Saturday, 18 July 2009

last song

the unspoken question

endlessly asked

the last meeting

happening all over again

Meredith Monk - Last Song

S.B. wrote me that my post reminded him of this great song.
He also added:

"When does time run out?
When will we go?"


  1. 'my untold stories' should read as: 'my unmade films' - i created this post with a 'sense of narrative' mixing words, images and music to give satisfaction to those who keep telling me that my portraits look like stills from a film, and that making films should be my metier :-)

  2. Métier du cinéma ou film image il y a tellement de personne que ce fond des films que tu sais plus ou est la fiction pour la réalité, nous vivons dans un environnement ou tous et images belle ou pas.

  3. no, they don't look like stills from the film. they look like films, which are effectively made of stills and transition. films are not defined by bergman and antonioni, it is just that we tend to like them.

    first picture is excellent, sven nykvist is nervously crying in the corridor.

  4. tu n'aimes pas le cinema, Allan? pour moi, j'ai toujours pense que la magie de la photographie reside egalement dans le fait que l'image est comme petrifiee. ce sens du temps, du monde arrete - ce qui n'existe pas dans le film...

  5. Eneles, wow - laisse-moi savourer ce triomphe :-)

    (basic French, just for you :-P)

  6. ps. i will get my camera on the 3rd of august :-)

  7. such beautiful black and white images

  8. Good news on 3rd of august...i hope

  9. Eyes that
    even closed.

  10. Mystery, endless mystery on the floating bridge; who are these nymphs in the photos, what story transpires, what depths of emotion dwell there, what darkness will their night know, what will the morning bring, parting and sorrow or finding and joy, mystery, oh mysterious "flou" in these images that tempt one to invent a hundred different endings, what is it about us seeking closure seeking endings seeking knowledge... may the mystery suffice.

  11. Roxana ! je suis un grand sensible d'après mes proche; j'aime le cinéma notre imaginaire est aussi constitué de celluloïd. Aujourd’hui on se retrouve souvent avec des personnes qui ce font un cinéma sans pellicule, par exemple les snob pour public en avant de la scènes...vaste débat.

    je vivais en plein rêve; je me suis réveiller et constaté la réalité la vidéo.

  12. Beautiful, Roxana! Untold stories...

  13. excelente cadre, dar ce aparat folosesti, vreau sa imi achizitionez ceva pe fiml mai vechi si nu stiu ce hotarare sa iau, ma poti ajuta?

  14. I'm lost here now, and don't want to go. I want to seek your shadow, and spirit you away to the nets of safe harbors. But I know I can't. And I know I couldn't. The unspoken question, endlessly asked, ends in you.

  15. very good! emotion and ....!!!!

  16. Da intr-adevar serile tale de imagini par a fi cadre dintr-un film, dar si luate separat au mare putere e unul din filmele care ori de cate ori te uiti la el, te prinde mai tare.Am revazut toate fotografiile din "my secret woman", au atata intimitate...m-au sedus...

  17. Good morning Roxana,
    hope you are fine. Just returned from Vienna, where I saw a bus coming form the Carpathian Mountains (writing on the side).
    What a nice region that is - wish to see it someday.
    Guess the last song, will never end, same a breathing.
    Very impressive photography of yours!
    Five after five in the morning - trying to put thoughts into words.
    Thank you very, very much for your comment left.
    See you soon. Please have a nice start into the new week.

  18. thank you so much, Maggie May!

    Adelino, i hope that too, thank you for your good thoughts.

    merc, i know.

    Owen, i am speechless under this flow of impossible questions :-) i find it very interesting that you equate 'seeking the closure' with 'seeking knowledge' - isn't this one of the oldest myths, the apple and the loss and everything that followed?

    Allan, ah, je comprends maintenant - et bien sur, ta sensibilite est tres visible dans tout ce que tu ecris, dans ta maniere de voir les choses... j'ai aime cette phrase: "je vivais en plein rêve; je me suis réveiller et constaté la réalité la vidéo."

  19. Thanks a lot, Gabriel - they are perhaps more interesting than what we live, our imagined stories, aren't they?

    Ah, Dungha, multumesc de vizita si de apreciere, dar eu si sfaturile tehnice - nu prea ne intalnim :-) eu folosesc un Nikon micut, N75:

    si inainte am avut un Nikon manual, deci nu pot sa spun decat ca imi place Nikon foarte mult si as merge oricand pe mana lor.

    S., i want you to be lost here. and no, don't go.
    the nets of safe harbours... nobody can, but perhaps this is not what matters most, but the fact that the tearing questions keep us alive, tuly alive, in our flesh and blood.

    I am glad you like them, Inga.

    Edith!!!!!!!! inseamna enorm pentru mine ce mi-ai spus. de fapt, eu credeam ca nu iti plac portretele mele, pentru ca aproape deloc nu ai comentat la ele. si am si eu o marturisire: cand erai plecata mi-a fost dor de imaginile tale si le-am revazut pe toate (si altele pe care nu le stiam) in situl tau de pe picasa. ah, ce minunatie. muta de uimire si de admiratie. dar tu stii asta :-)

    thank you, Robert, i hope you had a nice holiday! and yes, please visit the Carpathians, they are truly worth it. you always come to look at my pictures in the night, i wonder if you will still like them in daylight :-) the quiet darkness adds to the mystery, i imagine :-)

  20. yes, quite so, your portraits ooze a film's sense of time and they simmer with tensions & with words about to be said & words left unspoken ---

    ( also, i would like to let the previous post speak to the secret women in this post, because they should know "it is time we spoke the few words we have
    because tomorrow our souls set sail.

  21. ffflaneur, dear one, if you agree as well, then i guess i am silenced :-)
    (but it is so difficult to set sail with grace, no? not all of us can do that - or very few)

  22. Your photography is indeed highly appreciated!!

    Bedse Caves
