Friday, 18 September 2009

non, je ne regrette rien






(for James)


  1. frumoase portrete
    frumoase da.
    sa nu uiti ce ai promis

  2. Je suis là aussi Roxana; je pense connaitre cette belle femme , son visage mes pas inconnu mais ou ? le reste est privée ta vie est une sorte de fleur qui s'ouvre et qui se referme.

  3. Roxanna, cette belle chanson fortifie l'espirit... moi aussi, j'en ai fini avec les regrets....

  4. Regretter des choses que l'on ne peut pas changer en tout cas ne sert qu'à alimenter des dépressions inutiles, un peu de nostalgie pour le passé n'est pas malsain je pense, c'est bien d'affirmer que l'on est finalement satisfait de sa vie, satisfait de ce que l'on est, satisfait d'où on vit, et de ce que l'on fait avec les journées qui nous sont données à vivre...

    Tes photos legèrement embrumées nous font rever Roxana, les femmes que tu nous montres sont toujours mystérieuses, belles, source de multitudes de questions... qui est-elle... que fait-elle dans la vie... quelle est la relation entre photographe et femme photographiée, etc etc etc, et aucune de ces questions n'a besoin d'une réponse, car c'est préferable de simplement rever...

    Je n'ai pas vu passer le post ci-dessus des fleurs, mais je pense que dans une vie antérieure tu étais une peintre... peut-être tu es une peintre encore dans ta vie actuelle... je te vois amie avec Gauguin peut-être, des nature-morts sublimes, et en fin 19ème les femmes portaient encore de longues robes et chemisettes blanches... je te verrais bien comme ça, peut-être tu étais là en tant que sujet modèle, la femme dans les Coquelicots de Monet, avec un parasol... ? C'était toi ???

  5. A chaque fois que je viens découvrir ta "nouvelle page", je suis emporté dans un univers, ton univers, dans lequel je ressens, à chaque fois, une réelle émotion !
    Tes photographies sont traitées d'une manière particulière, laissant libre cour à l'imaginaire, la fantaisie, la poésie...
    Non, rien de rien ne m'a jamais autant touché que cette musique de Piaf, effleurant les photos de cette femme qui nous offre l'intimité de son regard !
    De l'Art tout simplement... et comme c'est beau de partager ça avec moi, les autres, Roxana !
    Il n'y a jamais rien à regretter... Cette amertume ne peut qu'alimenter l'insatisfaction...

    Très touché par ces magnifiques photos et cette musique qui m'a transporté loin, loin... un instant passé à rêver avec "the floating bridge of dreams"...

    Amitiés !


  6. portretele rabda prietene? ele pot ca sa rabde?
    stiu punctele minuscule de griuri sa astepte? stie hartia sa aiba rabdare cu timpul? cu intrebarile? stiu chipurile oamenilor inghetate in imagini, ori florile, ori arborii, ori visele pe care nu le stim fotografia sa rabde? stiu ele ca rabdarea e un atribut care duce usor catre durere? ca nicidecum nu se preschimba in pasiune, nici in frumos. hai sa rabdam mai putin.
    haide sa haidem catre un loc care sa nu mai aiba rabdare...
    ma pricepi scumpe prieten...esti cu mine in ganduri?

  7. yes..
    sometimes.. many times..
    we need to start out again at zero..
    without regretting anything.

  8. er...anyone speak english here???

  9. On Saturdays, while a teen, my mother who was once an accomplished pianist, harpist, around mid-morning would put on our stereo record-player. I'd understand many years later that this was a method she employed in order to drown out the drone of sound in her head. So we'd listen together, late into the afternoon or early evening, to artists such as Mirielle Matheiu (one of her favorites), Nana Mouskouri, Charles Aznavour and the sparrow's voice, Edith Piaf.

    "Accept the pain, cherish the joys, resolve the regrets; then can come the best of benedictions." ~ Anon.

    She reminds me of my mother, once the stillness came. Her name was Helene.

    Thank you.

