Friday, 8 February 2008

Tea for Antonia

Antonia's gift. the warmth of her herringbone-coat and the glimpse of never-ending sienna hair, unseen for millenia. I didn't know how to thank her. but I could do something: make tea for her, for I knew she liked to drink tea on the gloomy mornings, especially when she couldn't decide what to do next, and the day waiting out there for her seemed a burden and not a joy. the joy was in the flowers, white and frail, floating over the tea bowl. I watched them for some time, for so long, because so much I knew: she liked to inhabit such flowers.


  1. Roxana, thank you for your lovely comments on my work; means even more when I see how beautiful your blog is. This is one of the most interesting and creatively designed blogs I've seen. Your photographs and text are perfect. I'm going to put a link here on my blog and recommend everyone visits.

  2. thank i am speechless.......................................

    (hi kruse)

  3. kruse, I am truly grateful I had the chance to discover your work. but you've made me blush with such warm words :-) thank you! and also for adding the link on your blog, I did it also!

  4. thinking again about today, before going to sleep - wie ich deine Freude und deine Wortlosigkeit genossen habe... Ich danke dir, Antonia. Gute Nacht.

  5. ich danke dir auch. ich schaue deine bilder so gerne an, wortlos & auch froh.
