Monday, 2 July 2012





  1. acest cuvant,care mai ales in engleza se desavarseste,inseamna,in imaginarul meu inca de cand eram foarte micuta,aceasta imagine:silueta gracila,desprinsa de lume,independenta,sub un soare niciodata prea puternic pentru maretia aparitia ei.
    dar niciodata nu ma gandisem la cum se rasfira,printre firele de in ale unei palarii,aceste raze,cum o palarie poate purta in ea tot ceea ce fiintarea noastra aici poate desfasura,precum un mosor nesfarsit...
    (ma gandisem,ca din senin,azi la Iulie,cred ca este aniversarea Kafka:) ).

  2. Ah, where did she go ? Vanished... Or maybe : Gone with the wind ?

  3. i don't understand what all that lovely light is. if it was any wetter here i'd be underwater!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Oh my goodness--did the hat eat her?!

  6. haha, i hadn't at all seen the post in this light, that you will be wondering where she's vanished or whether she's been eaten by the hat (very funny, Lynne :-), but now looking again at the narrative of the two photos, this is indeed the most plausible line of interpretation, especially that we are in a summer fairy-tale :-)
    so i just had to make a new post for a happy-ending, the return of the victorious straw-hat-girl, how else :-)

  7. thank you, merc :-)

    şi ţie îţi place cum sună july în egnleză, Cerasela? şi mie, da, regăsesc totul ţi în imaginarul meu :-)

    Owen, see the next post :-)

    swiss, here we have orange code for heat!!! the south is the south, after all, we are longing for a bit of rain but to no avail :-)

  8. Beautiful photos! I wouldn't guess she'd been eaten by the hat. Like any wise child, when the hat just got to be too much she left it by the side of the road.

  9. Having a near-pathogical condition which does not allow me to interpolate easily between images, i do not understand the (presumed) anthropomorphic machinations of hats or other non-living things. Do hats act malevolently? Perhaps they do, but i am not aware of such things.

    (If you are keeping track, dearest, this is yet another cerebral malady that should be added to the long list (if you are in fact maintaining such a list) of my perceptual deficiencies. This is a great subject for a book, and i want you to know that i am available, for a fee, to assist you in documenting this particular form of dementia.

  10. i see a hat of [sun]-straws full of light, that is washing the face of an adorable child. then the same hat tossed on the sand... to collect some more. beautiful!


  11. this is perfect - this is how it was, how it is (& how it probably will be ) : a child fully absorbed in summer ...
