I injured a butterfly
in a dream.
And now I don't know what to do
to keep from dreaming about it again.
Another butterfly
came close to me while I was awake:
it was the same butterfly.
Perhaps a pact
between dreaming and waking will keep me
from recognizing
any other butterfly in the future.
Or mutilated by a dream now
I can only see
that single butterfly.
Roberto Juarroz
tr. Mary Crow
in a dream.
And now I don't know what to do
to keep from dreaming about it again.
Another butterfly
came close to me while I was awake:
it was the same butterfly.
Perhaps a pact
between dreaming and waking will keep me
from recognizing
any other butterfly in the future.
Or mutilated by a dream now
I can only see
that single butterfly.
Roberto Juarroz
tr. Mary Crow

Lastimé una mariposa
durante un sueño.
Y no sé ahora cómo hacer
para no soñarla de nuevo.
Otra mariposa
se me acercó despierto:
era la misma mariposa.
Tal vez un pacto
entre el sueño y la vigilia
me impida en adelante
reconocer otra.
O mutilado por un sueño
ya sólo puedo ver
esa única mariposa.
durante un sueño.
Y no sé ahora cómo hacer
para no soñarla de nuevo.
Otra mariposa
se me acercó despierto:
era la misma mariposa.
Tal vez un pacto
entre el sueño y la vigilia
me impida en adelante
reconocer otra.
O mutilado por un sueño
ya sólo puedo ver
esa única mariposa.
Tu inventezi culori...
ReplyDeleteE x c e l e n t!!!!!
ReplyDeletecolour!!! lovely
ReplyDeleteein Wunder fast dieses Bild, es ist Schönheit, Herrlichkeit, Sonne und Freude für mich, und deshalb will das "mutilated" doch nicht so recht in meinen Kopf hinein. Ist der Schmetterling des Dichters nicht eher schwarz und weiss und ist er nicht eher etwas unheimlich und fast störend? Für mich ist Dein Schaffen doch eher die zarte Deutung und Verbindung zwischen Traum und Wirklichkeit, die es ja auch gibt, denn sicher ist es ein Fehler letztere radikal zu trennen... oder ist Dein Schmetterling gar die Erfüllung eines Traumes... ja, das ist er für mich! Ach, so wunderschön!!
ReplyDeleteGedanken der Freundschaft sende ich Dir, liebste Roxana!
the second, the moment of rapture, or 'fana', the moment when there are, simply, no more moments.
ReplyDeleteTrès joli rêve tout en couleur.
ReplyDeletefragilitatea cuvintelor nu e întrecută decât de plastică imaterială a albastrului (parcă sunt de la revista de critică literară... :P) şi de viaţa culorilor de acolo.
ReplyDeletelumea spiriduşilor şi a zânelor, întrezărită prin elitrele vibratorii ale unui metamorf infinit de frumos.
Coucou Belle Amie..
ReplyDeleteComme j'aime ces deux photos ..Un rêve léger et haut en couleur...c'est incroyable de beauté , tu sais...comme une caresse de soie sur la joue d'un enfant...les couleurs sont sublimes...c'est du grand art..et je suis fan..
J'espere que tu vas bien,je t'embrasse tendrement,et je te remercie pour ce moment de grâce et de pure joie..
A bientot Roxana..passe une bonne fin de weekend..:o)
Such magnificent startling beauty! I love the gorgeously saturated colours--the hot and cold--and exquisitely captured movement. If this is mutilation, I beg to be crushed with it again and again.
ReplyDeleteIt hardly seems possible that one person could radiate so much sheer, shining beauty, and yet you do, over, and over, keeping us spellbound, mesmerized, hypnotized, fascinated... what would we do without you, dear Roxana ? Cher papillon...
ReplyDeletece imagini - ca jocurile copilariei mele cu tempera.
ReplyDeletem-au cutremurat. atat de frumoase si puternice. insa pentru mine versurile nu merg cu imaginile, dar doar pentru mine.
imaginile acestea, fluturii, culorile atat de puternice, aproape agresive, ma duc in copilarie cand faceam fluturi din tempera intre hartii presate si le puneam apoi pe pereti. in camera mirosea puternic a vopsea si a aracet si eu asteptam sa se usuce folile pana sa ating aripile fluturilor. era un timp nesfarsit intre bataile acelea de aripi.
impossibly beautiful, not only these colors, which would be more than enough, but the magic of this encounter, the moment when breath is only the beating of such soft wings ....
ReplyDeletece titlu inspaimantator, aproape n-am indraznit sa click pe el sa vad post-ul. si ce puternice poze, ma prind si nu ma mai lasa...
ReplyDeleteastea sunt pozele cu fluturi la care lucrezi de multa, multa vreme? parca tin minte ca le-am mentionat odata intr-un comment.
ce mai faci? te imbratisez!
whew !! quite blown away by those colours ....
