Wednesday, 29 January 2014

by the light pond

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~~~ and yet dawn and sunset seem to be one, and we seem to live our lives backwards, as it were, shadow upon shadow upon shadow 
and it doesn't matter whether we ask endless questions or none at all 
so let us all play 
play now~~~

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  1. so many things come to mind, i'm not sure which is first, but most definitely i think of the playful philosophies of Alan Watts.

    and to speak to the play of body, this quote from Rilke, ``Physical pleasure is a sensual experience no different from pure seeing or the pure sensation with which a fine fruit fills the tongue; it is a great unending experience, which is given us, a knowing of the world, the fullness and the glory of all knowing.``

    and then because of the intuitive openness of this shining child, this poem from Philippe Jaccottet:

    The Word Joy (extracts)

    I am like someone digging through mist
    in search of what slips away from mist,
    having heard footsteps just farther on
    and words exchanged by passers-by ...

    (If it grows harder to see what's there, trust the child
    with her wild-rose look...
    He takes a step in the late winter sun
    then catches his breath, tries one more step ...

    He has never been truly hitched to our times
    nor free as one who cavorts in meadows of air,
    his ways are more like those of the mist,
    seeking the little warmth that dispels it.)

    as always so many things draw together here at your hand))))


    1. such a rich and generous comment, erin, filled with so many wonderful glimpses of Joy - i don't know how to thank you...
      i am dreaming of this particular one, right now: trust the child
      with her wild-rose look...
      it stays on my tongue, gives me such unending pleasure and smile :-)

  2. ...questions suspend in air,
    what would play
    the light knows no thing held.

  3. Living is a dream when you make it seem enchanted....

    1. always learning from children to do that :-)

  4. Oh those sweet little beings of light that are on loan to us to remind us of the sheer magic of existence itself...

  5. A thin membrane of light, just enough to whet the senses, to wake the slumbering imagination, to ignite the inner child that lurks and stirs in our bellies, and on a cold, crisp day, enough to alchemically transform the mundane into the sublime, for these are the rare moments that define us, that make us the raving lunatics we really ought to be.

    1. i don't know what to say, except that i silently and joyfully agree with each of your poetic words...

  6. hi my beautiful friend Roxana- yes more beautiful light play. how I love the title light pond- that would be a beautiful metaphor for life and the little princess of the bridge has witnessed it.
    yes again in my dream, in my interpretation I see the calligraphic writing of the universe, this time in the form of the reflections of the branches on the light pond but the writing in this image seems to be so accentuated that I must say yes it doesn't matter if we ask endless questions or none at all- the universe has written and there is really nothing left to add but a bit of playful laughter.
    sending you light kisses my friend.

    1. the universe has written and there is really nothing left to add but a bit of playful laughter.

      if only we could live our lives like this, but most often than not we forget it, and it is such a pity...

      warm hugs, dear Madeleine :-)

  7. si totusi, noi vedem aceasta linie subtire dintre "down" and "sunset", chiar daca este o intrebare fara sfarsit,nu, si putem face cu ea jocuri minunate, aerate sau nu, acel nimb al lucrurilor,care poate disparea in lumina sau in intuneric,ce e drept,insa ,pana la urma,ce este lumina,ce este intunericul?...
    dar mai bine sa ne jucam, am pus multe intrebari,si este, de fapt,acealsi lucru cu tacerea:)

    ( interesant insa ca am scris de curand despre ceva asemanator, un frig pe care incerci sa il impaci luand pulovere maron, cu gandul la lemn, insa cu atat mai mult frigul nu se potoleste, si pare,cumva,dublat de apoi e linia aceea dintre frigul de rugina si puloverul asemanator, dar aceea unoeri,iarna,ingheata-apoi dadeam in altceva, oricum:) 0si nu era ea aici,sa imi aminteasca de Joc:) )

    1. da, cred că este imperios să punem toate aceste întrebări, dar la fel de imperios este şi să ştim să le întoarcem spatele, pufnind în râs, ca măreaţa kiki :-)

  8. ps the little princess of light looks so sweet in her tuque and winter attire. the kids look like a little breed of animals in their own right haha when they are dressed up in their winter clothing haha.
    HUGS to you both.

    1. yes those tuques with pom-poms are so funny :-)

      (i had to learn a new word, tuque :-)

    2. really? you have such a beautiful command of the english language it is as if you are a native speaker of english. and that is when people give themselves away that they are not native speakers when they get stumped on a simple word although words can only be used in particular regions.anyway aah a new word. well christ I hope I spelled it right haha.
      I was having coffee with this new guy in our poetry circles and he speaks spanish also and he told me he was a native speaker of english and I said you are putting me on because he doesnt know what the word orgy means.haha.he musn't be a native speaker of english.I remember once you told me you had only used english for five years.

  9. I wonder, how you managed the edges of light around the child? I have shot a lot of silhouettes lately as I've been to the beaches and because I'm on the Pacific in California, alway shoot into the sun. No such phenomena! The special play, tone, and drama of winter light in childhood is deep within memory and bittersweet in my adulthood...

    1. that's a bit of cheating :-) i use Lightroom and there is a kind of brush there to selectively darken and lighten spots on the image, so i darkened everything around except the contour lines. it was just a bit of fun to make her look like a light imp :-)
