Thursday 14 April 2011

if i could give you spring...







  1. What a beautiful little model! I love these rich colors, in her outfit and in the flowers. I prefer the dynamism to the pale pinks, yellows and lime greens so frequently designated as the colors for Spring. (#3 is my favorite of these.)

  2. breath-taking, and tartan too!! :))
    the arrangement of the flowers, that utterly gorgeous outfit (such amazing colours and textures!) and those dark, dark eyes. the child that's always there, just beyond our grasp

  3. ce cadou minunat - multumesc, draga mea!

  4. oh chère magnifique Roxana, this is soooooo beautiful- another one of your masterpeice story boards- how did you know I needed a spring in my life- we had snow white blossoming flurries today haha...oh well as long as there are springtime blossoming thoughts..

    Yes this beautiful young lady with all the enchantment of spring does bring us a spring message.For my dream interpretation in the first photo I see her reverentially with downcast eyes leading the spring procession of thoughts as if bowing to the godess of spring humbly before the power of nature yet fully realizing her personal power to present the message..
    sending the little girl spring kisses to cont.

  5. et la seconde photo elle montre sa coquetterie parmi les fleurs du printemps
    et la troisiène photo elle ne nous montre pas son visage, son identité dissout dans le paysage du printemps parmi les fleurs blanche ephémère du printemps
    en la quatrième photo elle regarde le ciel et son rêve printannier commence a s'épanouir.
    la cinquième photo elle s'incline devant l'audience avec toute la victoire de l'enfant et le drame de printemps.
    BRAVO Roxana,magnifique magnifique et
    bises printannières.

  6. Utterly adorable! I am especially mesmerized by the direct gaze in the last picture.


  7. Wonderful pictures. An absolutely adorable child. Thanks for such a sweet image of Spring.

  8. Quelle belle image ! Une petite fille qui apporte le printemps dans sa main ! De plus, elle est très mimi cette petite fille ! De ta famille ?...
    Moi, ce que j'aimerais que le printemps m'apporte, ce serait des températures plus chaudes, un ciel bleu quasi permanent, des nuits étoilées comme dans les films, et une douce roxanna qui viendrait me dire à l'oreille... "Le petit déjeuner est prêt !"... Non non... Mais qu'est-ce que je raconte moi ! ! ! Ca fait trop macho de se faire apporter le petit déjeuner...:) Mais je m'égare...
    If i could give you spring... ce serait de l'amour pour tous, plus de tranquillité au quotidien, fini les dictateurs qui s'en mettent pleins les poches, des fleurs qui poussent au coin des lèvres lorque tu dis... "Si je pouvais t'apporter le printemps"..., enfin, plein de chose !
    Et toi Roxanna, quels seraient tes voeux pour ce printemps nouveau ?...:)
    Avec deux ou un sucre ?...:)

  9. you did gave us spring.....

  10. Cat de frumoasa si "serioasa" :-) este! xxx

  11. Spring sprang with elfin delight.

  12. ein wunderschönes Kind, das sogleich den Sommer und nicht nur den Frühling in die Herzen bringt. Es muss wohl eine wunderschöne Mutter haben, eine sanfte und herzliche...!

    Wenn es mir gelingt, schicke ich Dir die Sonne in meinen Gedanken und umarme Dich, liebste Roxana!


  13. the innocence of beginnings, in this case

    what a gift - for her, for us!

  14. I love how the white flowers in the last 3 trail through the image like clouds. I admire your range, but no matter what you present, you always stay true to yourself. Oh, and I love her hat as well. She really is adorable!

  15. Roxana ,
    Mais tu nous l'offres d'une façon très émouvante le je te remercie pour ces images si gaies ,si fleuries,si fraîches,douce innocence de l'enfance,du renouveau...tes photos sont en fait l'esprit même du printemps,l'essence de ce que l'on peut en attendre...
    je ne peux choisir une photo ou une autre,elles sont pour moi un tout...
    une tendre mélodie,un chant d'espoir,un nouveau départ,un moment surtout a ne pas rater...le temps s'envole si vite...
    Cette enfant est toujours aussi ravissante..tu lui diras si tu le veux bien que je la trouve très que je la remercie d'avoir éclairé mon samedi après- midi..:o)
    je t'embrasse tendrement......a bientôt..

  16. this is a pure delight! she is spring itself, and she seems to enjoy modeling for you :-)

  17. comentariul meu incepea cu "ne-ai daruit primavara",insa vad ca flipi mi-a luat-o inainte:)numai ca al meu continua:ai redefinit si improspatat ochii nostri cu primavara vazuta ASA,iubita mea draga.mi se par scene desprinse dintr-un film in care copilul era,intr-adevar,copil,in care culorile joaca pe jachete pictate,in care nimic nu este facut in serie,ci din exact mainile faurarului.ultimele doua m-au innebunit.cred ca nimeni nu are dreptul de a lua ceva de acolo pentru el.este,cum spun despre nori,ceva ce trebuie doar neatins.

