Saturday, 7 June 2014

the journey


  1. i am sorry to have been so silent, i am travelling...

    but the summer clouds are already here :-)

  2. all roads vanish
    just like our destination
    and ourselves upon arriving

  3. wie wunderschön, prächtig und beeindruckend! und wieviele ungesagte worte man hier hineindichten könnte! gibt es wohl jemanden, der die wolken einmal richtig betrachtet hat, sie nicht lieben könnte?!
    renée, die in den wolken wohnt...! :-)))

  4. if this is the world, then surely the world is calling you. who are we to hold you back from such a powerful beckoning?


  5. ASA ma gandeam si eu ca este DRUMUL dragei,cu plutiri in albastrul marilor adanci, in albastrul muntilor inalti,in cerul cu baldachine si vise sunt precum pasi usori care se risipesc in soare.asa sa fie drumul , cu cantecele lui tra-la-laaa....:)

    (cat de frumos poemul lui m!-aproape ca m-am risipit citindu-l)

  6. bon voyage my friend.
    thankyou for the journey of another one of your masterpeices.
    This image has a cooling effect on the mind for me. to incise the mind and create chilling designs of runways that necessarily remain untravelled for psychical survival.
    have a beautiful summer day.

  7. Un petit nuage noir c'est perdu,
    alors il suit la route de haut
    pour se retrouver

  8. The first shot is eye candy for the itinerant, a secret society to which I claim no membership, and these often find themselves traveling hither and thither, by rail or by air-conditioned limousine (with fully stocked bar), to Poland and back, for instance (unless Poland is your place of origin), and it is with these individuals that I vicariously enjoy the pertinacious allure of the road.

    p.s. 'Eye candy' is an American idiom and as such probably not well understood east of the Maginot Line (or thereabout--you know, dearest, how the French are enraptured with anything American...)

  9. Safe journeys to you, and delightful discoveries.

  10. These images give me road fever....

  11. norii, da, mereu cu noi, aduc poezia.
    care munti sunt in fata? cei din sud de dunare? ;-)

  12. Hope you are having a fantastic summer and an amazing journey!

  13. Floating with the clouds, windswept. Safe journey to you.

  14. The presence of the road in the first picture bothers me - it feels like violence to/in the landscape, despite its beauty. I want the Garden without asphalt.

  15. thank you all for being with me, during these long and rainy summer days when one feels like being out of time, caught in a kind of hazy dream...