  10. these are portraits of such humanity & warmth (with a B&W grain that oozes life) ... non il n'y a certainement rien à regretter .... not for the photographer, nor for the portrayed woman

    (ah, that bottom photo: capturing both beauty & soul of a woman, with all her experiences, all her laughter & sadness, all her wisdom - but i don't think elle a allumé le feu avec ses souvenirs, i think she carries them with grace)

  11. personally i cannot understand this "je ne regrette rien" as i certainly do regret all the pain and suffering i have caused throughout my life--both intentional and unintentional, whether in ignorance or not.

    and seeing others inflict such cruelty and misery on others without a shred of remorse chills me to the bone.

    even those who can witness or merely see evidence of the suffering caused by their actions or inactions without sensing their own duplicity i find very disturbing.

    we are a weak species, and tears are perhaps our sole virtue.

  12. (ps. wonderful portraits those)

  13. every time i come look at the photos, i fall in love with her all over again.

    a friend once told me that, while she didn't believe in eternal damnation, she thought our version of hell would be regret, remorse coming from the full understanding of all the consequences of our thoughts and actions - and the ability to feel those consequences.

    or, if you will, the very christian concept of compunction.

    i feel that your secret woman went through some of that hell, open eyed and brave.

  14. En regardant tes portraits, je me permets d'énuméré certain regards, en hommage affectueux à Olivier Messiaen:

    - L'échange ("The exchange")
    - Regard des hauteurs ("Gaze of the heights")
    - Regard du temps ("Gaze of time")
    - Regard de l'Esprit de joie ("Gaze of the joyful Spirit")
    - Regard du silence ("Gaze of silence")

    I generously provide a translation for the linguistically challenged.

  15. foarte bune portrete!ai creat o excelenta legatura intre aparat si model, se simte in largul ei.
    jos palaria!

  16. Beautiful portraits... i love the yin/yang quality of the petals below...very nice work. -Jayne

  17. dan, asta nu uit. probabil ca da, hartia si chipurile moarte au rabdare, cei vii doar sunt coplesiti de timp. numai in imagini silueta fetei ramane prinsa de fereastra unui dormitor, pentru totdeauna. ar trebui sa stii asta. ce minunat este "it was red", ti-o spun aici.

    Allan, c'est peut-etre le regard de toute femme qui a le courage de se regarder en face je ne sais pas... je vais penser encore lontemps a ce que tu as dit, ma vie comme une fleur qui s'ouvre et se referme, comme c'est beau...

    James :-)

  18. Owen, depuis que toi et Robert, vous êtes venus ici sur mon Pont flottant, il y a un souffle nouveau qui agite les ombres dans mes eaux, vitaliste, plein d’optimisime et de joie de vivre :-) j’avais aussi besoin de tels amis, oui :-)
    J’aime cette chanson justement parce que moi, j’ai plutôt tendance à toujours regretter les possibilités perdues de la vie, donc ça me fait beaucoup de bien – de plus, cette femme est mon contraire, elle a toujours eu le courage de rompre avec le passé et de recommencer la lutte avec l’inconnu, avec ses peurs, chose pour laquelle je l’admire beaucoup.
    Tu sais, t’as raison en quelque sorte, j’ai commencé par la peinture moi, j’ai toujours dessiné avant de découvrir la photographie. Depuis, c’est étrange, mais je ne l’ai plus fait, je ne sais pas pourquoi... j’y ai beaucoup pensé moi-aussi... et tu sais que j’adore cette atmosphère 19ième siècle, je te l’ai déjà dit, non? :-)

    oh, Jeff, maintenant c’est mon tour d’être touchée par tes mots, je t’en remercie de tout coeur ! l’émotion et la poésie, si elles existent vraiment, sont là pour retentir dans une autre âme, sinon à quoi bon ? l’image reste morte et les rêves ne s’envolent pas. Avoir des lecteurs comme toi, c’est vraiment un privilège et j’en suis heureuse, tu ne peux pas savoir à quel point. Il y a eu des fois (beaucoup de fois :-) quand j’ai voulu fermer le Pont, mais à chaque fois que quelqu’un me fait part de sa sensibilité - avec tant de sincérité que toi maintenant -, je vois que ça vaut la peine de continuer...
    Je t’embrasse...