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness, these are beautiful, Roxana. You know I love you black-and-white work, but the super-saturated colour here is transfixing. And of course the visual poetry is still there.
ReplyDeleteHello dear Roxana,
ReplyDeletedespués de un tiempo sin tiempo ni espacio para cuidar del jardin de las ondas, me acerco al tuyo y aparecen niñas, peces y mariposas en un esplendor inigualable.
Acercarme a tus regalos es como llenar de oxígeno las células que se encargan de la belleza y el arte.
Gracias por tanto....
Mil besos****
eu nu am stiut niciodata prea bine sa decelez intre fluturii din vis si cei de la trezire,desi adesea,cand ma trezesc dimineata,aripile lor mi se asaza pe fata si ma inchid,sfioasa,in povestea visului intunecos.dar stiu ca tu ai,aici,toata linistea lor invoalta,freamatul ridicarii cu trupul din vis,ca si incremenirea genelor
ReplyDeleteJe connais bien le papillon car il me cause bien des soucis en ce moment même...:) Mais bon...
ReplyDeleteCes deux images ont des couleurs d'un autre monde ! Je suis "baba" devant ces couleurs riches et divinement belles ! Encore j'ai envie de te dire !...:)
Tu es une artiste qui parle au coeur...:)
Je t'adresse mes amitiés et mon coeur de soi-disant poète... à ces heures....
J'aime !
They sat on a bench, surrounded by the dim wit of a mimosa grove (a remarkable coincidence or a purely inchoate act - one will never know), and he began to analyse her dreams (for she was garullous and spoke freely that day). Butterflies, said he steepling his fingers, are symbolic of transformation. Have you been undergoing some sort of change lately? Are you kidding me with this dream mumbo-jumbo? But wait, now that you mention it... Will you tell me? No (her garrulousness disappeared as the soul-piercing sound of a butterfly's wings stops upon repose)!
ReplyDeletegorgeous :)
ReplyDeletebeautiful Roxana, what a beautiful dreamscape,the colours are so enchanting and beautiful it is as if they are not part of the visible light sprectrum but the vision belongs to the third eye, the deepest recesses of the heart-perhaps a pact between dreaming and waking.
ReplyDeletebises volantes et coloriées du coeur.
Such amazing camera work and processing! Startlingly beautiful. Now I can imagine how Alice felt when she entered Wonderland! Once again, the originality of camerawork and presentation blows me away...
ReplyDeleteroxana, i wish you could take a photo of my garden and somehow-magically-make it come to life as well.
ReplyDeletenu se poate, ce minunatii!
ReplyDeleteGorgeous imagery.
ReplyDeleteBelo...belo !!!!!
ReplyDeleteAND to think about the evangilistical midnight blues of the text and the image of one divine song of the blues
ReplyDeleteso it becomes the double edged wound of hurting others and mutilating your own dreams because hurting others causes suffering to the self yet it is inevitable because we don't live in a socially antiseptic environment and the psychological tool to recognize that the aggressor is suffering,
or the irridescence of the fluttering butterfly of the heart struck on the note of brilliant blues and that butterfly being the transformation to freedom growth and the indurated attitude of the self to recognize the transformative potential of the delerious dream, the heart fluttering and so the continuing of the caterpillar like groveling in cement
sending you beautiful springtime butterfly kisses my excellent chère amie.
(and I have moved into an urban forest and I am enjoying the liberating air now to listen for the fluttering of wings in my heart)
thankyou for another masterpeice
ReplyDeletedetest la fel de mult ca tine gâzele-macro, aşa că de obicei fug de insecte în general, macro sau nu - dar la fluturii ăştia nu am rezistat, eram în casa fluturilor din Viena şi m-au cucerit. numai că eram îndoită în privinţa fotografiilor, le am din vara trecută şi am tot amânat -însă mi-am zis că dacă poate ceva să le salveze, sunt culorile, şi atunci le-am inventat :-)
Gabriel, mulţumesc!
swiss, your fascination with colour, i know i know, i am also guilty of it sometimes :-)
liebste Renée, gute Frage, wie der Schmetterling des Dichters aussehen sollte, wer kann das sagen, ausser wenn er selbst die Feder mit dem Pinsel tauscht :-) ich denke, ich habe mit den Bildern gegen diesen Gedanken der Verstuemmelung zu kaempfen versucht, um zu zeigen, dass die Magie des Schmetterlings an nichts kaputt gehen kann...
ich umarme Dich ganz lieb und melde mich bald bald!!! :-)
anon, if only my pictures could really show the un-showable, the fana...
ReplyDeletebut thank you for suggesting that they might...
Celine, merci de tout coeur pour ta visite et tes mots d'appreciation!
