Thursday, 24 December 2009

snow and shelter



Wenn der Schnee ans Fenster fällt,
Lang die Abendglocke läutet,
Vielen ist der Tisch bereitet
Und das Haus ist wohlbestellt.

Mancher auf der Wanderschaft
Kommt ans Tor auf dunklen Pfaden.
Golden blüht der Baum der Gnaden
Aus der Erde kühlem Saft.

Wanderer tritt still herein;
Schmerz versteinerte die Schwelle.
Da erglänzt in reiner Helle
Auf dem Tische Brot und Wein.

Georg Trakl
(Ein Winterabend)

When the snow falls against the window,

The evening bell rings long,

The table is prepared for many,

And the house is well cultivated.

Some in their wanderings

Come to the gate on dark paths.

The tree of grace blooms golden

From the earth's cool sap.

Wanderer, step silently inside;

Pain has petrified the threshold.

There in pure radiance

Bread and wine glow on the table.

(Winter Evening,

tr. by Jim Doss and Werner Schmitt)

Quand la neige tombe aux fenêtres,
Que longtemps sonne l'angélus,
La table est mise pour beaucoup
Et rien ne manque à la maison.

Tel qui s’en va pérégrinant,
D’obscurs sentiers le mènent là.
Son or en fleurs, l'arbre des grâces
Le prend au suc froid de la terre.

Le pérégrin tout doux pénètre ;
Ce seuil, des maux l'ont fait de pierre.
De clarté pure alors s'allument
Sur la table le pain, le vin.

Georg Trakl
(Un soir d'hiver, tr. Robert Rovini)


  1. superbes images de joyeuses fêtes à toi

    salutations spéciales di Québec x x x

  2. Wishing you the best of wishes.
    It never snows here, ever but I love that snowy feeling.

  3. wonderful wonderful

    i know i don't get here enough. sometimes communicating is hard for me. but i wanted to give you a sure smile for the holidays, and the warmest of warm wishes.

    lily (lotusgreen)

  4. Exceptional rendering of all that is in our minds a joyful season...
    Thank you for the generous offer of insight and images ;)

  5. Je te souhaite un très joyeux Noël Roxana. La neige a fondu chez moi mais j'ai entendu dire qu'elle reviendrait taper à nos fenêtres ce soir.
    Bonne fêtes et à bientôt,

  6. La mulţi ani mereu aici la tine, multă putere îţi doresc...

  7. Aş vrea să urez ceva direct viselor din care se ţese podul dar nu ştiu. Sărbători cât mai frumoase şi dacă se poate - lipsite de sfârşit - adică prelungite viu în timpul care le înconjoară!

  8. wow.. awsome..

    i like the doll as well! :-)

    I have sort of snow now
    but just flurry..

    Happy Holidays & Stay Warm!

  9. Steinern bleibt nur die Schwelle, das Leben kommt hinein, in deine Seele, mit viel Gespür für Schnee.

    Gesegnete Weihnachten dir und deiner Familie.

  10. Toujours aussi UNICEF chez toi Roxana je te souhaite un joyeux noël de liberté de création je vais revenir prolonger mes commentaire je vais mieux .

  11. te imbratisez, draga mea! ma bucur de cadoul de zapada, fie si doar in pozele tale minunate :)

  12. Bucuraţi-vă de frumuseţea şi foarte simt de zăpadă.


  13. crăciun fericit din scoţia

    i think!

  14. One just wants to enter these scenes and float in them with the snow floating in the air, floating like angels float as they weave their invisible paths around us...

    Wishing you the very best, happy holidays, wishing you could have sat at our Christmas table this evening and shared the wine and other good things, and shared a little of your magic with us... but as that was not to be, next best is finding you here just a few clicks of a mouse away. So generous with your visions, so generous with your warmth. Thank you for being there...

