleu
    Ton printemps annoncé comme une transhumance

    Je me suis conçue des lèvres
    Je me suis inventé un regard adjacent
    Et c'est cet axiome rupestre
    Qui te revient tremblant
    En quête d'abnégation de syntaxe
    Et de vent.."
    Sylvie Meheut

    C'est un peu comme ça la dissolution...
    Tu es dans mon coeur...
    Bises douces...
    A bientot..

  11. I'm loving the contrast between the pastel and the black and white ones, producing completely different evocations. So dream-like, triggering all sorts of vague memories

  12. forgive me for not being able to answer individually these days, at least i hope i can make up a bit for this by finding time to post again, like this you will at least have the photos to look at, if you miss me :-)
