Saturday 11 August 2012

forget the world



  1. einfach wunderschön, diese "andere" Welt aus Gold und guten Gedanken. Wie gut tut es, hinzugelangen, dorthin, wo die Sonne aufgeht... und es keine Schmerzen gibt! Ein Meisterwerk, liebste Roxana!

  2. Everything in light
    merges with the night.

  3. cateodata mi-ar placea sa indepartez usor ramurile si sa imi intind mainile spre mustul acela de verde;alteori,imi place ,din contra,sa privesc lucrurile asa,printre,sa dantelez suprafetele,sa nu stiu,sa ghicesc,sa augmentez sau sa colorez,sa ma pierd in inchipuire.iar aceste locuri,pe care tu le gasesti si le arati astfel,cred ca le regasim,in mod constant,in spatele genelor noastre,al pleoapelor inchise.sau macar intredeschise,cum spuneam in seara asta intr-un vers:)
    atat cat e nevoie,din fiecare lucru,pentru a fi fericit,macar in privire.cum cantareste draga totul...:)

  4. hello my beautiful friend, it is so wonderful to have this beautiful efflorescence on the bridge.thankyou for another masterpeice.I have enjoyed exploring flowers this summer and it is wonderful dreaming to continue this exploration on our bridge of dreams.
    yes I understand your title forget the world it is beautiful to allow our cares in a languid state to dissolve and get lost in floral pathways and this echoes your last post of dissolution.
    also though we can say it is remembering the world and the beauty that the universe holds for us -yes the macro shot of our heart and mind.
    yes I love this idea that you commented on in the post of dissolution-how you said art exposes subtle states of being and it also reveals states of the mind and heart that cannot be expressed in words but only in the colour palette of the soul...
    somedays I feel that the "I" is fictitious that we are the prevaricators of the universe.
    as when I enjoyed our multicultural festival - on the beautiful banks of our river where cultures and unique colours of music and dress is celebrated but the overriding wind struck feelings is that we are experiencing this festivity together and the very differences that we celebrate dissolve.

    the earth is breathing in lavender

    sending you summer kisses of the soul.

  5. Roxana, these fields are beautiful in color texture and space. (Have you been sneaking into my garden?!)

    The only way to get the world is to forget it and forget it forgetting you. ( :

  6. With your help, I sometimes do, and for that, I'm grateful. These are lovely — the colors restrained and so unusual a combination. And of course, I love the camerawork and depth of field; perfection. I just glanced down and noticed mirae used the words "beautiful efflorescence." That is a great way to put it...

  7. One can forget the world but one cannot forget Roxana.

  8. like a river flowing, gravity drawn
    weightless. . . flawless. . .

  9. Forget the world. Create the world. Beautiful.

  10. "Forget all the World;
    Reminded. What is before
    And what lies beyond.

    Kirika, 1400 CE."

  11. Liebste Renée, ich danke Dir aus dem ganzen Herzen, ich weiss, du verstehst diese reine Freude so gut... Sei ganz lieb umarmt, sanfte Wolkenprinzessin :-)

    myth, sometimes we are afraid of this merging, sometimes we long for it, isn't it?

    draga, da, da, sfâşiaţi între unul şi altul dintre cele două gesturi, dar cât de dulce această sfâşiere :-)

    Madeleine, the earth breathing in lavender, how wonderfully you put it! thank you, dear friend, and yes, you are so right: also though we can say it is remembering the world and the beauty that the universe holds for us, a kind of forgetting through remembering, no? or remembering through forgetting? it is more difficult with words, images are easier to deal with :-)

    mts, no, no sneaking, though if your garden looks like this, i see that i should have! or must, one day! :-)

  12. Michael,
    thank you, it is easy to forget my harsh expressionist side upon seeing these, though it wouldn't be recommended :-)

    oh Stickup, i am most honoured and happy to hear you say this!!!

    anonymous, i wish i could be so sure about this as you seem to be :-)

    tane-mar, this weightlessness, what a wonderful state, isn't it... thank you for understanding, for knowing...

    Sharon, yes, it is always both.

    second anonymous, Kirika's wisdom be hailed!...

  13. one cannot be sure of anything or anyone in this day and age my friend. take it as you will.

  14. Ooh la la! I could definitely forget the world in this miraculous field of flowers. So beautiful, Roxana.