  18. Frumoase sunt şi iar cu flori :).

    Vezi, tu eşti excepţia.

    Sunt încărcate de sensibilitate şi cam atât, în rest nu prea contează.

  19. merc, awe spring for your awe autumn :-)

    Lydia, actually i had some pictures with her among the stunning branches full of pink-blossoms of a small bush-like tree, i don't know its name. but i decided for these ones, for the deep rich colours, as you say :-)

    Michael :-)

    Marion, thanks! and i learned a new word, tartan! :-)

    m, eu multumesc pentru caldura ta, ca intotdeauna!

  20. Madeleine, this is such a gorgeous comment, and thank you so much for the spring kisses, both for me and for the little one :-)
    i loved this image: "leading the spring procession of thoughts as if bowing to the godess of spring humbly before the power of nature yet fully realizing her personal power to present the message", i hadn't thought of anything similar but now i see how fitting this is!!!
    i hope the snow blossoms are gone even in your place and now everything is warm and shining - as they say in French: Joyeuses Paques!

    haha, Lynne, i think that look was directed at me as a kind of: give me a break with this incessant camera torture :-)

    Dan, thank you from the bottom of my heart! i love the hat too, it's quite something, isn't it? :-)

    Jeff, 'mimi', quel joli mot haha - et typiquement francais, je ne le peux imaginer dans une autre langue :-) pour devoiler le secret, elle est ma fille et je suis heureuse si elle a pu t'apporter le printemps dans sa main, comme tu l'as dit :-) pour ce qui est des voeux, moi-aussi je suis d'accord avec les tiens, tu as deja dit ce qui est plus important.
    je t'embrasse de tout coeur!

    Flipi, then i am so happy!!!

    Emese, daaa :-) era suparata ca voia sa se dea pe tricicleta si eu o tineam in gradina cu flori, sa se joace acolo :-)

  21. Prospero, what a great line!!! ha, i am delighted too, now, though i cannot guarantee the elfin part (the Bridge is humble tonight :-)

    Renée, meine Liebste, ich danke dir fuer deine sanften Worte, die mich nicht nur erfreut sondern auch laecheln gemacht haben :-) bald, bald schreibe ich mehr! warme Umarmungen fuer dich, Wolkenprinzessin! :-)

    fff, i hoped that her serious pondering demeanour would counterbalance the luxuriousness of those blossoms so that you may enjoy even this spring here :-)

    thank you, Stickup, i love those flower clouds as well :-) and my mom made the hat for her, she will be happy to hear all this praise here haha.

    ah Clo, ma chere, quels mots touchants, je ne sais pas comment t'en remercier... oui, je lui ai dit ce que tu m'a priee de dire, et elle t'envoie son sourire plein de joie! et moi je suis heureuse d'avoir pu t'offrir ces moments dont tu parles avec une telle emotion que j'en suis comblee... je t'embrasse de tout coeur!

  22. James, wrooong :-) she wanted to ride some bike and was quite annoyed that i asked her to play in the flower garden instead (though i shouldn't reveal the secret of that serious little face she has :-)

    Owen, hope, yes, forever.

    Cerasela, ce m-ai facut sa rad cu comentariul tau, cand ai zis ca te-au 'innebunit' ultimele doua, imi si imaginez cum le-ai devorat :-)

    Vladimir, haaa :-)
    drept sa spun le-am postat din motive sentimentale, era ziua ei atunci (e fetita mea), ma bucur ca ai gasit ceva in ele. si postarea urmatoare tot din ratiuni sentimentale o sa fie, ce sa fac, mai cedez si eu iubirilor mele uneori, desi nu cu flori haha - astept critici :-)

    Michael T Stowers, thank you, yet again (Schrödinger's cat?), for your kind words and your presence here...

  23. Paşte fericit.

  24. A gorgeous set of photos! Just stunning!

  25. Eşti o sursă neîncetată de insipraţie pentru mine. În cazul de faţă, mai ales pentru că fotografiile au fost făcute "din motive sentimentale". Mulţumesc!

  26. multumesc, Robert. ich hoffe, du hast auch frohe Osterferien gehabt!

    Elisa, thank you so much for your visit and kind words!

  27. Natalia, ce ma bucura si ma rusineaza cuvintele tale :-) multumesc din inima! de ce, 'mai ales' pentru motivele sentimentale?

  28. Pentru că am găsit mereu atât de greu să fotografiez un lucru sau o persoană de care sunt legată emoţional. Mă pierd în punctul în care fotografia devine pretext şi asta învinge scopul, cum s-ar zice.

  29. This really was one of my favorite posts of yours and I am happy to happen upon it again. Seeing the beautiful child and thinking of spring will get me through another rainy winter day here. ♥
