Sunday, 1 December 2013

the secret life of these stone women and men

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Florence, 2013


  1. another touristy post!!! it seems that i am absorbed in past summer musings as the the year around me is slowly declining... and i haven't even posted photos of the first snow of the year! :-)

  2. Phew, muscular streaks and anatomy in black and white and grainy grays...awe, the antithesis of snow!

    1. yes, i imagine them as drawings and love that :-)

  3. I enjoyed the son went to school there...but I've never been myself....

    1. it was the first time for me as well, and unfortunately only had one day there...

  4. ...and how you have frozen us, with your look, Medusa

    1. have i indeed? it doesn't seem like that to me :-)

  5. Naturally, there are some advantages to being made of stone. As you know, many people today suffer from high blood pressure. Not a problem with marble or bronze figures. Blood pressure is zero. Now some of you may conjecture that it's a tad low, but you can't knock it for steadiness. Another thing, mosquitoes won't bother you.

    As to secret lives, i refer you to jlg's Contempt.

    1. if only high blood pressure were the only problem with us living humans :-)
      (i refer you to jlg's Contempt as well :-)

  6. Your pics are of course, wonderful. But it is so interesting how mankind adores itself, like Narcissus staring down into the water. Meanwhile the pigeons don't give a shit. Well, actually they do...but its not intentional...they could care less....pigeons just don't get humans and their art. Sometimes I would rather be a pigeon than an artist.

    1. yes, how often have i wondered and wished for that, secretly, that i might know what it is to be a bird - a bird or a flower - beyond wish. i think you have inspired my next post, myth :-)

  7. hi beautiful Roxana ah this is another awesome masterpeice.I looked it up so I could explore it with more only took a second to look it up. well you have probably also explored this sculpture.
    so it is the Neptune Fountain was commissioned fro the wedding of medici and the duchess of Johanna of austria.the artist is ammanati a student of Michelangelo.he used medici's face as a model. this is a copy of the 19th century the original is in a museum.
    the sea horses are drawing neptune on a seashell.there's a satyr on the left and neptune's wife on the right.

    well my dream for today is that it is the artists attempt to render man as a god with this muscular powerful frame of neptune's as michelangelo would do.

    also I loooooooooooooooooove your photo- the jubilation of the bubbles of water-the champage of life. bravo.
    ah so the snow has arrived in your world
    sending you snowflake kisses.
    ah also to respond to your titles yes these statues are always representing a myth and actually this modern artist that I know still sculpts in bronze mythical creatures

    1. yes the snow has arrived but now it is completely gone :-(

      and i wanted to give the exact title and location for this but then i thought it was just too easy to find out, if one wanted to, thank you for confirming that :-)

      the champagne of life, now that made me smile :-)
      a huge hug.

  8. All 4 of my grandparents are from Italy who immigrated to the USA. My parents were born here and have visited Italy, and my brother and his wife went 2 years ago and are going back next year. So, I have seen a lot of tourist photos from there. Believe me, these are not your typical touristy photos. I love the black and white for the subject, how you treated the spraying water in the fountains, and the pigeons are so amusing.

  9. All this nudity! Thoba!! Where are the Taleban when you need them?

    1. :-)
      this is a funny joke but actually it is sad. and we seem to be not terribly far away from that, there was a recent protest here in Craiova because of some nudes which were brought to decorate a new street in the center - people were outraged: and the children who pass by, going to school? then the mayor decided to cover the statues with some white sheets, but they finally understood how ridiculous this all was.

  10. nu cred ca a mai reusit cineva sa ma poata opri asa de adanc in fata unor statui-poate doar cartarescu,stii,cu insurgenta statuilor lui ( cred ca ti-am mai spus ca eu nu am ,instincitiv,o aplecare prea mare pentru statui,dar e adevarat ca nici nu am vazut vreodata asa ceva:) ma gandesc la ele mai mult ca un fel de concept,in general). dar este absolut incredibila aceasta lume careia tu i-ai dat viata! parca zeii,cu totii,pietrificatii, ar fi fost surprinsi in ipostazele lor cele mai intime,adica acelea in care ei stau langa noi si noi nu ii recunoastem-nu iti este teama,draga,ca se vor simti deconspirati,ca, acum,prin caeste imagini,cu totii vom putea spue ca am cunoscut zeii?...:)

    nu am mai multe cuvinte, cumva,cred ca am incremenit:)

    1. daaaa si eu m-am gandit la cartarescu, am cautat un citat din el in engleza, cu viata statuilor, speram sa gasesc tradus, dar nu am gasit :-(

      si ce extaz atunci, daca am putea spune ca asa am cunoscut zeii!!! :-)

  11. Florence is a place in my dreams. Until I am able to visit someday I will keep these images in my mind. So exquisite, Roxana. This gallery would not have been the same at all if you had shown them in color. In b&w they exhibit their true essence.

  12. what country girl seduces your wits
    wearing a country dress
    not knowing how to pull the cloth to her ankles?
