Thursday 1 March 2012

come spring



  1. How strange, the ways which wend between dark and light, begin in the ending. My personal favorite, scented of subtlety itself yet suffused with toxicity, some say of healing, too. One a lily, the other long thought to be, but the thinkers were mistaken. I lie in glades constellated with these blooms' tiny globes, lanterns against the green.

    (These, by the way, are beautiful.)

  2. I feel much better!

    What wondrous flowers. White ones are my favorite and you turned these into works of art.

    Last night my husband picked up the ashes of our Old English Sheepdog, Abby, and brought her home one final time. Along with the box containing what remains he brought a dozen white roses, as white as the white of her fur.....

  3. A magical heartfelt realism here portrays the soul of a single moment...

  4. that colour of blue - i'll never tire of it

  5. Oh, I missed your colors!!!

  6. da,parca toate s-au impletit,azi,intr-o conspiratie a clarului,poate ca nimic nu concureaza primavara in aceasta simbioza de culoare si claritate,ca si cand totul s-ar vrea re-amintit,re-improspatat,re-generat,ca sa folosesc cuvinte din compuneri de gimnaziu:)

    margaritarul,ca o lacrima sau ca un izvor,in mijlocul exaltarilor noastre?aici,acum,nu exista deosebire.

  7. such a still, beautiful longing in the first ... and then the mad burst of the second, like an explosion of cymbals in the quiet of the afternoon ... this spring comes with some force, some joy!!

    i love these :-)

  8. the blue mourned the loss of the red...

  9. the winter here goes so deep, spring has become just a barely-remembered dream. your invocation helps to make it a bit more real.

  10. hi my beautiful friend, great to see another post.
    I enjoyed your comments and it struck me when I quickly read them yesterday that I was preoccupied in a way yesterday with "todessehnsucht" actually I was looking for a gift in a catholic book store that is a long story, anyway I came across some really cool book marks that contained beautiful drawings and the biblical verse to wait patiently for God and I thought of this extensively- would this mean to have to wait for death but then ofcourse God is present in life.... and then you revealed this word that means a yearning for death.....
    as usual the bridge always has something I can relate to.
    I'll be back soon ....

  11. that blue!!!!! (the bluest blue to counter spring blues)

  12. Yes, yes, yes, and yes.

    The eternal yes.

  13. Je reconnais une photo que tu avais eu la gentillesse de m'offrir l'an passé...<3
    Gestation florale...le temps suspendu...toujours.
    Amitiés Roxana

  14. bonjour chère magnifique amie ah oui c'est un autre chef d'oeuvre, quelle sensibilité pousse dans ton jardin de printemps.
    je te remercie pour ce premier gout de printemps parceque ici on a seulement les fleurs blanches en flocons de neige mais dans mon coeur parceque je suis canadienne je trouve le printemps en tout les saisons..

    ah oui quel chef d'oeuvre ce sont les couleurs du printemps mais chère magicienne tu joues avec les éléments de la tension parceque après tout c'est les fleurs de la vie qui sont pleines de tension.
    je vois le bleu magnifique d'une journée ensoleillée mais il n'y a pas de ligne clair entre les couleurs et nos pensé vois le reflet du ciel bleu dans nos larmes et la blanche de l'innocence perdu et enfin le rouge saignant de la naissance.
    c'est magnifique mon amie.
    bises de printemps

  15. wow. cata frumusete! iar eu ma invart pe langa florile pe care le-am primit de 1 martie incercand sa imi dau seama cum as putea sa le arat frumusetea, neputincioasa insa.

    but you, even spring couldn't dare letting you wait. absolutely wonderful!

  16. In the desert, spring is a subtle concept, unless we are fortunate enough to have a good desert wildflower appearance (I'm still waiting). But I remember well the emergence of spring from snowbound landscapes and celebrations of joy of the deepest kind, miraculously bursting forth both internally and externally. As you have communicated in these startling images of just such a process.

  17. why do i think of paris looking at this second photo?

  18. mts, i also have a special fascination with the lily-of-the-valley, and such a beautiful name it has, too, both in english and in romanian... thank you for transplanting them in your world, by the way :-)

    Lydia, i am so very sorry to hear about your loss... i am glad that the Bridge and these tiny flowers could make you feel a little better.

  19. Prospero,
    and this coming from the magician of all gardens, i am overwhelmed with joy! :-)

    this is what always matters to me, the soul of a single moment, you've said it - if a day passes without the revelation of a single soul like this, then it is lost...

    swiss, ah your blue! :-)

    Emese, draga mea
    and i always miss Eve and the sun thief :-)

    Cerasela, ce ciudat că l-ai numit mărgăritar, eu niciodată nu-i spun aşa, de ce oare e binecuvântată floarea asta cu două nume atât de frumoase fiecare, iar altele sunt condamnate la, nu ştiu, "ochiul boului"??? :-)
    (măcar să fi fost ochiul taurului haha)

    James, i so love it, when spring comes like this, gentle-widely :-)

    anon, yes, i know. but after the mourning there comes red again, yet it is never the same red, is it?

  20. manu, i am so very happy that you came and looked and wrote!!!
    yes, i can imagine how this is only a distant dream in white-cold canada, but dreaming has its beauty too, no? (i am just trying to cheer you up :-)

    Madeleine, thank you for sharing the coincidence about 'Todessucht', i am humbled by the fact that the Bridge plays such an important part in your intellectual, spiritual and artistic world, i can't stop being amazed about that! :-)
    no, snow is still here with us, in the gardens and sometimes on the road sides as well, and there is no buds to be seen yet. but soon, soon - ah et j'ai vu deux perce-neiges dans le jardin de ma mere, timidement sortis de la neige, quelle vue magnifique! alors j'ai pense a toi :-)
    a hug!!!

    a blue spring-joke, thank you!!! :-)

    Owen, the 'eternal yes' would be too heavy for my tiny frail flowers, i am afraid, but i would take the joy behind it any time :-)

  21. tres chere Plum', tu t'en souviens?! ah, merci, belle amie, delicate comme le muguet, je sais combien tu l'adore, toi-aussi...

    vreau să văd acele flori, nu te mai ascunde după pretexte neavenite, auzi, neputincioasă, tu!!! (especially when you have just posted such a flowery masterpiece yourself!)

    Stickup, yes, you have the advantage of having experienced both springs, but i can only imagine what this might mean in a desert... luckily i have your wonderful photos to show me! (i still remember some flowers from last spring, these are from last spring as well, lilies of the valley are not yet in bloom here).


    how could i know, tell me!

  22. Liebste Roxana,
    diese Gemälde sind wunderschön, die Farben, das Licht, ein Paradies,... sie bringen Sonne auch ins Herz...!
    Dir alles Liebste! Gute Nacht!

  23. The graceful, yet so poisonous lily of the valley. An ode to a tainted dream?. Great colors & contrasts at play.

  24. I love the first one, Mediterranean blues and whites. Spring is such a joy this year, I feel I missed it last year.

  25. J'aime tellement tes photos peintures Roxana..c'est beau ..
    Des œuvres d'art ma Chère..:)
