Monday, 9 April 2012

the golden beyond










  1. i need colours today!

    (the golden pond is from the Chinese Garden in Berlin's stunning Gardens of the World)

  2. tocmai acum ma uitam pe postarea anterioara,apoi pe cealalta,nu avusesem timp sa le vad,si,iata,culorile,oglindirile tuturor fapturilor,in miscarile lor limpezi,parca se suprapun esarfe chinezesti,da,citesc poeme chinezesti cu munti care ies dintre nori,si toate aceste lumi care inoata,cum,fiecare,reinventeaza o culoare,o textura,o configuratie,cand se intrerup,parca se ivesc,brusc,incheieturile unui mare trup viermuind,in tacere,de vieti,oh:)

  3. dear Roxana - thanks to you even i cannot but deliciously succumb to the marvellous poetics of colors and flowers ...
    stunning photos!

  4. Les couleurs te vont très bien également Roxana ! :)

  5. Golden one, you take us to golden realms, flowered with marigolds and goldenrods... hope all is well with you...

  6. I also needed your colors! :)

  7. oh, wie wunderschön!! ich wollte eben noch einen kommentar für die unteren posts hinterlassen, habe aber wegen der etwas dunklen stimmung nicht die richtigen worte gefunden, obschon einige bilder ja wirklich ausserordentlich sind... aber manchmal, wenn die welten einem zu fremd erscheinen, findet man keine sprache, so wie ich... hier aber erhellt sich das leben, dies hier spricht zu mir! aber du weisst es sicher... die sonne, obschon ich ja vielleicht auch kein sonnenmensch bin... ja, hier ist eine wertvolle grosse und schöne kraft dargestellt, die vibrierende sonne, die hoffnung und kraft zur verwirklichung des lang ersehnten wunsches oder auch selbstverwirklichung, was immer das auch heissen mag :-)... ja, dies alles fällt mir spontan ein und kurz möchte ich sagen: diese bilder haben mich schon fast erschüttert..! wunderschön!! alles liebste dir! renée

  8. Such clairvoyance. i was correct in every detail (even the ripples in the cauldron of your imagination ). And that golden hue... (You must be mystified by my gift for divination.)
    Can you guess which is my favorite? Actually, it is a trick question because there are several favorites. In fact, there are seven. Do you still want to guess? (i suspected that she would put on one of her haughty airs and not want to play along!) Still, i forgive you (only because these photographs demand it).

  9. The alchemical sea of liquid gold that spawned the fish and me....

  10. ah, the yellow! the yellow! is there anything more glorious?!? thank you, my dear.

  11. Ha Ha! Our desires have coincided! I love your bright colors all swimming in liquid gold. I feel warmth and love abounding and brimming over. It feels so good and I'm suddenly happy after an extremely difficult day!

  12. You have melted light into ur-gold. This is alchemy.

  13. Yes yes yes and yes! I always say a touch of gold can enhance any piece of art...but a whole flood of it! I sail away on this blaze of glory. Hot. Warm. Exhilarating and yet soothing. Gold is the colour of healing. But let us not forget the all-spiritual purple. The deep purple. The purple haze. The purpose of purple to be surrounded by gold. Gold deepening to orange. Let us not be coy. Orange is the colour of creativity and sexuality. Swimming in gold. Yes yes, I am blathering and hallucinating but happily so, bathed in this golden light that you have spun for us to dream upon beneath the floating bridge.

  14. I also need your colours. Spring wouldn't be spring without them.

    wonderful photos!

  15. so many fish-and yet only one golden one beyond the dark waters...

  16. Tu es cette fleur si belle,
    Dorée comme le soleil,
    Baignée par sa lumière,
    Douce comme les rêves...

    Ton post est merveilleux et me transporte dans l'imaginaire...

    Merci Roxana ;-)

  17. Estimada Roxana:

    Estas fotos son increiblemente bellas, La gente de nuestro staff y yo, personalmente, entro siempre a tu blog. Cuando hago algún comentario es porque no lo puedo evitar (quizá la belleza de tus fotos o la infinita profundidad de tu mirada).

    Intercambiemos los links. Para nosotros sería muy importante estar en tu lista de páginas y blogs.

    Nuestros blogs son:


    Un abrazo fraterno,


  18. Gorgeous. An intense dream of light and life. Magnificent.

  19. hello my beautiful friend, Happy Easter ah how I love this magnificent display of colour another masterpeice, and as I find all the works here you render these colours in a sacred fashion which is dreamworthy of you the dream goddess.This pure gold is healing and for me it represents all of the sunrises from the beginning of time.It matches so beautifully the brilliant red blood colour representing the lineal descent of humanity
    and the golden lilypads represent our awakening consciousness the spiritual enlightenment growing from the murky pond waters.
    and I love to study chinese definitions,and the bridge has inspired me to look up the word goldfish in the chinese dictionnary and it represents the lustrous the golden the highly respected and one of the ancient musical instruments so my dream here is that I see the harmony of life in the water and the highly respected ancestry dissolving into the golden sea of life and the flush of flowers of awakening dissolving into the sky of white consciousness-yes there is always the ephemeral renewal.

    my beautiful friend thankyou once more for your inspirational masterpeice you the transformer the goddess of dreams.
    sending you golden light kisses across the sea of life.

