Monday 19 May 2014

the Belogradchik rocks

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 photo fortress14_zps1de99368.jpg


  1. it is hard to know whether this place is romantic by nature or if it is your hand and eye.

  2. Gosh, Roxana. Bless you for posting these!

  3. si iata desfiintarea granitei dintre apa, aer,pamant si piatra; si iata cum ma trezesc ,in fata acestei rotiri,supusa acelei dorinte, precum unul dintre personajele cartii pe care o citesc, gata sa imi inchin existenta in scopul dezlegarii unei sutre,refacand un drum care nu se termina,ci devine tot mai si tot mai larg,mai inalt si mai neasteptat; iata-ma gata sa fac orice pentru a deveni una cu ochiul care poate sa priveasca astfel...
    referitor la asta-am citit si primul comentariu la aceste imagini,si m-am gandit si eu la asta,si la inca ceva ce gandisem zilele trecute: astfel de lucruri devin astfel doar prin puterea ta. si ,gandindu-ma din ce in ce mai profund la asta,mi-am dat seama cu acuratete deplina: "romanele"pe care le intrezaresti tu in franturile mele modeste sunt capacitatea ta,si doar a ta, de a vedea atat de mult.posibilitatea lor exista pentru ca tu ai privirile nesfarsite pentru a urmari ceea ce este un micut nor,si de a alerga dupa el,plina de inflacarare si incredere-si postarea aceasta vine ca sa mi-o repete. si cum te strang eu in brate pentru aceasta frumusete, in care romanele si inaltimile sunt posibile,probabile-ba nu,adevarate...

  4. Having availed myself of some galenical preparation, i am uniquely suited to tease out the meaning of the careful positioning of these rocks. Did you move them around or did you pretty much photograph them as you found them? i think the former is more likely, but the reverse would not surprise me, as few things latterly surprise me (except for the ripples in the Crimea).

  5. I think the first time by I did not consider the scale of all this well enough. this time by I think I begin to by standing only on the ragged shirt-tails of the architect, or the architect's disciple:) if I have anything to say (and I'm not sure I do) it feels necessary to practice a little more silence and then to come back again to see what might happen to me in such presence. (you were among these stones? you were among these stones. oh, yes, and the city too.)


  6. hello beautiful Roxana, I think you did move the rocks around and well maybe I have been doing art for too long but nature's landscape's always reminds me of the landscape of the psyche, beautiful deep cutting the gemstone of the soul.
    that must have been an amazing voyage.
    sending you soft tulippetalled yellow kisses.

  7. Impressionnant point de vue !

  8. Stunning formations and amazing landscape. I like how you've arranged the tour here so that the spectacular shapes and colours gradually sneak up on you...starting out with the wide and quiet view and then getting more and more...breathtakingly beautiful. It looks like a fairy tale land...even with the modern city glimpsed in the distance. But oh how that fourth picture in particular enchants me!

  9. Tremendas fotografías, Roxana, paisaje estremecedor, conmovedora obra del viento y el agua...
    En te está esperando una fotografía mía.
