Thursday, 17 June 2010

First Snow

View on ExposureRoom

(for High Definition)


  1. C'est très beau...ce suis vraiment émue...

  2. ...tellement émue que j'en bafouille !

  3. Astonishment, engagement, wonder, awe: this is what I felt in experiencing your amazing film. What a gorgeous piece of art.

  4. ah Lynne, you still found the time to watch my little film, i am so grateful!
    what you told me means a lot, i am a bit shy when it comes to video as i have just started to experiment and it is such a new (and exciting!) medium...

  5. rich imagery, strong contrasts, animated voices, and very moving music and sound. (although your images have their own music and sound) you matched them well.

  6. despre aceste trilioane de lumi nu pot spune,acum,iubita mea draga,ca le-am simtit pe toate inviind in mine;fiecare rascolire ma va face,in liniste,mai implinita.lasa-ma sa iti multumesc si eu

  7. Salut Roxana,

    Quelle poésie...
    aussi bien visuelle que sonore, c´est tout simplement sublime,bravo...

    Connais tu Jane et Louise Wilson
    Signature Serenades?

    Et les oeuvres de Jesper Just, Par exemple Romantic Delutions?

    Love M.

  8. We discover new facets on the surface of the diamond which is the Floating Bridge.

    This film imparts a feeling of utter peacefulness... bravo !
    (et... Encore !)

  9. Oh, cat de frumoasa e! Imi vine sa te iau in brate! :) Felicitari si lui Prospero!
    Dor... :(

  10. I never expected you to sound like that! :-0

    Very artistic video as well. I'm sure you're going to produce superb work in this medium as well.



  11. you shot this on your regular camera? it looks great! there are so many lovely pieces - i'm genuinely taken by this!

  12. Dianne, thank you so much, i am truly grateful for your appreciation and encouragement.

  13. Cerasela draga mea, tu ma bucuri si implinesti cu fiecare cuvant, eu trebuie sa-ti multumesc. In curand, voi face si filmul nostru cu mere si cani albastre :-)

  14. Marc., heureuse de te retrouver! et de savoir que tu as bien aime mon petit film. non, je ne connais pas les noms que tu mentionnes, mais je vais lire la-dessus toute de suite.

    merci et bisoux!

  15. merc, did you really like?

  16. Owen, peacefulness, yes...
    no wild and exotic landscapes in this little film but only an intimate atmosphere, something to make us remember winter evenings in our grandmother's kitchen - something like this :-)

  17. Emese!!!! ia-ma in brate!!! :-)

    ii transmit si lui Prospero, da.
    si mie, dor mare. scriu!
    (nu ai mai postat de multisor :-(

  18. b, cut it off, you don't sound like you in the second part of this comment, so protocolar :-P

    and how do i sound?

  19. ah swiss this makes me so happy!!! i put quite a lot of effort into it, not the shooting which is always easy but the editing. yes, i shot it with my little Nikon D90, i am in love with it and despite its many limitations you can see that the shots can be very lovely. the colours and the soft focus is amazing, i find.

    and i have material for the next 2 parts of the Winter trilogy :-) it's only a matter of finding the time to work on them (hopefully until next winter, i will finish the project).

  20. cut it off? "it"?, no,'ve been watching too many japanese films my friend!


    cut it out, perhaps?

    lol :-)))

  21. haha


    i should write this blog in Japanese!

    (but still that doesn't change the bit about 'ceremonial' in my answer)

  22. you sound JUST like that little girl in the film! :-)

  23. PS And it just occurred to me to wonder if you've ever been to Rima's blog, The Hermitage... ?

    Something whispers to me that might like it...

  24. Je vais revenir je ne peut la visionner.

  25. coucou belle Roxana..
    je profite de la clémence des éléments pour passer t'embrasser bien fort et te dire que malgré ces longs moments de pause je ne t'oublie pas...ici le ciel a grondé si violemment que la terre et les gens en sont tout retournés...
    heureusement tu es là..:o)
    comment fais tu pour concevoir de si belles choses ...
    tu es un oasis de douceur dans ce monde qui va parfois bien trop vite pour moi...
    merci pour ces beaux moments de vie offerts a nos regards...
    a bientot ..
    tendres pensées...

  26. Wanderung

    [193] (Nach Henri de Régnier)

    Der Weg war weit. Hindämmernd sank die Nacht
    und blasser wurden meine Morgenträume:
    Da hast du mich zum fernen Schloß gebracht
    das zaubrisch schläft inmitten dunkler Bäume

    im wunderlichen Licht des Monds der einsam trauert
    auf alten müden Gärten wo aus Zweigen
    von Blütenbüschen glockenglanzumschauert
    Pagodenprunk und Vogeltempel steigen.

    Die glänzgen Purpurvögel deckt ein tiefer Traum
    die goldnen Fische schatten in den Becken kaum
    die Brunnen sterben rieselnd in den Finsternissen.

    Der Moosgrund schauert wenn dein Kleid darüber fegt
    und meine Hände hast in deine süßen Hände du gelegt
    die um verborgner Schlösser tiefen Zauber wissen.

    Ernst Stadler (1883-1914)

    Heute grüsse ich Dich nur mit einem Gedicht, liebe Roxana (da Du ja Gedichte zu lieben scheinst?), denn Dein Video kann ich mir leider nicht ansehen, da es nach einigen Sekunden immer wieder stockt und ich nicht die Geduld habe, es zu Ende zu sehen, besonders weil das Poem dadurch so auseinandergerissen wird... Nun ja... Alles Liebe Dir von Renée

  27. quel talent !
    je n'ai malheureusement pas tout compris les paroles mais les images m'ont transportée ...

    merci de tout coeur roxana

  28. je ne m'en lasse pas !
    à quand un deuxième film ?

  29. Karine, tu es si gentille!!! merci beaucoup de revenir, ton enthousiasme me donne du courage car le film est une voie completement nouvelle pour moi. merci, merci de tout coeur!

  30. Astonishing. And a stunning score, Mr. P. Thank you both. :-)
