Thursday, 2 February 2012

black, silver & blue










  1. Ah, black crows and silver trees with a hint of blue, my favourite things.

  2. merc!

    (i missed you here)

    so happy!

  3. Look at them! They all lit like one. They all look one way. They know where they want to go somehow. They just took a break so as to let you know they are on a mission....or to teach you something.

  4. Oh, dearest!

    She depicts a murder of crows which tells not so much of machiavellian mischief in the mist-laden forests of Craiova (where dark-haired sylphs, their ghost-white feet carefully convoking a susurrus from the snow-topped ground, abound sempiternally in a state of restless candor), as of a deep desire to test his capacious knowledge of collective nouns and sylvan demimondaines.

  5. the last two in particular are simply wonderful...your depiction of ecstasy, of everything breaking into everything else, makes me think you are a shaman *showing* what it means to be open.

    Now, give me my cinnamon rolls back!

    please :-)


  6. ED
    (thank you)

    'simply beautiful' is all that matters.

    Dan, oh, they indeed have taught me many things. it was quite mesmerizing to stand there and look at them, they would sit still for moments then they would all rise, as if on command, together, then make circles above the trees and come back, many times, like a ritual. i could not grasp the meanings of the repeated patterns, but one thing they've taught me is that questions aren't necessary.

  7. Prospero,
    perhaps you are right in everything, except, except... yes, i am sorry to break your reveries about the 'mist-laden forests of Craiova', i was walking through these mist-laden forests in a northern city of grey skies and impossibly beautiful light...

    billoo, lovely comment! :-P
    now, seriously, i enjoy your depiction of me as a possible shaman, how could i not :-) (most likely that would be a miko, a shinto priestess :-)

  8. mts,
    i know about crows, they are amazing indeed.
    filters? do you mean besides my gaze? :-) no, not at all. just the crows, the trees and the evening (in more prosaic terms, that would mean that the light conditions were bad and this thus lead to the blurry shapes).

  9. Organique et hypnotique...:)

  10. It's as if you've captured the soul energy of the tree and illuminated its most secret and fanciful thoughts.

  11. not 'possible shaman' but, perhaps, impossible shaman! :-))

    Hmm. I note there's no mention or sign of my beloved c.r's :-(

    But yes, i mean no, the last but one is something to fall in love with (if it wasn't prohibited by my religion).

    Take care,


  12. these are beautiful pictures, andreea.

  13. ceea ce am trait mereu pe Pod este ca ,sub forta imaginilor si a gandurilor pe care le naste in interiorul tau,nimic,iesind pe strada,nu ti s-ar mai parea ciudat si te-ai simti in regula orice ai fi visat vreodata.te poti astepta,sa zicem,ca zapada sa deseneze cercuri pe cer,ca pasarile sa te ia pe aripile lor,sa iti infloreasca flori- de -colt la picioare.intotdeauna sunt lumi pe care le poti zari mai bine si mai panoramic(nu cred ca exista vreo gramatica demna de acest grad de comparatie,insa vorbim in terminologii absolut dezinvolte,ce bine e sa poti spune "mai panoramic":) )mai panoramic,zic,accentuand,doar pe sub gene.acolo tremura privirea,acolo alearga cerbii peste nori,acolo ne chemi,atat de plina de pulsatii si de incredere in ceea ce vor deveni,pana peste poate,oamenii.asta ne sustine,cand traversam Podul.

  14. any one of these is beautiful, but the progression from silver to blue, a kind of narrative of the dominion of the sky over the earth, takes my breath by the time i come to the end ... the world rushes toward us bursting in ecstasy, making itself over again in each instant, and creating us, too, in such visions? ... or (i'm thinking of another tree also) do we make the world over and over with our gaze in each blink? and then once more in each snap of the shutter? ever and ever at a greater distance from the unknowable noumenon? the questions hold hands and fade into the wind-haunted forest ....

    but i love these days of air and sky when the flocks of little birds flutter like scraps of blown cloth through branches ....

  15. There are no limits to the depths of the beauty you manage to summon from... from... from ... I don't know where from. From wherever it is that beauty is born.

  16. "A suitable time is coming
    for all the loves that die in winter.
    The trees, gaunt mourners,
    will stand there proud and naked
    under the grey, sepulchral sky,
    the crows, black raucous
    choristers, will proudly strut
    their claw marks in the snow,
    the frozen ground a sombre place
    for all the loves that die in winter -
    let them lie there 
    and don' t try to dig in this hard place..."

  17. I really like these. I get a sense more of drawings than photographs. I don't think I would have identified them as photographic images if I didn't know. I can quite hear the wind blowing and the crows cawing! Love the way you captured movement!