  20. ps and you know Roxana I love this idea of an offering of gardens from a variety of countries.ll

  21. it is a great sensual mouth - these colours. no one could be left behind. once they saw colours such as these no one could choose otherwise.


  22. thats a wonderful color pics thanks a lot sharing amazing post.

  23. breath-taking!!

    these colors seem so much more real than the gray and pale green outside my windows ... surely this is the truer world, the world i remember on the edge of waking and wish to remain??

  24. fish of blood
    in suns of gold
    the pink, the

  25. Cerasela, eşarfe chinezeşti fluturând peste marele trup viermuind al lumii, oh oh - sunt fără cuvinte

    fff, ah, the greatest compliment ever!!! :-)

    merci de tout coeur, chere petite Plume...

    Owen, thank you, i've been so busy recently that i have come to imagine that only fleeing to some golden realm like this one can still provide an escape, helas, this is possibly in golden dreams, but not in real life...

  26. Emese, it looks like all of us need such colours, from time to time :-)

    liebste Wolkenprinzessin, da musste ich wirklich laecheln, "selbstverwirklichung, was immer das auch heissen mag" :-) ja, genau so denke ich auch - ich bin vielleicht auch kein Sonnenmensch, aber manchmal bezaubern mich dieses Gold und diese praechtigen Farben und dann lasse ich mich in so einem Rausch ueber den Alltag hinweg fliessen, und finde da Waerme und Hoffnung und Freude! :-)
    ich umarme Dich ganz lieb und fest!

    Prospero, my haughty golden airs, indeed, but i can bet that your divinatory gifts haven't warned you that i would ask now for a golden glimpse of your golden fish, after all, that magic lizard must have some equally enchanting company :-)

  27. Dan, the alchemical sea, indeed :-)

    Manu - i remember our yellow :-)

    Stickup, i am so happy the Bridge could bring you this moment of warmth and relaxation! :-)

    thank you from all my heart.

    Lynne, you golden excitement has swept me off my feet, i am the one who is feeling grateful here :-)

    Cristina, even the gentle one is conquered by the passion of this violent yellow, i see :-)

    maybe all the other fish are only reflections of that special one :-)

  28. cher Jeff, merci de tout coeur pour ton petit poeme et pour la chaleur de tes mots, je t'embrasse, mon fidele ami!

    Wolfgang, muchas gracias por tu comentario, tus visitas y palabras son muy preciosas para mí. conozco y visito los dos blogs, que son impresionantes y yo los aprecio mucho. no he actualizado mi blog roll desde hace mucho tiempo, la verdad es que debería hacerlo ahora :-)

    thank you, Sharon, i am in love with the vibrant colours of your paintings as well :-)

  29. Madeleine, i am so happy that the Bridge is such a constant source of inspiration for you! :-) and i know we share the some love and interest for the chinese characters, they are indeed a treasure of wisdom, your words have just given me an idea for another post from the chinese garden, i must only find the time to do it, right now i still have some spring blossoms i want to share before summer is here :-)
    a huge and colourful hug...

    erin, i have always imagined you too shy for such golden luxuriance, i am like that as well, perhaps that is why i need such extremely colourful rushes from time to time :-) i am so happy to know you are here.

  30. James, one of my favourite poems, ever:

    Light cut you open.

    Light flaked from the water like the pressure of breath on skin.
    The sky aged to jeweler’s metals,
    and the gold and copper wires of the season
    tightened flesh against the bones.

    Beauty moved in the flesh like surprise, in marrow.
    It rippled on the surfaces of things.

    This looking was a way of measuring time
    as the silk merchants of the desert measure silk,
    an arm’s length that shimmers all night in the eyes

    We dreamed these colors were Nineveh,
    then that the memory of beauty
    is beauty.

    (Things The Blue Turtle Spoke to Her)


  31. sutton,
    you have returned to the Bridge, such joy
    (everywhere else, my smile, my smile)

  32. Wow, this golden world, the third picture, the liquid gold seeming to seep into the sky. oh to bathe in a pond like this!

  33. Bravo a l'artiste ...sublime énergie des couleurs et puissance de l’élégance...j'adore tes photos de poissons..ils sont paradoxalement presque aériens..c'est enchanteur cette série..j'adore..:)
