Tuesday, 11 March 2014

i have always wanted

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i had always wanted to see everything, in every detail possible, and to hold on to what was seen.  
(oh and how unabated and fiery i was in my passion)

it was only in the end that i realized that grace was to be found somewhere else 
(if it could be found at all).

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  1. Kafka was saying this about drawing: "These drawing are the remains of an old, deep-rooted passion. That’s why I tried to hide them from you…. It’s not on the paper. The passion is in me. I always wanted to be able to draw. I wanted to see, and to hold fast to what was seen. That was my passion.”
    - perhaps having a camera feeds such a passion of seeing, even more than drawing, while in the same time trivializing it so that even the act of seeing becomes distorted - or somehow _less_ than it would have been without it. i am wondering...

  2. ...for me yes less to both, there is a gain in less, seeing is only one side of knowing...and yet.

    1. one needs so much wisdom to be able to see "gain in less" :-) here the zen aesthetics is a good school...

  3. you are the prettiest sherlock holmes this side of the Danube.

    1. which side of the danube? and how do you know? where do you reside, anon? hm!
      a mystery for even the prettiest sherlock holmes, that's for sure!

    2. this side.

  4. hello beautiful Roxana HUGS.thankyou for another thought provoking masterpeice.
    I too have experienced that in my past to try to experience everything and hold onto it.
    but the beauty of the universe lies in the profound singularity of the moment. doesn't it? I am certain that this is just not my dream haha.but a multiplicity of dreams well this is deceitful haha.but it is my dream for today.

    1. yes, you are right, but one can't help being constantly torn by this, no? i think we wouldn't have any art if it were not for this tearing, this desire to somehow hold on

      je t'embrasse chere madeleine!

  5. my dear, dar eu traiesc in senzatia ca tu chiar vezi totul,si in detaliu,si panoramic, si m-am intrebat mereu cum de este posibil,si intotdeauna m-am gandit ca, daca poti vedea asa,atunci asta trebuia sa fie Gratia...
    a doua are cel mai frumos crochiu al unor buze pe care l-am vazut eu,iar antepenultima,pentru mine,spune totul,cand mai este ceva de spus,pana la granita dizolvarii inevitabile.
    nu exista dezordine; exista doar momente intretaiate,iar apoi, ineluctabil , curgerea frunzelor in eter (chiar daca uneori mainile noastre tremura).

    1. vorbeam ieri şi ziceam că mi s-a spus că am cele mai frumoase buze (singurul lucru de care sunt mândră haha) şi am citat asta, ce ai spus tu aici :-)

      da, cheia este probabil să nu fim absorbiţi în tremurul mâinilor, aşa încât să ajungem să nu mai vedem nimic în rest... dar este greu de evitat, uneori :-)

  6. we can see only as much at any given time (no matter how close we are, or how hard we focus), i suppose.
    tomorrow we see more. your series here are mesmerizing, your thoughts soul-stirring. thank you.

    1. and your presence here is a gift to me, Tanja, i wish you could really see that (and my smile :-)

  7. for days i have been coming to see this, you, your story and passion, your relenting toward grace, and i have struggled to say something. i realize today that i can't say anything. i only touch you.

    (and in touching you something in me shudders alive. i don't mean with my touch for it to come back to me but it does! this is a surprise.)


    1. i long for such an encounter, such touch.

      i don't know what else to say, either. touching is so vital, sometimes it does what no words can do.
      (and touching can also happen beyond the body, that is why these words are not just words)

  8. Hermosas fotos, Roxana...
    Cada día un poco más, cada día más cerca de la sensibilidad desnuda y simple. La simpleza como la mayor sofisticación, donde lo posible parece alejarse cada vez más de la realidad. Un crimen imperdonable sería no poder disfrutar todo esta belleza...

    1. Luthien, el Puente es muy agradecido por estas palabras, si supieras!
      me has hecho feliz, estoy sonriendo :-)

  9. I'm like this shots. Roxana best B/N
