Sunday, 8 July 2012

july the 7th: Tanabata


He is coming, my long-desired lord, 
whom I have been waiting to meet here, 
on the banks of the River of Heaven.... 
The moment of loosening my girdle is nigh!


On the River of Heaven
the sound of the water has become loud: 
perhaps my long-awaited lord 
will soon be coming in his boat


The love-longing of one whole year 
having ended tonight, 
every day from tomorrow 
I must again pine for him as before!


When autumn comes, 
and the river-mists spread over the Heavenly Stream, 
I turn toward the river, and long
 and the nights of my longing are many!


*poems about Tanabata from the Manyoshu , tr. by Lafcadio Hearn



  1. my student of Japanese organized, together with her friends (they are all in the last year of high school), a celebration of the Tanabata Festival - it is the first time that such a wonderful Japanese-related event has taken place in Craiova, i am so happy about it - and grateful to the organizers :-)

    i have been floating in Japan-nostalgia the entire day!
    i will show you more pictures soon!

  2. Ah, how you set us dreaming, dreaming, dreaming... may we never wake...

  3. Bellísimas fotos Roxana, te invito a visitar:

  4. ach, liebste Roxana, die Bilder sind wunderschön, märchenhaft, aber auch poetisch und tiefgreifend (wahrscheinlich würden mir noch weitere Worte der Begeisterung einfallen... :-)!) Ich danke Dir dafür und wünsche Dir einen wunderbaren Sonntag!
    Eine liebe Umarmung für Dich!

  5. deci asa a fost:)imi dau seama cat de puternice trebuie sa fi fost pentru tine senzatiile,daca eu,doar privind fara amintiri,si m-am simtit atat de cuprinsa...:)tocmai citesc o carte de ishiguro,acele cute,miriade de nuante si rascoliri,femeile tale filigrinate,ireale,aparand asa,dintre valuri,parca:)

  6. The ship floats listing:
    there is no ocean; I see
    and there is no light

    somehow messages
    outside the bottle-glass
    sail beyond memory
    remain out-of-sight

    ( :

  7. wow! that third picture/painting is wonderful...don't know how to describe it...let me have my cinnamon roll and maybe something will come to me.

  8. what a wonderful folklore story! I love your Japanese self :)

  9. These are superb. Beyond ekphrasis.

  10. Your work is magnificent. Your concepts are true. How you've bent time here is spectacular. Gorgeous photos.

  11. oooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhmy beautiful friend this is breathtaking beauty such spiritual profundity and cosmic imagery exist in these give me wings that span the universe.

    tanabata the japanese star festival where the lover deities Orihime and Hikoboshi representing the stars Vega and Ahair meet on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month and the milky way seperates them other than on this day.I love this heavenly reference.
    on one level this represents for me the female passivity of longing for the lord lover and the sprinkled stars across the dreamscape -the flower of romantic love that opens and folds its petals to the ruling sunstar.
    and ooooooooh the last two images especially the parasols spin like the karmic wheel of life!the lovers have been seperated by Tentei as a sign of bad karma because they did not fulfill their responsibilites after marriage,it describes their vices their negative karma their sufferings on a wheel held by the dark lord which refers to images once more of the modern lord of the rings the dark sauron.
    or it spins like the wheel of fortune of the tarot card where concentric circles represent the mind body and spirit.`and for the aquarius deck the evangelists are heavenward LEo Taurus Aquarius and Scorpio,where the lovers enchantment crowded like a mist their moral obligations in an unbalanced state of mind body and spirit.
    and the parasol spins like the buddist wheel of darma- the eightfold paths that the stricken lovers did not follow.
    theirs is the exile from the celestial garden.

    images of eroticism of the loosening of the star studded girdle and the stricken cosmic paths spins this post into a remarkable journey of the spirit.
    yes and the rivers of our minds and hearts where we weave our lives run through the milky way.

    well this is my dream for today.
    thankyou for this awesome masterpeice.
    sending you starred kisses across the universe of the mind.
    enjoy the summer day my beautiful friend.

  12. Bridging the gap (pun intended) between consciousness and the common aura of terra firma existence, you have, in this magnificent set, hit upon the highly-guarded secrets of a sybaritic seer.

  13. minunata aceasta postare. cat de frumos trebuie fi fost acolo. as fi vrut sa fiu, mai ales pentru a-ti vedea incantarea, visarea, your Japanese self.

  14. Femmes pétales, légères comme un parfum...

  15. I love the photos. I choose not to be so philosophical about things. I have no philosophy and am fine with that. I am just another animal on the planet.

  16. something about being between longing and the state of being sated - it is like diving chest-wise into an ocean and swimming. it is life. it is rich, passionate and desirous life to exist between.

    her cuff in the last photograph is enough to break the heart of longing in two.


  17. such a wonderful entry, Roxana! photographs and exquisite verses.
    love and longing are parts of the whole, inseparable, i think.

  18. Looking at these images, I can only conclude it was a highly unique and moving event. Love the color palette and the movement. The umbrella looks like a twirling mushroom or solar system. Can't wait to see more!

  19. I am so happy that you had the festival in Craiova, so you can steep yourself in your Japan-nostalgia. I will look forward to more pictures, most definitely. This set quivers and then buzzes! I love it.

  20. Owen, i hope you are awake by now, i've been silent for so long, due to a very busy time :-)

    Wolfang, thank you very much (and for the lovely surprise awaiting me at Crema de noche, i am very grateful and happy that you guys like my photos so much!)

    Liebe Wolkenprinzessin, ich bin sehr gluecklich, dass die Bilder Dir so gut gefallen haben, ich war sehr froh, wie wolkenschwebend :-) als ich sie gemacht habe!
    Alles Beste und Schoenste und nochmal,gute Reise! :-)

  21. Cerasela, da, aşa a fost :-)
    te imbraţişez, dintre mii de cute ale visului :-)

    Emese, draga mea :-)

    anonymous the first, i want the ocean to be, full of light, and the message to reach the heart and settle inside it, opening like a flower :-)

  22. anonymous the Second, i imagine that by now endless c.r. must have flown down your imagination, making it more passionate, wider-reaching, endlessly creative so that you have finally managed to find some words for that thirs photo :-P
    (actually i think that the last one is the loveliest :-)

    Marion, thank you
    (and also for introducing me to many Scottish legends as well :-)

    Michael S.,
    i am smiling...

  23. i am so sorry for having had to interrupt our conversation here, i have been very busy - and travelling - these days so i couldn't be online, i am sorry for being absent on your blogs as well, hopefully i can find a better rhythm soon. and thank you for your patience as well, dear friends...
