Sunday, 2 January 2011

moving through dreams


the city is still celebrating.
a maze of lights, faint odour and whisper,
the languid body of human desire.
only i, like a cat who's become one
with the music of her prey,
move through dreams, eyes wide-open,
oblivious of my claws, my smooth arched back.

oh, the stillness of the snowed-in garden.




  1. a cat who's become one
    with the music of her prey

    how beautiful - cats are one with the music, arent' they, some fierce, languorous music that flows through them

  2. bonjour chère Roxana, oh how beautiful and magical this photo is. It really does open the child within me- the road is wound back but the magic feels the same against the frosted window pane.

    How sweet I see the cat.

    Well it is still New Years day and we are off to a hotel right now, one of the oldest in my city.It is so magical.It was constructed to look like an old castle.And I just about got killed from the falling ice on their terrace there one year. ha ha.I just had to add that for comic releif.
    Anyway this hotel fills me with a sense of magic and awe around christmas, much the way this post leads me to feel.

    Thankyou for this beautiful sweet dream. Thankyou for your beautiful new year blessing in my journal.Your visits to my journal are always filled with so much warmth and kindness and are so magical and your comments are so elevating.When you said you thought of the holy grail when you viewed my post- on the descent of Christ ah Roxana what a magical transformation.

    Oh I love your words they give a strong scent of a fading celebration.

    another New Year hug.

  3. For a rememberance
    Of the one I languish for
    I've made you my pet--
    Still, must you forever cry
    With such a sleepy meow?

    (Kashiwagi to the cat)

    Hito no katami to
    Te naraseba
    Nare yo nani tote
    Naku ne naruramu

    from Waka Anthology, Vol 2: Grasses of Remembrance, pg 865

  4. Le chat(extrait)
    Que ta voix, chat mystérieux,
    Chat séraphique, chat étrange,
    En qui tout es, comme un ange,
    Aussi subtil qu'harmonieux!

    - De sa fourrure blonde et brune
    Sort un parfum si doux, qu'un soir
    J'en fus embaumé, pour l'avoir
    Caressée une fois, rien qu'une.

    C'est l'esprit familier du lieu;
    Il juge, il préside, il inspire
    Toutes choses dans son empire;
    Peut-être est-il fée, est-il dieu ?

    Quand mes yeux, vers ce chat que j'aime
    Tirés comme un aimant,
    Se retournent docilement
    Et que je regarde en moi-même,

    Je vois avec étonnement
    Le feu de ses prunelles pâles,
    Clairs fanaux, vivantes opales,
    Qui me contemplent fixement.
    C.Baudelaire - Les Fleurs du Mal

    passe une douce nuit et un beau dimanche..:o)
    Je t'embrasse ..

  5. neun leben dürften nicht reichen diese träume zu leben, zum glück gibt´s diese brücke hier, einzutreten, nein besser, auszutreten aus dem leben, in träume wie diesen.

  6. oh, I would have liked to move through your sensuous dreams in the stillness of a white night

  7. "She is like a cat in the dark, and then she is the darkness"
    (maybe you recognize the line from Stevie Nicks' "Rhiannon")

  8. On se croirait dans des pages d'Alice au Pays de Merveilles, et le chat cheshire...

    On n'est pas loin de là en tout cas...

    Bonne année Roxana

  9. Pline de mister ambele si procesarea interesanta pe care nu am vazut-o in alta parte fac inedite cadrele.

    La multi ani, Roxana!

  10. märchenhaft diese Bilder. Die farbenprächtigen Fenster, die Katze, so reell und doch auch nicht. Eine Freude, sie zu sehen und Dich auch zu spüren, als Beobachterin, der Welt und des Lebens an sich...
    Ich fühle mich bei Dir und umarme Dich sehr lieb - und freue mich, hier zu sein..!
    Bis bald und Dir einen wunderschönen Tag!

  11. Bonne année Roxana 2011 que des bonne chose chez toi couleurs blanc et noir.

  12. Such enchanting images and words. Jorge Luis Borges in a short story (The Circular Ruins) wrote of a man who night after night tried to dream a person into actual existence. Somewhere in the middle of the tale he writes "In the dreamer's dream, the dreamed one awoke."

  13. is this your cat, roxana? looks so lost there, like on a floating bridge of dreams...

  14. a photographer become one with the music of her pray

    (happy new year, dear R)

  15. And this is truly a masterpeice.You have gone to the heart of the child without without leaving the adult mind.

  16. draga mea,cat seamana aceste suflari cu Acel dar din Hundertwasser,intotdeauna mi-am construit visele plecand de la luminile aprinse in spatele unei ferestre ce poate ascunde,pe nepregatite,Paradisul,inca mi se mai intampla sa imi doresc nebuneste sa intru in acele vise,inca mai simt teama unui animal de Frica ce pazeste intrarea in Eden,si totusi...atat de fericita aici,in acest Paradis

  17. Viens, mon beau chat, sur mon coeur amoureux;
    Retiens les griffes de ta patte,
    et laisse-moi plonger dans tes beaux yeux,
    Mêlés de métal et d'agate.

    Charles Baudelaire.

    Tus fotos están hechas del material de los sueños.

    Un gran abrazo y Feliz Año***

  18. wonderful post and fabulous photos~

  19. These images are so cool. Very unique, original, and effective post processing. I really like how that cat's face stands out from the darkness just like the memory of an intense dream when one awakens to recall its rich details before the dawn.

  20. Pour reprendre Lynne's commentaire...


  21. Et chère magnifique Roxana, est-ce que- est-ce que je vois une petite rangée de clochette à la gauche du chat! Ah que c'est mignon ron ron ronronner font les branches dans le vent des fêtes....

