Sunday 26 June 2011

elegy for the last poppies

Sage – wie ich bin?
Überall wollen Blumen aus mir.

Else Lasker

tell me - what am i?
everywhere, flowers want to burst from me.



  1. wow, Michael, merc!!!

    i cannot help smiling at the way your comments arrived one after the other, and echoing each other :-)

    thank you, i don't know what to say, you make me blush like these poppies.

  2. Bonsoir Douce Amie...
    Excuse S'il te plait ce long silence..Je ne voudrais pas que tu penses que j'aurai pu un instant t' suis passée m’asseoir sur le banc ..j'ai joué avec les ombres et puis avec le puis je suis repartie sans sais , c'est pas très gentil,de ne même pas laisser quelques mots..mais je n'avais pas vraiment la tête dans notre joli monde quand je laisse un commentaire ici,j'aime qu'il soit vraiment fidèle a ce que ressent mon coeur,mon esprit,mes sens...j'aime trop ton travail pour ne pas prendre le temps de l’honorer comme il se doit..:o)c'est vrai je t'assure..
    Ce message et ces dernières images,je serai tentée de dire peintures,sont si belles que ma poitrine s'est serrée en contemplant autant de beauté ...j'aime beaucoup ce que tu nous offres..des toiles de Maître très chère..:)
    Tu as une façon de photographier les coquelicots qui est unique..♥ et j'adore ça...
    Mille tendres pensées ..:o)

  3. If I may produce a variation on the theme... please permit me to say that these are both... stunning and perfect.

    Perfect and stunning, they have entranced me. Will you then snap your fingers to bring me back from this lovely dream... or shall I linger here forever ?

  4. ah ma chère magnifique très belle amie Roxana, j'adore cette série de chef d'oeuvre,comme tout vos oeuvres de l'art ces photos continnent les nuances exquis des émotions.
    Dans la première phot c'est un ciel bleu, dans la deuxième photo c'est un ciel saignant,dans la troisième photo c'est un ciel d'espoir en rose abusée.
    et toujours les coquelicots en rouge frappantes, comme une flamme de nos désirs, de nos souffrances de nos joie et toujours sous un ciel sombre apprivoisant...

  5. ah ma belle amie excellente, quelle beaux coïncidence,quand tu as fait ta poste sur les fleurs des cerisiers j'ai juste fait les photos abstraites des fleurs,et pendant la poste sur les bancs je concentrait sur les bancs près de ma place qui était collant peut etre a cause du sève ou un mickey haha, et puis j'ai juste photographié les spectaculaires coquelicots enflammés dans le jardin de mon gratte ciel.Ce sont les coquelicots de l'oriente.-très haut
    Il y a une vielle femme qui s'est toujours agenouillés dans le jardin des fleurs pendant les heures et j'ai dit que son jardinage c'est comme une prière, et quelle récompense pour elle et les admirateurs de voir pousser ces coquelicots
    En tout cas j'ai fait des photos des coquelicots juste hier et je viens ici pour voir ta magie des coquelicots.
    quelle harmonie entre notre monde

    je t'envoie les bises de coquelicots.
    et aussi pour nous en canada et en angleterre il y a toujours une profonde souffrane associés aux coquelicots parceque elles représente la mort des soldats pendant la deuxième guerre mondiale.

    Merci c'est spectaculaire!

  6. ein Traum, wie schön und gut für meine Augen. Glück und Hoffnung verspüre ich jetzt und Entspannung...! Ich liebe diese Bilder sehr. Sehr!
    Alles Liebste Dir, Prinzessin!

  7. these poppies, in the morning, evening, and night of our lives are so wonderful. another generalization, but there you go. without knowing a particular poppy we have to fall back on words.

  8. I would think
    it less
    about the flower
    and more
    the reason why
    a thing
    is born
    to blossom
    and only then,
    to die.
    I suppose
    we are one
    the flower
    and me,
    a fleeting
    endless sea.

  9. i believe that never before have i seen such opacity, such teetering on the point of existence, and that now, upon further reflection, i seem to see still more opacity, still more teetering on the point of existence.

  10. J'aime beaucoup les coquelicots et ceux-là sont sublimés par ton regard. Superbe !

  11. in awe before these

    these poppies at their moment of disappearance burn on the horizon of day and vision, of thought and dark passion, the first dreams of night becoming real as they deepen in their colors ... elegies that remember the passage beyond time ...

  12. and they seem lit as though with an inner fire, almost as if they were some sort of ... magic lanterns...

  13. my favourite kind of post :) what is it about night flowers, they have such a hold on me.

  14. I love how in your progression of photos the blazing poppies gradually set the sky on fire. The pictures smoulder then blaze. But my favourite is the first one with the electric blue sky backdrop: the intensity of the colours sends chills through me with its heat.

  15. no one else's visual art could so easily and gracefully fit with the word "elegy"

  16. you know there's a real gap in the market for someone who might want to translate lasker-schuler into english, he hinted, srongly! ; )

  17. Chiar azi m-am uitat la un documentar despre Nan Goldin. Printre altele, am realizat că dacă privindu-i lucrările am reuşit să rup homofobia care mă caracterizează (măcar sunt sincer) şi am empatizat cu lumea din imaginile ei, acolo stă geniul unor fotografii.

    Deşi nu imi plac clişeele şi de multe ori sunt departe de arta figurativă, tu eşti întodeauna una din mâinile care mă trage înapoi - "dar stai Vladimire, că lumea nu-i numai concept şi abstract". Asfel, găsesc alte fotografii care sparg anumite bariere personale.