  15. there, where my hands fell.
    on the table, the forest floor.
    where the leaves glowed dark gold,
    between places of melting snow.
    and the moss, erotic, sweet between the ancient roots of ghost-

    there, where i fell into the
    chasm of light,
    her face, moon-distant, dreamclose

  16. Merry Christmas, Roxana, and the best possible wishes for the new year!

    Lovely pictures, and such a happy doll (I would like to be as happy as that doll). Thank you. Of course, this space you create is the room lighted room under the tree of graces where so many wanderers arrive by dark paths and find the illumined bread and wine that you have arrayed here for all … what can I say, at this time of the year, except thank you….

    A favorite Trakl poem. Martin Heidegger (I haven’t quoted H for a while here; sorry, I have been remiss) says of this poem: “The place of arrival which is called in the calling is a presence sheltered in absence.” He says the poem “speaks by bidding things to come to the world, and world to things” (“Language“). And so do you … yes, so do you….

  17. i wish there had been a picture of this warm inside, of wine and dazzling conversation.

    was the last a sort of self-portrait?

  18. hope your christmas was delightful and dreamy as your photos :)

  19. Merci pour ta visite de l'autre côté du miroir : tu as absolument raison, j'ai pensé à quelque chose de proche des mille et une nuits ;-))
    En fait, un symbole d'harmonie œcuménique puisqu'il s'agit d'une basilique dédiée à la vierge Marie coiffée pour quelques minutes d'un croissant...
    Bises et à bientôt Roxana

  20. Salut Roxana,

    je profite d'une accalmie, festive, pour te souhaiter une bonne et heureuse année 2010.

    Que Dieu te garde, toi et touts ta famille.

    Love M.

  21. i would like to thank all of you, dear ones, who have come here and left such kind words and warm wishes!
    i am very grateful to you all... i hope you are enjoying wonderful holidays :-)

    Line, merci! de belles fetes a toi aussi, Quebec doit etre magnifique en hiver!

    merc - you are always here, with me.

    Lily, what a surprise and joy to hear from you! and thank you for the smile :-) and for thinking of me...

    thank you, Gabi, you come and go as if by magic :-)
    La multi ani din toata inima!

    K'line, a tres bientot, merci beaucoup pour ta chaleur et ton amitie qui m'est precieuse... petite fee verte des roses :-)
    (ah, donc c'etait une eglise!)

  22. MB,
    ma bucur ca esti aici. sincer.

    La multi ani si tie, cu drag...

    ora25, ce frumos ai vorbit cu visele intretesute in Podul plutitor - ochii tai il fac si mai frumos :-)

    Peter, i understand why you like the doll, i find it irresistible :-) happy happy holiday for you and your dear ones as well...

    Robert, wenn Haende sich beruehren, beruehren sich Seelen, und dann kommen Leben und Freude hinein...
    ich danke dir, dass du hier bist. jetzt kann ich mir die Bruecke ohne dich gar nicht vorstellen.

  23. Allan, Unicef!!! :-)

    cela m'a beaucoup amusee!
    mais l'important ici, plus que ma joie de te revoir, c'est le fait que tu vas mieux - ah, comme je suis heureuse. je te serre bien fort dans mes bras, tout sera bien, tu vas voir...

    Manuela, si eu te iau in brate :-) ai grija de tine acolo, sunt sigura ca va fi minunat!

    Adelino, feliz ano novo! :-)

  24. Happy New Year cu tine şi că creativitatea ta încă în viaţă şi de bine :)

    Happy New Year to you too and that your Creativity still alive and well

  25. swiss, mulţumesc!
    ce surpriză!!! e bine, da, e perfect!