  18. hello my beautiful friend, more breathtaking beauty here, you know enough to make me mad as if I am not mad enough as it is...haha and proud of it and this madness is so enriched here on the bridge haha.
    I love the purity of the whiteness in the first couple of photographs,-for me this is my dream - it has a silver highlight to emphasize the ideal state the purification of the white light but for me this image this dream here is nihilistic.
    It is the white light like a celestial wilderness where mortality does not dare to is the light unbroken as yet into our kaleidoscopic lights of our existence.
    it is somewhat disturbing though this whiteness of purity, that does not require justification nor existence..
    then in the final photographs(the blue bird is so sweet but he is rivaled this is no longer a utopian field.the pale blue lovely sky permeates the field of vision, the birds are blackened crows, blackened as our thoughts. the trees take on a dark heavy appearance that for me is aching for the cosmic flow that flows through its branches yet it remains anchored to the earth even thought the cosmic light peirces the field.

    what a masterpeice my friend. It works so hauntingly beautifully as a series.
    thankyou for the dream or I should say the exaltation of the dream
    sending you kisses acrosss the dreamscape.
    stay warm in your hut HUGS.

  19. deine bilder, ohhh, sie passen so gut zu meinem gedicht.. :-)!
    die krähen, welches zeichen sie wohl setzen?! ich bin immer im unsicheren, wenn ich sie erblicke... chaos der gefühle!
    alles liebste!

  20. Il te suffit de quelques branches, d'oiseaux, et de tes couleurs préférées pour faire vibrer mes sentiments lorsque je regarde à travers la pensée de tes images... :-)
    L'air semble vibrer, bouger, devenir froid et glacial comme cet hiver qui s'est installé sur les branches...
    Tu as ce don, je ne cesse de le répéter, de m'émouvoir à travers tes photographies... mais plus encore... à travers ce que tu es, une belle personne faite d'argent, de couleur bleu et du noir profond de l'humanité...
    Je sens que je vais en faire des tonnes mais je souhaite te dire ( il y a tellement longtemps que je ne suis venu me poser sur le Pont Flottant de tes Rêves ) que j'aime tes yeux, ta bouche et ta façon d'écrire ainsi la vie avec tes photos... ;-)


    PS : J'ai plein de sujets à admirer "chez toi" et je reviendrais, maintenant que j'ai à nouveau poussé la porte d'entrée du pont Flottant des Rêves... :-)

    PS2 : Ta photo de profil me fait rêver... Tu es très belle Roxana :-)

  21. A color combination that is such a favorite of mine. The second image with the blue bird flying into the scene is glorious!

  22. chere Plum' - tu as trouve la meilleure description, il me semble, et si les images sont vraiment hypnotiques, comme tu le dis, alors j'ai d'autant plus de raisons d'etre heureuse (la premiere raison etant, bien sur, ta presence ici :-)

    je t'embrasse...

    Lynne, how generous you are... thank you so much, i am humbled...

    thank you, i see you know my other name?!!

    Cerasela, draga, vorbeşti ca şi cum acest mărunt şi de-toate-tremurând Pod ar fi o punte a unei misterioase şi aproape de neghicit iniţieri :-)
    (mă amuză, în secret)
    îţi mulţumesc pentru frumuseţea şi greutatea (deşi el este atât de uşor, în acelaşi timp) pe care privirea ta i le-a dăruit.

  23. ah James!!! yes - that other tree too (but perhaps this is another question, and wonder: the fact that we are able to see the Tree through and within all trees, and yet each single tree in all its impossible uniqueness and beauty, at the same time)... the endless questions!

    "a kind of narrative of the dominion of the sky over the earth" - i am suddenly very happy about these words, i don't know why :-)

    Owen, if we could know that unknown territory from where beauty is born... but i think it is better for it and for us to remain unknown, that knowledge itself would kill it -

    anon2, what a bleak poem - who is the author? but yes, the loves that die in winter, that could be perhaps fitting for the Bridge, on one of her gloomiest days :-)

    Stickup, that made me really happy, the fact that you saw them as photos, really happy... it must be some reminiscence of my old desire to be a painter :-)

    Madeleine, no, if my photos are lovely, the tissue of metaphors you have created here in your comment is the real masterpiece!!! i can't even choose and say which one is my favourite, but i will say that i so like this one: "It is the white light like a celestial wilderness where mortality does not dare to tred."
    thank you, my dear mirae, you have understood the essence of these trees and birds, as i felt it, at that hour of the northern twilight...
    warm bises for you as well :-)

  24. meine liebste Wolkenprinzessin, ach, ja, Du hast recht, es ist ein richtiges Chaos hier und dort :-) wobei die Energien, die dabei am Werk sind, rein schoepferisch und nicht zerstoerisch sind - etwas wird geboren, und wir erblicken damit und dadurch eine neue Welt! :-)

    eine gute Nacht Dir, und mein Laecheln...

    ah Jeff, mais quelle surprise!!! tu es revenu, mais ou es-tu alle te cacher jusqu'a maintenant? tes longues absences, on s'y est presque habitue, mais la joie de tes rares visites est alors d'autant plus grande! :-)
    merci pour tes mots chalereux et enthousiastes, je ne suis pas si je suis si belle que ca, mais tout le monde est libre de rever, n'est-ce pas? :-P
    je t'embrasse, ne pars pas trop loin!

    dear Lydia, thank you for all your comments tonight (once again, i am so happy we could 'talk' in our comments like this). these hues are irresistible, aren't they? and they didn't turn out too bad in the photos, i am happy with them too (the b/w versions weren't so lovely).

  25. Le rêve... c'est bien ça ?... ;-)
