Saturday, 29 June 2013

however sullied

go to: however series


  1. gosh, i hope that wasn't you after the shower!

    1. oh that was me indeed, but after dying my hair with henna :-)

  2. For some reason or another, this almost made me want to cry...but I don't know why....

    1. yes, without the context, it is chilling, as Stickup said. i have to struggle to remember the context to resist that chilling effect myself.

  3. :) e ciudat,poate,pentru altii,dar pe tine nu te va mira: am facut niste fotografii vineri in baie-e adevarat,ma incitasera cele de la dusul tau,mi-au placut asa de mult,iar eu voiam de multa vreme sa scriu despre cada de baie:)-si am facut cateva,sunt in aparat,insa mi se pare ca aici sunt...facute de tot,completate,henna-este henna,nu?- a terminat ceea ce doar incepusem,si as vrea sa fiu acolo,intre suvitele care s-au imbaiat in henna,luand tot ce este frumos si stralucitor-dupa care sa cobor acolo,in cada...


    (si inca ceva:cand ma uitam zilele trecute pe blogul tau,imi lipsea inca o piesa in however...:) )

    1. da, si lui m, el e mare fan al lui however :-)

  4. Stark, traces. Emptied vessel. Hull, husk, shell. What is tainted about this, though?

    1. No longer tainted, but sullied. A world of difference.

    2. yes. and there is the "however" there, as well :-)

  5. There is so much drama in that slide of the shower head along the surface...and a sense that something just happened. Not necessarily murderous, but a wound, or a monthly occurrence.

    1. myth, it is a photo that i love very much myself, though maybe it is a different style than my usual, more contemporary, as someone said :-)

  6. hi beautiful Roxana, you know I always think of new ways of viewing the world when I am in your journals.I am heading for a concept crash I had better fasten my seat belt hahaha.

    well this is very powerful art.I have said before that white can render the horrific.I just feel like dreaming a dream where someone is screaming here.
    and I have thought of a concept crash haha. well this idea of cleansing the mind and this idea of rebirth well I challenge this notion. there isnt such a thing as cleansing the mind of thoughts or thoughts of deeds -matter can neither be created nor destroyed-well here is the reason for the scream - it must be the splitting of the mind, the removal of the deed from the conscious mind but it is still there echoing in the scream echoing in the scrimmage of thoughts and the real scrubber is the mind split leaving the ego prostate in a sink full of blood.

    hahaha. it should be halloween.I hope you don't mind my raw interpretation is these thought provoking images.

    nonetheless beautiful Roxana, have a gorgeous summer day. sending you grateful kisses when we don't go through an intense moral upheaval then the mind split isnt necessary haha.

    1. but the idea of cleansing, the necessity of it, is inseparable with that of sin, of being sullied, one way or another. those who have studied the theories of symbols, and how archetypes work in the imagination, say that this longing for cleansing, for purity, is deeply embedded in our psyche, from the beginning...

      kisses back, dear Madeleine :-)

    2. hi♥. well I agree my friend totally with what you say that the cleansing is inseparable from that of sin.and yes it is deeply embedded in our psyche.but I don't think you followed what I said I guess I didnt make it clear lady macbeth regardless of how hard we try to wash away the blood stained hands not all the perfumes of arabia could do that. so what I am trying to say is that there may be an apparent cleansing but the force of the sin lingers on.we think it is cleansed but it is not it is merely the mind split in much the same way that the mind buries a trauma.
      at the time I thought that this was such a novel idea but ofcourse it is basic psychology that subconscious forces exist that repression is never complete.
      but I guess the reason why I felt this idea was novel was that I mean a definition of the horrific is the screaming out of these forces of these sins that cannot be erased in a certain world and they spin the wheel of karma in a terrifying way.yes that is what I meant now it is clearer to me so I hope it is clearer to the outside world.


  7. and oh what a way for raphaellae an angel to be speaking.heaven counts on redemption that is its basic foundation, whithout this foundation it crumbles and falls. haha - the good news is well- sometimes.

  8. Chilling! When driving across the United States from my home in Philadelphia, PA to California, I stopped at many places; one of which was Hot Springs, Arkansas. We took a tour of an old Bath House/Spa. It reminded me more of something you'd see at a creepy old mental institution. I guess what I'm trying to say is that this stirs up in me the same "uncomfortable" emotions.

    1. i know what you mean. yes, and it is hard for us to get to the bottom of those "uncomfortable emotions", to understand why we tend to react like this, because there are so many unconscious layers in this reaction. maybe the matter-of-factness of the shot has to do with it as well...

  9. hi my beautiful friend, actually I was just writing a couple of words off line about my above comment. well I was being very extreme as I was analyzing the nth degree for my argument because at times I get frustrated by concepts because I see their limitations.

    but in a more relaxing way yes there will always be cleansing of sins but my stand is you can never completely wash away the action of a sin because we can't go back in time and eliminate the action of sinning.but yes you can give the sin less force by hiding it away from the mind and you can redeem yourself redeem the sin through acts of kindness and remorse and this goes a looooooooong way but in my opinion it will never be completely eliminated in a really strict analytical way.

    HUGS my friend♥

    I love using words,I create worlds using words but sometimes I feel the pitfalls of can get stuck in the mire of definitions and concepts and some people may say well why bother with this kind of strict analysis what difference does it make to anyones life/.to our reality, this word play is like playing chess but it is not like a wizard's chess in harry potter where life is put on the line it is just a dry game. but then today I considered well the world's a better place to have these discussions after all we are discovering how the mind works and all of its limitations and in the final analysis this can make a difference to the kind of worlds we create.
    anyway just an optimistic thread and thumbs up for philosophy!