    Peter, i don't know if this is always true, but sometimes it can be. i hope your autumn melancholia is fading away, or i will have to post something funny for you :-)

    dear Zuma, with so many close French friends, if i am not mistaken, and you haven't taken the trouble to learn the language, tsktsktsk :-P but everything is not lost, if you want to start someday, i offer to be your teacher (noooo, i don't have such a kind heart, you will have to pay dearly, mmm, indian silk and oils and... don't get me started, you know my litany! :-)

  19. oh, dear S. - i am deeply touched - i will treasure this image of your mother, Helene, now i know where the music in your words comes from...thank you for sharing these memories with me. i imagine a day when we will sit next to each other, tea or coffee between us, and stories will be told, and silences enjoyed...

    dear ffflaneur, have i ever commented about the deep red in your profile picture, when i was so sure that, if you one day you decided to go for a pic, it would be that b&w grain oozing life? :-)
    you are so right about her, yes she does that - less so about the photographer, who hasn't learned this grace yet (can one ever "learn" grace, what am i saying here?! :-)

    i totally agree with you, Michael, you know that. but i think it is important to look at the context of the song, because otherwise the sentence "non, je ne regrette rien" could mean a lot of different things (this is the main difference between pragmatics and semantics in linguistics, i am sure your pragmatic side wouldn't be disappointed with this approach :-P). what we have here is a - most likely - grown-up woman who has had a lot of experiences in her life, many of them terrible, perhaps, who faces the possibility of a new love. she doesn't say she doesn't regret the pain she has caused onto others, that is never the issue here - on the contrary, she says she doesn't regret having loved and been made to suffer before ("le bien ou le mal qu'on m'a fait"), because all this has made her richer and she now can be this new person welcoming a new life ahead. i understand that it can look like a "disowning" of one's past, yet i think what she wants to say is, on the contrary, the acceptance of eveything she had to go through. because it has given her the strength to enjoy this "now". i have always found this feeling very sad - and heard it from many young girls, the advantage of being an older teacher :-) - that having suffered once makes a person shut herself from other experiences to avoid any new pain. but this only means avoiding the richness of life, no?

    of course, "burning the memories" is another thing, it depends on the type of person one is (and most likely on temperament also, more or less Tamas or Raja condition), the extremes would be the Proust-kindred souls and the Phoenix-type, if i am allowed to build an ad-hoc typology :-) i find it hard to understand the second type myself, but i often tell myself that they are the lucky ones - it is better to have the strength to start anew than to become trapped in reveries about the past or, worse, about endless "might/should-have-been's", the specialty of this doomed Bridge :-)

  20. Manuela, i cannot say much, except that i also think you are right. and your friend as well. and i am grateful to have you here, who knows that "the heart knows everything". you wrote so beautifully about her, may i show your words to her?

    My dear Prospero, only reading these titles and i am fascinated with their hidden promises. is there a way i could listen to them, i don't find them anywhere online. (though i fear i will disappoint you terribly, hélas Euterpe n’a pas généreusement déployé ses grâces sur moi). but how can i tempt you to unveil your secrets, tell me, est-ce que tu es musicien? i often think of you as resembling Lindhorst (in Hoffmann's "Golden Pot"), who has a double life, in the realm of Poetical Imagination he is the exiled Salamander - as you are the magician of the Garden -, but in the realm of prosaic existence he gains his living as an archivist (and remains one for those who cannot see the poetical truth). [though 'musician' could hardly be called 'prosaic"]
    so what are you? :-)

    (oh, and i am still laughing about your generous offer, "the linguistically challenged", haha)

  21. I.B., multumesc mult, nu am nici un merit in asta, cred, asa este ea, umple imaginea de adevar, are o prezenta extrem de puternica.

    Jayne, thank you so much... i always look forward to your visits...

  22. but of course you can, thank you for asking, dear you

    ps whatever i saw and felt, see and feel here, it is through your seeing and feeling in your images... your gifts to us, and to your subjects, i think.