  22. Ah, i see... she's not really a photographer. Rather, she is a musician. What, she plays the violin? i never knew.

    Remarkable the things you don't know about goddesses.

  23. One night, looking out my window to the mostly empty parking lot, I saw two cats. They were beneath a lamplight as though a stage had been struck. They were doing a frozen stare-down about 8 feet apart. After what seemed forever, they both pounced. While the stare-down seemed to be for minutes, the fight was a few frenzied seconds, then one disappeared in a flash. The other one strolled slowly off into the night.

  24. My Favorite Yet! I gasped with grateful surprise at these two perfectly magical images that absolutely no one else in the world could capture but you.

    I love this so much.

  25. It seems as if the cat, poor fellow, is caught in the net (or spell) you've thrown over him. And what does he know of his fall, even if "knowing" is important?

    As a previous commenter pointed out: haunting! :-)



  26. what a beautiful poem!

    And one line is just sublime: 'Like a cat who's become one with the music of her prey"

    Pray, tell me, what is the cat's name and where is he now?

  27. Ich habe dich gerade über Robert gefunden. Die Bilder sind....unbeschreiblich.

  28. Manu :-)

    languorous is indeed a word which comes to my mind immediately when seeing a cat

    Madeleine, hi there you exuberant one! i am so happy about what you said, the pictures opening the child within you, can there be something more beautiful than that?
    your warm words are as always so precious to me (but please don't thank me, i have to thank you for your endless Bridge-love :-)

    (so sorry to hear about your ice-accident, please be careful!)

    hugs and smiles

    Michael, this is so lovely and sweet, and so fitted for the Bridge :-) but i have to find a different picture for it, i think, hmmm, with the help of my secret women...

  29. clo, chere clo, quel poeme magnifique, non? ah Baudelaire et ses chats demoniques :-)

    je t'embrasse de tout coeur et te souhaite des jours tranquilles, pleins de beaute...

    Robert, neun Leben!!! ach wie Du mich verwoehnst :-)
    (sehr beruehrt von Deinen Worten, tief und sanft beruehrt)

    Lynne, no, i hadn't known that song, it's so lovely, and such powerful lines... thank you :-)

    Gentle, but you do!

    Owen, after your many feline gifts on the Magic show, now it is my turn to please the cat lovers, they are so many :-)
    (thank you for the music as well)
    warm hugs from a white cold country, today i shot in my parents' garden and remembered your snow garden pictures, that amazing table :-)

    multumesc, Gabriel! si La multi ani si tie, toata bucuria si mai ales timp si stare pentru fotografie :-)

  30. liebste Renée, wie schoen hast du das gesagt, beobachterin des lebens und der welt, ja, ich denke, ohne diese eigenschaft wird man gar nicht zum fotografen - beobachtung, was auch distanzierung bedeutet, aber auch eins werden mit dem anderen, sich in die welt hineinversetzen koennen, wunderschoene paradoxien...

    ich umarme dich auch ganz lieb...

    Alain, merci, de tout coeur, pour tous tes voeux et ton amitie, mon vieil ami :-)

    mythopolis, what a wonderful Borges-quote, quite fascinating indeed. and so fitted for a Bridge of dreams :-)
    thank you!

    anon, no it is not mine.
    are you lost on a floating bridge of dreams as well? :-)

    ah fff, indeed, yes, yes yes, i had this in mind as well :-)

    happy new year to you and thank you from all my heart for the pleasure and honour of your visits and friendship...

  31. Cerasela, draga mea, intr-adevar, Hundertwasser, nu am vazut asta eu dar acum ca ai spus-o, asa este...
    aici dispar toate fricile, trebuie doar sa inchizi ochii si sa te lasi purtata in brate :-)

    Ofelia, material de los suenos, tan lindas palabras, te agradezco mucho, muchissimo!
    (and thank you for the Baudelaire cat as well :-)

    Tammie Lee, thank you for visiting and your appreciation...

    a musician, Prospero? haha, you mock me!!! this is even more improbable than being a goddess :-)

    Stickup, "out from the darkness just like the memory of an intense dream when one awakens to recall its rich details before the dawn" - you said everything here, and i am so grateful, as ever...

  32. mythopolis, thank you for sharing this dream as well, by now i have come to know what amazing dreams you have :-)
    it could make a wonderful short story!

    oh Lydia, you are most kind! but here i think you are also biased, since you are such a great lover of cats :-)

    billoo, isn't it always better to _not_ know about one's fall, why poor fellow? :-)
    except, perhaps, when one longs for the fall! :-P

  33. Kubla, your 'sublime' honours me :-)
    i don't know about the cat's name, i don't think it has one - there are many orphan cats here around the block of flats i live in (as well as street dogs), it is usual in romania. kindhearted people feed them, but they also have many enemies.
    i took this photo in the garden behind the block, one cold evening some days ago...

    Geist, vielen Dank und willkommen auf der Bruecke! :-)

  34. ah, yes, lost and found..our oldest of games.

    yes, didn't think you'd be the type of person to keep a cat...they're so unfaithful anyway. let me're more of a dog person, right? or maybe a tortoise?

  35. no way..that's so unlike you! I mean, don't you think it's cruel? is it a goldfish? what do you call your beloved little fish?

  36. i don't have any fish actually but i have always wanted to have a huge aquarium in my room, it fascinates and soothes me... though i am not sure i would be able to take care of it... if i ever get a golden fish, i will call it 'anon', what do you say about it? :-P
    (unless you come up with a better name, ha)
