Monday, 11 March 2013

ten little spells to conjure my colours back











*from the Chinese Garden in Berlin


  1. So beautiful...they reflect you!

  2. i didn't make a count, but i'm sure there must be ten (or thereabouts). i didn't miss the colors, though. And since i know nothing of conjuring or the arcana of supernatural practices, i can only make the observation that the spells appear to have worked.

    1. ahahah, Prospero doesn't know anything of arcana... you must try harder if you want me to believe that :-)
      they appear to have worked, but maybe they are only temporary spells and then i need even more powerful magic to keep this Alice in the colourful world :-)

  3. hello beautiful Roxana,thankyou for another masterpeice and what a colorful extravaganza shimmering with beautiful life and light!!ah and the rock struck with pale violet light in the first image as if there is the splitting of rock for a resurrection to life and the miraculous purity of white veiling the image and how I dream also of MOnet's water lilies series.
    and the brilliant fish a chinese wish for a surplus and I say a wealth of spirit and mind and health and the pagoda representing the temple of our hearts and the pater noster of the pagoda's steeple and the eleventh bead of the drooping foliage and the black ink dripping from the foliage to write this fantastic day and the flying insects across the pale shimmering waters reminding us of our existential nothing and everything circling in the skywaters and the last image oh the ephemeral white fragments of the sky floating across the misdelivery of our mortal landscape

    and my friend I wish you all ofthese wonderful things that you have painted here
    and sending you kisses coloured in springtime

    1. Madeleine, you really pointed out every single hue and symbol in this series which is, of course (and always) dedicated to Monet, as you rightly guessed :-) thank you for your keen and sensitive eye!
      spring kisses back :-)

  4. Very peaceful series. I love the photos 7 and 10 as they look more mysterious and slightly more abstract. A bientôt.

    1. yes, Gardens of the World in Berlin is a wonderful place, i recommend it in case you happen to be there sometime :-)

  5. oh,my god!!!
    atata frumusete,am incremenit si am ramas asa,incremenita....daca nu ar fi existat niciodata culori,cred ca acum,astfel,au fost inventate,in dulcea lor aplecare spre asta simt cel mai bine:pace desavarsita in culori...
    minunat,dincolo de orice cuvinte...

    1. :-)

      da, aşa trebuie să arate una dintre lumile noastre în care ne întâlnim, dincolo de poveste...

  6. einfach wunderschön, was kann man sagen, nichts... ich sehe und bin sprachlos... du weisst, wie sehr ich monet liebe, aber das muss ich sagen, deine bilder gefallen mir noch viel besser, sie sind irgendwie überweltlich und in einer hinsicht auch religiös. das letzte bild hat einen ganz besonderen platz verdient... im herzen! ich danke dir, liebste roxana, wie gut es tut, diese wunderbare, friedliche tiefe schöne (und und und... :-)!) kunst zu sehen! alles liebste von renée

    1. oh meine Liebe, besser als Monet!!! das ist ja ein grossartiges Kompliment, das mich riesig freut (auch wenn ich natuerlich zu bescheiden bin, um zu glauben, dass es den Tatsachen entspricht :-)
      ich verstehe, warum Du hier vom religioesen Gefuehl sprichst... Michael editiert im Moment ein buddhistisches Buch (die Lebensgeschichte eines tibetanischen Masters) und er hat das letzte Bild (das Lotus-Bild) fuer die Titelseite gewaehlt!!! (ich war darueber sehr gluecklich :-)
      viele liebste Gruesse und bis sehr bald!

  7. with such potent spells cast upon the magic pond
    your spring is coming for sure.

    thank you for these fantastic series.
    you know how much i love reflections.

    1. i know :-)

      i have already been twice in this garden, in different years, and both times the impressions i got were different, yet equally rich and delightful...
      (my spring is almost here, indeed :-)

  8. Oh, das ist eine gute Serie. Bin begeistert!

    1. das freut mich sehr! vielen herzlichen Dank! :-)

  9. Une jolie promenade avec toi Roxana, et surtout une résonance personnelle.
    Amitiés, K'line

    1. merci, K'line, oui, encore un amour que nous partageons :-)

  10. colours, yes, incredibly deep and alive ... as if the colours themselves were the better reality, and the things only came to inhabit them for a time :-)

    but i think you conjure more than just the colours -- i think you conjure a world to contain them and a self to delight in them. very powerful spells, indeed!!


    1. "as if the colours themselves were the better reality, and the things only came to inhabit them for a time"

      i can't say anything in reply, as this is too beautiful... i am inhabiting this poem for a while, silently...
      (thank you)

  11. It is joyful to see the color, but I find the play of light throughout to be equally joyful and oh, so lyrical.

    1. you are right :-)
      these were magical moments, i would say, if i weren't afraid that these words have turned into a cliche...

  12. Truly stunning!

  13. Mmmm...all so lovely. Enchanting. Calling back the colours; and yet, I think my favourite here is the one in silver, black, and grey. Perhaps because of the brilliance of the light emanating from the lily pads, dazzling my spirit. Or maybe it's because I am still snowblind and need to move more cautiously back into the realm of colour.

    1. still snowblind?!!! oh yes, that is canada :-)
      (just teasing you :-)

      my favourite ones are this one that you mention, i think, and the last one, the lotus.

  14. Des semaines voire des mois ? que je n'étais venu déposer un commentaire... Alors, je viens !!!
    Tes photographies m'emportent toujours dans des univers oniriques et m'apportent inspiration alors que j'en manque !!!...
    J'adore ta dernière photo et ce nénuphar magnifique !
    Excellente journée Roxana malgré la grisaille par ici... Bises ;-)

  15. moi-aussi j'aime le nenuphar... Jeff!!! quelle surprise, merci de tout coeur d'etre passe sur le Pont... t'es revenu? je te fairai une visite bientot, alors!!!
    j'espere que tu vas mieux maintenant, je t'embrasse...

  16. Un VRAI régal ta série de photographies!
    2,3,6 et 7 sont magnifiques.
    Et la dernière clôt superbement ta série.


  17. the hope of spring, the promise of rebirth. delicate and magical pictures indeed!
