Thursday 14 June 2012

across the yellow fields of summer



  1. Here, the yellow fields are hay. Once cut, they become fields of big round bales that dot the hillsides like a sculpture garden.

  2. these are rapeseed fields, Dan :-)
    i will try to take pics of hay fields as well, for you, here they gather them into something shaped like a small hut!

    thank you, Sharon.

    i had forgotten the middle part of the series, i updated the post :-)

  3. the screen isn't big enough for these..they should be at least 20 feet long, or maybe that in reality those yellow fields make it here...

  4. Dreamy. But maybe a little sneeze-inducing as well?

    Makes me start humming that lovely Sting song about the fields of gold (even though his are of barley).

    'you'll forget the sun
    in his jealous sky
    as we walk the fields of gold"

  5. (:

    "The fields of Athenry."

  6. numbed, flowers gaze into their non-presence glowing onto their infinite perfection. it is a hindred atmosphere inside each blossoming, an entire universe on each petall, a tear of joy inside evry eye that gazes upon.
    poetry of flowers

  7. wenn Du wüsstest, wie sehr ich mich freue, diese Bilder heute Morgen zu sehen. Sie spenden mir Trost und bringen mir Frieden im Herzen... An solchen Bildern erkennt man Dich, als so besonderen und grossartigen Menschen, liebste Prinzessin (... und Du merkst, ich bin wieder unter den Lebenden... :-)!)!
    Ich danke Dir und schicke Gedanken vom Herzen!

  8. enchanting series! your photography is magical, thank you


  9. Très beau travail Roxana , tu joue avec de petits coups de doigt

  10. cum se simte cu adevarat vara acolo,cu tot aburul,galbenul si intinderile ei nebanuite,cu nemarginirea fierbintelui-si fiecare petala iti mangaie pielea-si,nu stiu cum,iti vine mereu vara sa te uiti departe,tot mai departe peste campuri si zari...

  11. memory, somehow ... a very ancient movement of sunlight ...

  12. I love the smokey, sultry quality of these image!

    Here, the yellow fields are mustard weeds. I like them because they are yellow and delicate, but the community at large feels overrun by them and tries to battle them all the time.

  13. Here Persephone would probably pick flowers patiently.

  14. full of longing, gently swaying ...

  15. ah my beautiful friend, these photographs are so tender and subtle that it leads me to consider that only your magic wand paint brush could conjure them. only you the dream goddess could paint an eternity of springs-as the dawn of the seasons rides its chariot into eternity.(As Flipi notes the non existence of the flower not its decay.)

    wishing you many beautiful summer harvests of the heart and mind.
    je t'embrasse.

  16. oh yes my beautiful friend, I came by to appreciate this masterpeice once more and to reply to your comment yes I agree that poetry comes closer to reality and I think it is because poetry insists on seeing connections that we do not always relate to. a similee and a metaphor is a connection and the rape seed fields this year are an infinite connection to next year's fields and the year's after.this was your visual connection to leave one field uncoloured.yes there is always that wind of eternal breath running through your photos.
    victor hugo said that if I could understand the present I would know the future.
    yes I agree with that!If we could see the myriad connections of life then the future would unfold immediately.
    sending you springtime kisses.

  17. anonymous ONE, i suppose that is a compliment for my fields (or a skillful attempt at asking me to buy you a new, bigger and fancier screen for your computer :-)

    anonymous TWO, thank you for the fields of gold
    (now i know who you are :-)

  18. Lynne, i have never been a sting-fan, but this is really lovely (and so romantic :-)

    anonymous THREE, i had no idea about this song until i heard about that lovely moment during the Spain-Ireland match in Ukraine - but i suppose you have different reasons for remembering it?

  19. Flipi, your comment seems to echo this wonderful - and famous - William Blake poem:

    To see a World in a Grain of Sand

    And a Heaven in a Wild Flower

    Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand

    And Eternity in an hour

    ach, liebste Renée, vielen, ganz vielen Dank DIR, fuer Deine wunderschoenen und so herzigen Worte, die mich so gluecklich machen :-)
    ich umarme Dich

    thank you for the visit and your appreciation, Tanya!

  20. thank you Marion (and lovely, lovely orchid pic, i am telling you again but i have to smile each time i see it :-)

    merci Alain (meme si je trouve qu'en realite, les champs etaient encore plus beaux, impossible a decrire une beaute pareille)

    James, yes, i indeed have the same feeling, something primeval...

  21. Cerasela, da, ce ar fi vara fără câmpuri şi zări :-)

    this is one of the loveliest things said about my pictures!
    (which reminds me that i must continue my mythological series at some point, and of course Persephone is on my list :-)

  22. Stickup, i have never seen mustard fields! yellow and delicate, you say, they must be really lovely as well...

    Madeleine, thank you for your luxurious words of praise, you make me blush :-) as always, i appreciate your original and personal takes on my images, you are right to mention the connectedness which exists everywhere in nature (nature _and_ humans as well), you think of Hugo and i will mention Baudelaire, do you know his poem "Correspondances"?

    La Nature est un temple où de vivants piliers
    Laissent parfois sortir de confuses paroles;
    L'homme y passe à travers des forêts de symboles
    Qui l'observent avec des regards familiers.

    Comme de longs échos qui de loin se confondent
    Dans une ténébreuse et profonde unité,
    Vaste comme la nuit et comme la clarté,
    Les parfums, les couleurs et les sons se répondent.

  23. Très absente ces temps-ci, pardonne-moi. Je redécouvre tes séries magiques. J'aime beaucoup celle-ci, ces parfums nocturnes que j'adore.

  24. A perfect place, I think. I want to be a pony in full discovery there.

  25. J'adore ta façon d'observer les choses et de les capturer dans ton appareil photo !
    Je les aime ces images et je les adore... :-)