Flipi, ce frumos ar fi dacă am putea să ne simţim tot timpul în lumea spiriduşilor şi a zânelor, cum preaminunat zici :-)
Clo, ta presence ici est toujours, pour moi, comme une caresse de soie :-) merci de tout coeur pour ton enthousiasme et ta sensibilite, chere amie des fleurs et des tout petits, soient-ils enfants ou insectes (je pense a ta serie du jardin, quelle coincidence qu'on ait montre des choses similaires en meme temps :-)
haha Lynne, you are exquisite, i am still laughing about this: If this is mutilation, I beg to be crushed with it again and again.
ah Owen, you flatter me, what else could i do now if not fluttering around and blushing and smiling? :-)
Cristina, mulţumesc pentru comentariu, da, ştiu de ce spui că nu merg împreună, însă eu chiar asta am căutat, victoria abolută asupra acelei mutilări, fluturi din vis pe care nimic nu-i poate atinge...
yes, James, this encounter seems magic, doesn't it? yet i feel - and i know you feel that too, more intensely than me - that every such encounter is magic, even that with humble bugs and mosquito, i remember Issa:
burning mosquitoes--
in the paper lamp
my dear one's face
(even dead mosquitoes!)
Manu, da da, ele sunt pozele, ţi-ai amintit
ReplyDeletenu că lucrez de mult la ele, dar nu am găsit starea şi modul în care să le public, plus că vin tot timpul noi serii până să apuc să le prelucrez pe cele vechi şi mă entuziasmez pentru altceva de fiecare dată, i really should stop taking so many pics haha.
scriu curând, ştiu ştiu!!!
fff, can you really be blown away by bright colours? :-)
Neil, so glad that you came to visit!!! and you even loved my coloured butterflies, i am so happy! so you have etchings with butterflies?
Ofelia, i am excited to find you here again, thank you very much for your enthusiastic words, querida amiga!
mille besos!!!
draga mea draga, Cerasela, cum ştii tu să transformi întreaga lume în adierea aripilor unui fluture...
ah Jeff, merci de tout coeur pour tes commentaires, pour avoir pris le temps de regarder mes series anciennes et mes videos, ca m'a beaucoup touchee! et j'aime bien t'imaginer 'baba' devant ces images, je ne conaissais pas cette expression et maintenant je m'amuse a m'imaginer ton visage baba :-)
je t'embrasse comme d'habitude, Jeff le Fidele! :-)
Stickup-Alice, i was afraid butterfly pictures would be too banal, after all this is such a cliche topic, there are millions of butterfly pics on the net - but then i hoped the colours could save me :-)
Prospero, delightful Nabokov-take, i suppose this is a pastiche of: 'In a nervous and slender-leaved mimosa grove at the back of their villa we found a perch on the ruins of a low stone wall. Through the darkness and the tender trees we could see arabesques of lighted windows which, touched up by the colored inks of sensitive memory, appear to me now like playing cards— presumably because a bridge game was keeping the enemy busy.'
(i saw this connection in a dream, by the way :-)
ps. is there a verb like 'to pastiche', in English?
thanks, Marion :-)
ReplyDeleteMadeleine, i always like your comments, but this time i particularly savoured them, i am so happy you took the challenge and really interpreted the butterflies in connection with the poem, through the poem, i think most people were so taken with the butterflies that they forgot about the poem, or simply didn't like it :-)
your wonderful spring kisses have reached here, i will return them soon, and for now a fragrant thank you :-)
je t'embrasse de tout coeur!
anon, what garden are you talking about? why is it dead?
Simona, ce mă bucur că-ţi place! :-)
Suze, thanks for visiting and for your kind words!
Adelino, thank you so much!
So beautiful! Lavish! Rich! ALIVE!!!
ReplyDeletewhy is it dead: lack of care or attention, I guess. A garden only lives in the presence of others-otherwise it returns to being a wilderness, a dream that no-one has.
ReplyDeletehave a good sunday (or whatever day it is there)
is there a verb...
ReplyDeleteto postmodernize.
(i saw that in a dream)
Ces images vont rester avec moi, dans ma tête, tandis que je vais écrire le poème que j'ai l'intention d'écrire depuis si longtemps. Une ode à un papillon.
ReplyDeleteEt si tu et demandes pourquoi je t'écris ce commentaire en français, c'est parce que je ne peux pas trouver un moyen plus délicat d'appeler cet animal majestueux que de le nomer "papillon". De l'autre côté tu as trouvé un moyen extraordinaire de le capturer dans une image.
Natalia, merci, de tout coeur, tu m'as fait sourire maintenant :-)
ReplyDeleteas-tu deja une image pour cette ode du papillon que tu vas ecrire? sinon, je veux t'en offrir une, je pense avoir encore quelques photos de papillons... en tout cas, j'attends de te lire!!!