Monday 20 January 2014

being there


  1. heute morgen habe ich gelesen: "savoir est illusion, ne pas savoir est indifférence" und dieser satz hat tief in mir gewirkt. nun hast du heute (gestern?) bilder ausgestellt :-),die dieser stimmung so nahe sind und vor allem, sie stellen für mich so etwas wie die philosophie des zen dar...weisst du, sie sind wunderschön und tief und schweben über dieser welt und gehören doch auch zu ihr... ja ja, meine gedanken :-) ... alles liebste dir, von renée im denken :-)

    1. ja, so fuehlte ich mich auch damals, als ich sie gepostet habe, ein wunderschoenes, lichtvolles schweben ueber der welt... wie schoen es ist, dich in diesem licht umarmen zu koennen, liebste Wolkenprinzessin :-)
      sanftes laecheln, dir, zu :-)

  2. Ah, there you are at last...the light in the drowned, refracted world.

  3. "The blue-eyed scorpions have tainted the well, thus casting a spell on all who would drink thereof. And it is their fate to stagger henceforth through dream upon dream of love." Alatiel, in The Decameron

    1. through dream upon dream of love...

      this is so beautiful... thank you myth... i would have used these words as a title here...

  4. hello beautiful Roxana, how I loooooooooooooooove the subtle relationship between the title and the image at least I see it that way- being there -the compelling act to find the scintillating stars in the bright blue sky yes it compels us to look.and we can find traces of this adornment skimming brilliantly the surface of the waters. you have focused on what I think is the most beautiful aspect of nature(thankyou)haha the reflection of the sunlight on the water and that is where we find zillions of stars on a blue sky day the bright blues like bairdiella chrysoura that swim in the light and the reflection of branches this is a signature of yours the writing like calligraphy across the image that strains to write about the unwritable.mortality rites our ancestors stories
    and this reminds me of what I have been appreciating lately some chinese art and specifically the calligraphist Wang Xizhi where only copies of his work exist.the calligraphy is beautiful to the text of Lantingji Xu, preface to the poem collection of the fourth century AD the collection of the orchid pavillion and it is so sad what one of the poets wrote how people in the future will look back on them and lament about the same things that these poets lamented on how it will all end in nothingness but after considering this image I will have to say will all end in light.
    thankyou this was beautiful day. have a starry filled day.

    1. this is a very interesting thought, the calligraphy connection - did you see an exhibition, or were you reading a book with those poems?
      yes, photography too is some sort of calligraphy of light, so how could i not come back to this topic, again and again? :-)

      a wonderful day to you as well, Madeleine, and snow kisses :-)

  5. cred ca acesta este si titlul unui film care mi-a placut tare mult atunci cand l-am vazut,si la care ma intorc mereu. si cred ca si aceasta liniste este asemanatoare celei din film, si spune acelasi lucru,despre prezenta si despre aici sau acolo, despre a te plimba pe ape fara grija si griji, de a fi pasul si apa; despre a invata,cum spuneam zilele trecute,cat mai mult despre povestea albastrului,in timp ce apele tac.
    dupa ce am spus,aici,liniste,simt ca trebuie sa se faca.

    1. aşa este - când am dat titlul nu m-am gândit la asta, însă imediat după aceea mi-am dat seama de coincidenţă, şi mi-a plăcut, şi am lăsat aşa :-)

  6. Yes, I am recommending Le Joli Mai. Are you suggesting I see Being There?
