Tuesday 17 December 2013

Venezia, dark & slow

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 photo venezia4_zps760a7d01.jpg

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 photo venezia6_zps92a2157e.jpg

 photo venezia7_zpsef7e6c9c.jpg

 photo venezia8_zpsc7189bb2.jpg

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 photo venezia10_zpsc92513cf.jpg

 photo venezia11_zps561fb28d.jpg

 photo venezia12_zps18c2e4d2.jpg


  1. Perfect! I read of Titian right now.

  2. There is such a sense of mystery in these images. Black and white always seems so factual to me somehow. Like they are evidence of certain moments.

    1. i have a colour series too, i think i will post that too sometime, but i like this one more :-)

  3. Replies
    1. as Venice is, i have done little here, photographywise, it is very difficult to take photos in Venice, i think - as reality is so overwhelming...

  4. I thought your pictures of Venice would be more romantic.


    1. i don't know, maybe we have different definitions of romantic, as we have different definitions of many things, general and particular, asking and answering, leaving and staying, absence and presence, friendship :-)

  5. I would love to visit Venice again. Your series reminds me of photos taken before the digital age…I particularly like the 7th and the one before last. Thank you.

    1. it was my second time there, but it felt like the first time, and also, strangely, like _always_

      thank you, Awena...

  6. My gosh! What happened to Venice. When was it inundated like this? i hope those poor people have flood insurance.

    Actually, i once had an argument with my guidance counselor, who was adamant that i consider a career in architecture. i agreed, at first, but could not, that drizzly morning, rid myself of a nagging idea. “I’d love to be an architect,” i said, “but I must go where my heart is. I want to be a gondolier.”

    Number 6 is the best (both the architect and the gondolier in me agree).

    1. and i even have the gondolier in colour for you! then you will die regretting that you haven't followed that dream :-)))

  7. yes,my dear, dark and slow, si,la fel cum am vazut ca s-a mai simtit aici, si eu m-am gandit,de fapt am fost trasnita,ca sa zic asa,de "timeless".
    pe mine ma fac sa ma gandesc mult la nuvela aceea a lui Th. Mann, Moartea la Venetoia,am citit-o de multa vreme,insa stiu ca atunci mi-a ramas in minte, si ,la fel,mi se pare aceasta cautare misterioasa a canoei,gestul suspendat, este efectiv ca si cand ai fi in canoe,fara sa stii destinatia,poate inventez acum o trama factice,nu stiu,dar simt valurile,simt miscarea barcii....

    cel mai mult, in tot ce se intampla sau s-ar putea intampla, imi place insa acel "slow",care face,cel putin pentru mine, ca deznodamantul sa nu mai fie atat de important...

    1. :-)

      si eu ma gandesc tot timpul la ea, mai ales ca in fiecare an trebuie sa o fac cu studentii (ma rog, o cam profaneaza ei, dar asta este :-). am tot incercat sa surprind ceva deosebit acolo, e asa de greu, toate imaginile ies "turistice"cumva.

  8. ah Roxana how breathtakingly mysterious and beautiful like the channels of our mind.this leads me to dream about a water birth, a baptismal of thought through the channels of our mind.
    love and hugs

    1. your poetical comments always bring a new light to my photos, dear madeleine...

      thank you, a thousand times!!!
      bises :-)

  9. I feel as if I've entered an old black and white film, a quality I personally enjoy as I like to picture myself walking around inside an old novel that I love to read. I hope that makes sense in relation to your atmospheric images.

    I also want to wish you a very Merry Christmas Roxana! Thank you for the gift of your visions.

    1. dear Stickup, your presence here is so precious to me - and thank you for the merry wishes as well, i hope you spent relaxing and fulfilling christmas days - and inspiring, too, even if i feel lazy myself these days :-)

  10. Replies
    1. like in a dream, i wanted it like that :-)

  11. Die trüben Bilder mit wenig Kontur gefallen mir besonders! Grüße zum Jahreswechsel aus dem Gebirge. Ernestus.

    1. Ich danke Dir herzlich und wuensche Dir auch schoene Feiertage, lieber Ernestus! da habt ihr viel Schnee, wie es sich zum Weihnachten gehoert, wir hier haben davon leider nur zu traeumen :-)

  12. Roxy:
    La última fotografía, es MI fotografía, una fotografía que tantas veces construí dentro de mi mente, y representó para mí siempre la mejor Venecia, la más hermosa y trágica.
    Un abrazo enorme y los mejores deseos en este nuevo año que está por venir.
    Gracias de verdad, maga...

    1. "la más hermosa y trágica" - en efecto...
      soy feliz de ver que ambos sentimos lo mismo aquí. nos reunimos en este sueño de Venecia :-)
      muchas gracias, Luthien...

  13. Roxy, un abrazo desde el corazón...

    1. un abrazo de aqui tambien, y felices fiestas, Wolfang!
