Wednesday, 10 July 2013


My songs were lit with summer-blue
And grew dark on their return.

Meine Lieder trugen des Sommers Bläue
Und kehrten düster heim.

Else Lakser-Schüler, tr. by Felix de Villiers


  1. exquisite :-) i can't find other words ... a painting more beautiful than a painting ...


    1. :-) this blue vase is a gift from a friend, who obviously knows me well, i am completely in love with it... i constantly have petunias in it, and it sits on my window sill, and both the petals and the glass grow translucent in the lght, seem to absorb it somehow... i spend hours circling around it... the petunias constantly change their position as well, turning around, moving - this too makes me breathless! i know i sound like a child now, but i can't contain my excitement, how silly :-)

    2. oh, what do you say about the translation? how would you have had it? :-)

    3. we should all be such children, so alive to beauty :-)

      i will think about the translation and come back ...


  2. Stunning images! I especially love the first one. Painterly and real at the same time and brimming with life. That blue glass is exquisite!

    I've recently become fascinated with making pictures of stems in water through glass vases. One day I will get around to sharing them. Happy to see another such aficionado.

    1. yesss!!!

      i am happy to find encouragement for my new (or not so new) obsession here!!! :-)

  3. die bilder sind wunderschön, eine positive kraft und herrlichkeit geht von ihnen aus und der text möchte so gar nicht zu ihnen passen...! alles liebste von renée

    1. die zwei Zeilen sollten den Uebergang von der Herrlichkeit des Tags zur naechtlichen Melancholie ausdruecken, so dass ich eine Transition vom ersten zum zweiten Bild habe - vielleicht war das nicht der beste Weg, aber... ich hatte kein anderes Gedicht, und die Zeilen haben mir sehr gefallen :-)

  4. hello beautiful Roxana ah how I love these colours bright blue and pink flowers with drops of sunlight.and the play of the glass and light on this blue planet and there is so much beauty even in the dark return and oh I see vectors in the stem as if the direction has been mapped out by the winds of fate. which puts me totally in a dream state here without any objectivityhaha.

    anyway I just typed up a couple of lines in signing up for an electronic image haha and I said one of my favourite passtimes is extemporaneous light exploration which is very much like your attraction to the light play here that you are so intrigued by.

    have another beautiful sky blue day my friend. and thankyou for another masterpeice and this exquisite light play of colour thoughts and feelings.
    sending you pale blue light kisses.

    1. i am also fascinated with these colours and the play of light taking place on my window sill :-) i have a petunia which is constantly blossoming so i can change the flowers after some time, and keep the delight going :-)

      sending you colourful kisses back!

  5. nu mi se par,asa cum ai spus candva, niste fotografii decorative-decat,poate,daca intr-un fel toata viata noastra din anumite clipe am inchina-o decoratiilor,daca ne-am hotari sa mobilam lumea cu visele-noastre-si-atat. cu visele noastre albastre si ne-am intoarce dupa soare,si am sta doar langa el,traind in acele castele mici din sticla.daca am hotari sa fim translucizi si atat,copii translucizi,daca vrei:)

  6. oh Manu!!!

    ce mai faci? unde esti?


  7. da, într-adevăr, ştiu că nu ar trebui să gândesc decoraţiile peiorativ, e o luptă în mine! :-)
    am alte vaze să-ţ arăt, curând curând!!!

  8. I could just bathe in this blue.
