Tuesday, 14 May 2013

and off into the empty sky

you will be able to see more photos from my travel to Japan on the new blog that i have created for telling the story of my trip:  

and off into the empty sky


  1. ce frumos,si toata geometria "mea",si toate acele puneri in abis,rotunjimi si imagini,si atentia cuiva,care parca el insusi regizeaza efectul de ansamblu;am impresia ca alerg printr-un labirint si ma opreste,din cand in cand,o linie clara-iar eu imi continuu fuga,si ma rostogolesc in palma unui cerc,fara sa stiu punctul din care am plecat:)
    gandul ma duce,privind imaginile, la a te "concentra"...

    1. da, ştiu de geometriile tale, şi eu am nevoie de ele, de câte ori trebuie să aleg o compoziţie, mă surprind de fiecare dată alegând varianta cea mai geometric echilibrată (ceea ce este, poate, plictisitor, nu surprinde deloc :-)

  2. --- and for those of you who always long for colours ---

    Like me?

    (just because i once made some ill-advised remark about color--though i flatter myself thinking you mean me)(little old me)(little old color-blind me)

    You live in Japan now?

    (And you can't make comments on the new blog... i was going to impress you with my extensive knowledge of the Japanese language--i feel slighted.)

    1. like you, indeed :-)

      i don't understand the remark about comments on the new blog...

    2. Oh, you can make comments! Once day i will unravel the remaining mysteries of the internet--multiple blogs, bitcoin, shopping carts, virus protection (syphilis guard, for instance), passwords, masonic handshakes, and fastidious search engines, such as giggle.

  3. i realize that having so many blogs is confusing to some people, and it is also bothersome to follow all of them, so i have taken this risk, fully aware of it, when i opened the new blogs. some Bridge-readers prefer to come only to the Bridge, which is fine with me. i think that following me on all the other blogs requires a deeper interest in me, me as a person, than only an interest for my photos, and i imagine that only very close friends would do that (or people who are really crazy about my photographs, but i can't imagine why they would be so, there are endless astonishingly good photographers on the internet :-). and also it is difficult to leave so many comments for the blogs of just one person, so i have no expectations about that either. i opened the new blogs as a desire, (almost) a need to keep track of my own experiences, as diaries, if you want... and if anybody comes to share a specific feeling or experience, then i am more than happy and fulfilled :-)

  4. hi my beautiful friend,thankyou for this powerful photo,
    actually I just had a bit of editing to do to my comment.- as I was saying I hope I am notbeing self indulgent- when I say I compare your "off to an empty sky with my personal experiences of my reach for the sky in my sky visits to the valley's edge when I encounter the wide expanse reach of the sky. I love the idea of the empty sky, it is zen. the vessel is emptied to receive the light and the language I use is the same as your dream language laid calligraphically across the photos and our souls.the ancient stone bricks and the flexible strength of the bamboo.
    your vision is inward as with your self reflecting photo. I am claustrophobic it is not clinical but it can be a fairly extreme experience before my sky meditations. I can sometimes feel the blistering wound perhaps of mortality and the sky becomes my ethereal lover caressing my spine and the ancient dna constructs roll off my spine like an ancient tale of a language that speaks to burnished santerion souls and fallen demons and gods. I am transfixed and my body mind reflects an infinity of lightrays as I shed my claustrophobic cacaphony.

    thankyou for leading me to this meditation. it was fabulous writing here as always.
    sending you summer kisses.

  5. love it and just about to excitedly open up your Japanese world