  18. pentru ca aceasta este intrebarea care irupe,probabil,cel mai des din mijlocul circumvolutiunilor noastre complicate,cred,normal,ca,de fiecare data,raspunsul este imbogatit,daca nu la nivel lexical sau imagistic,cel putin la nielul certitudinii si inflacararii ca,da,am mai descoperit ceva.
    si "explodeaza" din noi florile uitarii si ale reamintirii,soarele care se asza firesc,precum domnita cu mare clasa,peste lucruri,toate lumile visate sau presimtite sau atat de puternice liniile m-am hotarat inca daca acele lampadare subliniaza background-ul sau
    el le incendiaza desavarsit-insa puterea contrastului potenteaza,in mod cert,razna pulusului meu:)

  19. thank you for all your kind and warm words, i had missed the fields of poppies this summer and was very sad but i unexpectedly discovered a forlorn corner where the last of them were still in bloom...

    i am travelling now and cannot answer individually, but as a friend of mine has just written to say how much he likes to hear from people when they are on a journey, i thought i should stop by to say hi :-)
    and also finish this elegiac series... i will write more in response to your thoughts as soon as i reach my (not so secret) destination, though i will be very busy i hope to find time for some Berlin photos as well...

  20. Perfect ?... Vraiment !
    Ta première photographie est sublime, délicate, magnifique de bleues et de rouges...
    J'adore cette vue à ras du sol et des coquelicots !

    Excellent week-end Roxana !

  21. ma tres chere Clo, il ne faut pas t'excuser, non, le fait que tu viens te promener sur le pont, meme silencieusement, suffit pour moi... je comprends les silences si bien, et le besoin de silence... je suis heureuse que tu aimes mes coquelicots, je dois t'avouer que je pense toujours a toi et a K'line quand je les photographie :-)

    bisous pour toi aussi, en souriant...

    Owen, of course i won't snap my fingers, why wouldn't i want to have you here entranced, forever? :-)

    ah, Madeleine, ces mots m'ont coupe le souffle: ciel d'espoir en rose abusée, quel magnifique vers tu as ecrit la-bas... yes, the mythology surrounding poppies is so strange and wonderful at the same time, always this double connection, passion and death, flame and pain... that is also why they have their privileged place here on the Bridge, being an important part of the Bridge mythology, if i may say so without being accused of conceit :-)
    as always, thank you for sharing your personal connection to the photos as well, the image of the woman in the garden, praying in front of the flowers, is haunting.
    sending you summer fresh kisses back :-)

  22. ich bin so gluecklich, Renée, dass meine Bilder Dich dieses Mal nicht mehr traurig gemacht haben :-) dieser wild gluehende Mohn ist das Gegenteil Deines sanften nebelhaften Lichtes, ich fuehle aber, dass sie sich gut ergaenzen, so wie uns das Tao lehrt :-)

    lass Dich ganz lieb umarmen, sanfte Freundin :-)

    billoo, thank you for a lovely and thoughtful comment, i am still pondering it, you know? perhaps we do need words to celebrate the particular poppy, otherwise how would be its beauty known? silence could make it wither and disappear, as if it had never been.

  23. Dan, what could i add? you said it all, now, again. a silent hug, dear friend.

    Prospero, wavering on the verge is the essence of the Bridge, i know you know that. thank you for that, from my heart.

    Celine, merci pour passer sur le Pont et pour tes mots d'appreciation, ils m'ont fait vraiment plaisir...

    James, how did you know? 'the passage beyond time' - i had already chosen the title of the next post when you wrote this, and it was as if your sensitivity had foreseen my next thought :-)

    Owen, haha, magic lantern, i would lend them to you any time, but you have yours too, and equally precious :-)

  24. Marion, i know that :-) on me too, obviously !

    Lynne, i must confess that i also love the first one best :-)

    Manu, i am so happy when you come by and leave some words, you have no idea :-)

    haha, i love your strong hints, swiss! actually i was forced to translate this one myself since the 'official' translation was... unusable, it read: Tell me – what am I that all these
    Flowers blossom in my body and soul?

    Vladimir, de fiecare dată sunt surprinsă că îţi plac florile mele, şi fericită ca un copil!!!

    am văzut o retrospectivă Nan Golding acum 3 ani, cred, la festivalul de fotografie de la Arles, şi e extrem de puternică, da, nu poate să nu te prindă emoţional (nu voi pune aici inevitabila întrebare, cum se face că eşti homofob, va veni şi rândul ei cândva :-)
    despre lume şi concepte, mai bine îl las pe poet să vorbească:

    To see the fields and the river
    It isn't enough to open the window.
    To see the trees and the flowers
    It isn't enough not to be blind.
    It is also necessary to have no philosophy.
    With philosophy there are no trees, just ideas.
    There is only each one of us, like a cave.
    There is only a shut window, and the whole world outside,
    And a dream of what could be seen if the window were opened,
    Which is never what is seen when the window is opened.

    Alberto Caeiro (Fernando Pessoa)

  25. Cerasela, dacă aceste lampadare au trecut în pulsul tău, atunci ele şi-au găsit menirea :-)

    Jeff!!! ou es-tu, ou te caches-tu? il y a du monde qui t'attend dans le monde entier, va voir! :-) non mais vraiment, je te remercie de tout coeur pour passer par ici et je suis heureuse que tu n'as pas oublie le Pont, mais ou caches-tu tes belles plantes et fleurs et forets, ou sont les rayons du soleil ou les vagues que tu nous montrent toujours dans leur splendeur la plus fine?
