Friday 21 June 2013

ah, the summer fields (1)

summer dance1

I don't know exactly what a prayer is.

summer dance2

summer dance3

summer dance4

summer dance5

summer dance6

summer dance7

I do know how to pay attention, how to fall down
into the grass, how to kneel down in the grass,
how to be idle and blessed, how to stroll through the fields,
which is what I have been doing all day.
Tell me, what else should I have done?
Doesn't everything die at last, and too soon?

Mary Oliver 
(from The Summer Day)

summer dance8


  1. ah,si cum se imbina totul,si levantica,si macii,si uitarea,somnul,ruga,gandurile mele despre ce inseamna o rugaciune,despre cum este sa atarni levantica de lustra,deasupra patului,langa un saculet cu flori nu stiu cat conteaza daca toate astea vor muri,atata timp cat au trait,cat au trait ASTFEL!:)

    oh,cat am asteptat macii,stiam ca ei vor aduce cu ei uitarea,fara de care uneori nu se poate...plec cu bratele pline,cu pleoapele grele de ei....

    1. ştiam că îţi va plăcea seria asta, aşa s-a potrivit rochiţa lila cu aceste câmpuri, voiam mai mulţi maci dar până la urmă a fost bine şi aşa - maci o să mai vină, însă, ca să fiu patetică, nu numai braţele, pleoapele, ci sângele trebuie să devină plin de ei :-)

  2. after returning from walking in the newly bloomed vetch, yes, then flowers...

  3. hi Roxana, this is soooooooooooo beautiful no she is in no hurry to rush anywhere else she is the princess in wonderland serving tea in cups of red light.
    HUGS to the princess.

    1. the princess is always happy about your wishes and kisses and hugs :-)

      who would be in a hurry on such a meadow!

      bises de juin... :-)

  4. These are beautiful. That has always been my favourite Mary Oliver poem. Grace.

  5. Replies
    1. it is wonderful to contemplate such fields from the train window as well :-)

  6. I do know how to speak when seeing these, how to write other words, how to wish for something else.
    Tell me, what else should I wish for?

    1. maybe togetherness, on such a meadow? those would be very different photos, or maybe something impossible to photograph.

  7. Beautiful match of images to the quotation. Lovely sun-softened tones to the scenes. Such sweet moments...and reminiscent of a dress I once wore every summer until it wore completely out, faded and thin, and full of tender memories. I eventually fashioned a doll from it so that I wouldn't forget.

    1. i adore the story of your dress, i know so well this feeling... is there a photo of that doll, somewhere? :-)

  8. schöne beruhigende farben und ein feld voll harmonie, die harmonie zwischen mensch und natur...
    dir liebe und gute wünsche, prinzessin!
    renée in den wolken schwebend...! :-)

    1. ja, Harmonie, Stille und Freude...

      ich laechle Dir zu, liebste schwebende Freundin :-)

  9. Wonderful images!!
    Love the colours and composition

    1. thank you!!!
      the colours are not a match for the real ones, but then something must be left to the imagination as well :-)

  10. I adore this Oliver poem and I adore these images, the headless woman :) and the bodiless arm that you capture so well and that is in all of my favourite pics of yours!

    1. hahaha

      the berry-arm photo!!! i remember :-) you are right, i tend to take such photos, i hadn't realized that :-)

  11. Mélange subtil des bleus et du rouge... Rien ne meurt et nous ne faisons que passer... la nature ne s'éteint pas en hiver pour renaître au printemps... Nous en avons fait notre façon de penser à travers notre passage... mais ce que représente notre environnement et l'univers ne sont peut-être pas ce que nous croyons qu'ils sont... Alors, je me laisse bercer par cette douce couleur qui éclaire mes yeux... et je ne pense à rien... sauf peut-être à toi Roxana :-)
    Bisous ;-)

    1. oui, face a des questions philosophiques insolubles, il faut mieux se laisser bercer par la beaute des fleurs, par le jeu des nuages (et, oui, peut-etre aussi par le sourire d'une jeune fille qui passe a cote de nous dans la rue, tourne la tete et nous regarde en riant, une seconde, avant de disparaitre dans le mystere du temps :-)

      je t'embrasse, Jeff!

  12. Je me laisse également bercer par ces couleurs et les parfums, me fondre, me dissoudre, sans me poser de questions !
    Amitiés Roxana

  13. Une magnifique série! Vraiment.

    Bravo pour la délicatesse des couleurs

  14. if you do not know exactly what a prayer is then you know what the air looks like around it.)))

    at first i thought this was your daughter. she has such a youthful body. and then i became pulled by the tensions of growing bodies thinking of your daughter, thinking of mine, thinking of us, as we have grown and as we grow into being women. i was startled by the length of your daughter in the photograph. and then i saw your label and realized that this is in fact a woman. i was glad for my confusion. i think it important to not understand when we pass from one state to the other. perhaps it doesn't happen completely ever.


  15. An estival dream of the highest order.

  16. These shots are summer itself: color & light. Well done!