    (but i want to hear you say it!)

    thank _you_ for being here, dear Owen, always so generous and enthusiastic and curious about the world! oh, i wish i could have been there too. but i promise to visit, next time i am in Paris :-)

    Sutton... "moon-distant, dreamclose" - so wonderful - these words are still resonating in my soul. i dream images for them, i dream worlds and ghost presences...

    billoo, do you imagine us engaged in a "dazzling conversation" over wine at a warm table? i personally think we would die from laughter :-)
    (and you don't drink anyway! and your tea with sugar and milk is... hmmm, how shall i put it mildly? no there is no word for it :-P but i could still give you a glass of milk, for example. no?)

    yet how astute! how did you know the doll was my alter ego? :-P

    Sorlil, thank you, it was nice and warm and snowy, but now the snow has just melt away :-(

    Marc., salut, heureuse de te retrouver ici, tu es toujours si occupe! merci pour tes voeux et moi-aussi je te souhaite tout le bonheur du monde pour la Nouvelle Annee :-) et que tes blogs deviennent de plus en plus riches et nous inspirent tous!
    je t'embrasse!

  26. "yet how astute! how did you know the doll was my alter ego? :-P"

    The moon, the stars, that smile of yours, err...that silly 1870's dress...

    "billoo, do you imagine us engaged in a "dazzling conversation" over wine at a warm table? i personally think we would die from laughter :-)"

    Nah, I was just being polite...but dying? nada. Clowns do not find each other funny.

    yes, the word for it is tea or, more precisely, proper tea. All those flavoured's so uncivilised...anyway, I thought only feminists drink that stuff?

    yes, I'm always up for some milk. Very kind of you to offer. Danke.

  27. c'est joli chez toi quand il neige...
    une Bonne et Douce Année a toi...

  28. hey, b, why 1870? the german invasion of france? i don't think i remember something else from that year, but i have never been good with numbers. any numbers.

    so you mean we won't laugh but be disappointed and sad? hmmm - now i'd say somebody is very confused these last days if the year :-)
    what do you mean, only feminists? they drink what? i don't get that.

  29. Clo, tu es si gentille... merci de tout coeur, et une merveilleuse nouvelle annee pour toi aussi!

  30. James, "so do you" - ah, you have killed me here :-)

    but you know, i had thought whether i should also include some lines from Heidegger's comment on this poem :-) because i like it so much - then decided against it, i just wanted to leave space for the poem, it seemed better. but now :-)

    thank you, dear one...

  31. no particular reason, r. Did I ever tell you that you ask too many questions? :-)

    sad and disappointed? Gosh, not even my shrink probes this much! Err..yeah, like, whatever.

    tea: don't worry about it, it wasn't very funny (see, told you clowns don't...)
    anyway, I've got a proper joke about lemon curd and Sherlock Holmes if you want to hear it? What do you say Professor (Moriarty)?

  32. Wanderer, tread carefully on this bridge;

    Sheer grace keeps it floating.

    And there in pure radiance

    truth & beauty glow

  33. Adelino, it is so nice to contemplate your autumn colours from my snow world here :-)

  34. b, i have a feeling that joke is not a very good one, and yes, you can complain again, shaking your head: "so little trust" :-P

  35. Très beau texte avec les photos surjectif harmonie des valeurs .

  36. When the child was a child,
    It was the time for these questions:
    Why am I me, and why not you?
    Why am I here, and why not there?
    When did time begin, and where does space end?
    Is life under the sun not just a dream?
    Is what I see and hear and smell
    not just an illusion of a world before the world?
    Given the facts of evil and people.
    does evil really exist?
    How can it be that I, who I am,
    didn’t exist before I came to be,
    and that, someday, I, who I am,
    will no longer be who I am?

  37. Allan, merci de tout coeur, excuse-moi pour repondre si tard... tout va bien chez toi? je l'espere de tout coeur...

  38. Prospero, dear one, you came back to this post - and with the gift of a poem that i love...
    (you were away then - but did you want to go away completely? no, you didn't, tell me you didn't - this is another option that you don't have :-)
    (i missed you so much)

  39. chère Roxana,once again youve opened up my heart to the timeless beauty of snow and to the beautiful frozen silence of a long forgotten white winter guardian angel who assures us that nothing can harm us in the frozen stillness.

    It reminds me also of a child's verse that I wrote-Little Snowflake Rap.
    thanks for another masterpeice.
