Monday, 9 November 2009

degrees of absolution





  1. Mmmm, a delicious ghost sign bearing a mysterious message, disappearing into the fog of fading focus and growing dissolution... a feast for the eyes...

  2. it's like the power of the light is slowly making that message disappear.

  3. bănuiesc că terenul respectiv e undeva pe Lună! :) sau măcar undeva-cândva.

  4. you've managed, without trepidation, dearest, to travel preternaturally through solid matter to discover inhospitable telegraph poles, a feat i rank just below the obdurate power of deities and the rhapsody of madness.
    Looking back and seeing forward - a new definition for the postmodern project?

    And then this..

    Le désir s’exprime par la caresse comme la pensée par le langage.
    L’Etre et le néant

    but really..

    Man is equally incapable of seeing the nothingness from which he emerges and the infinity in which he is engulfed.
    Blaise Pascal

  5. Lumineux, trouble et fantomatique...un moment suspendu dans le temps ! Un souffle suspendu à nos lèvres...

  6. You paint with film that aches.

  7. How does one go from the wash to bathed, except in the glow of a fading light?

    Like this...

  8. There are moments when the other world, the real world, comes so close that the dissolving of time into light is precisely like the feel of a silk veil drawn across the skin, and the veil trembles so that one knows even a breath might be enough to whisk it away....

  9. Tant de clarté peut rendre aveugle... et tant de lumière nous éclaire à la fois sur nous-même...
    Quel est le véritable degré d'absolu ? Le blanc ou le noir ?...
    Le jour ou bien la nuit ?...
    Absolument perdu dans autant de lumière ! ! !...:-)))...Absolument conquis par ces photographies qui sont tout simplement magnifiques... tout simplement... si simple... n'est-ce pas un recherche de l'absolu du simple à rien ?...
    Comme quoi, une simple lumière peut nous révéler que nous sommes rien... si ce n'est l'absolu !...;-)

  10. What beauty can be found in lines such as these? Impossible but it is there. Wonderful photos.

  11. ah...... that foggy fleetingness of autumn light......
    (so soothing for both my autumnal eyes & my autumnal heart)

  12. ah... the languishing of focus to the point of mystery.

    love the series tremendously.

  13. excelente! pline de mister, te introduc intr-o stare aparte.
    numai bine!

  14. Owen, i won't translate the mysterious message for you, to ruin its beauty, better to dream like this :-)

    Manuela, perhaps "lightness" would be one of those words? that i could choose at times: all i know is that i often long for it and often it seems the most precious gift...

    hi, funny Peter :-)

    cu siguranţă este într-un timp dincolo de timp, specialitatea orei 25 :-)

  15. suspended between nothingness and ininity, knowing none, longing for both -

    yet we know, i believe, torn as we are between the two worlds, the grace of dancing on the verge of light, be it for one single, fleeting moment - not even the gods know such beauty.
    or, to use the gardener's metaphors, only ours is the possibility to discover the desire hidden in the four (sometimes the legend says seven) seeds she ate - desire that, it is true, binds us to death but also lets us know the ecstasy of love, the sweetness of that Now when she bites into the red flesh of the dream made fruit.

    are you sure you can face Kore walking on the Bridge, Prospero? :-) you summoned her, but she is not only the captive, as the story tells, she is also the one who makes captive - dreaming back and remembering forward, perhaps a new definition of the mythical subject? :-)

    ma chère K’line, un souffle suspendu, une vision de l’ineffable – mon rêve d’arriver à exprimer cela par mes images – même si je suis encore loin de cet idéal, sans doute à jamais atteindre, tes gentils mots me font tant de plaisir...
    je t’en remercie de tout coeur...

    merc, you are far too kind to me, you who knows Grace in aching, i don't think i will ever be able of that...

  16. thank you so much, Morris! and hi :-)

    S., dear one, a caress for you, in the glow of the faind light. you are back, and i am happy.

    James, you know, your descriptions are always paintings, they embody the ideal, celestial image of what my pictures have clumsily tried to express. and this makes me always shy and happy, grateful and astonished.

  17. ah, Jeff, moi aussi je suis perdue dans toutes ces questions auxquelles je n’ai pas de réponse, si j’en avais j’écrirais des livres de philosophie et je ne serais pas ici à faire des photographies :-)
    pourtant je souscris a ton intuition : néant et absolu à la fois, je pense que là tu as mis les points sur le i, cher Jeff :-)
    tu sais, c’est dans de telles images que je cherche un refuge quand le temps du monde me blesse trop, comme dans les reportages extraordinaires de 100 Eyes Magazine, je te suis reconnaissante d’avoir publié ce lien...

    bises :-)

    thank you, Beth, for your visit and your kind words of appreciation, i am glad you found beauty here, this is my only wish for this frail Bridge.

    dear ffflaneur, perhaps i am wrong, but i think that what i do can only rarely be perceived as "soothing" - so if this is the case now, i am more than happy, especially when it comes to your autumnal heart and eyes which i cherish beyond words.

  18. mansuetude, my joy, i am humbled by this love.

    mulţumesc, I.B., e întotdeauna important să ştiu care imagini îţi vorbesc, şi de ce...

  19. ….then light deepened in the air
    like breath held to be as warm as blood

    the little knot of presence,
    pulse in memory, melted,

    and we couldn’t find...
    what was it we couldn’t find?

    this was “freedom”
    this was “selfless”

    this was “absolution”
    we turned the words in our fingers

    like colored pebbles
    smiling vaguely, shy,

    wondering what they meant,
    wondering what we had been


  20. Avec cela tu pouvais faire un HDR .

  21. James, i turn the words of your poem in my soul, again and again, wondering how it is possible that they should be offered so humbly on the Bridge, when they... i don't know... i don't know how to put into words what i feel, and how much i love them, and how proud i am to open my heart and receive them.

  22. Allan, mes connaissances techniques sont presque inexistentes, je suis en train de lire sur le HDR maintenant :-) au moins pour comprendre a quoi ca ressemble!
