Saturday 21 June 2008

She stands before you naked
you can see it, you can taste it,
and she comes to you light as the breeze.
Now you can drink it or you can nurse it,
it don't matter how you worship
as long as you're
down on your knees.

So I knelt there at the delta,

at the alpha and the omega,
at the cradle of the river and the seas.
And like a blessing come from heaven
for something like a second
I was healed and my heart
was at ease.


  1. your writing is beautiful. you are a brave soul.

  2. thank you! what a beautiful name you have :-)
    but I should point out that this is a Leonard Cohen song, I couldn't have possibly written it myself because it is so beautiful :-)

  3. un nud simplu... frumos... senzual... Inca o daovada ca nu ai nevoie de nu stiu ce tehnica (a se citi aparat, obiectiv, lumini etc) pentru a realiza o fotografie buna... Ai nevoie doar de "ochi" si "suflet".

    Imi place mult.
