Monday, 19 July 2010

tinged with blood


Under the plane trees,
young women are passing by,
upon their eyelids
is a colour tinged with blood.
Summer has surely arrived.

Kenkichi Nakamura





  1. ich, ganz still, halte das erste Bild schon fest, denn "das Eine" ist deutlich zu sehen, Sinnbild der Hoffnung!
    Wunderschöne Farben vermittelt das zweite Gemälde und lindert den Druck in den Augen, Beruhigung...
    Und dann aber, das blutende Rot, das gebrochene Herz, spricht es doch von Verlust und sehr grosser Traurigkeit. Traurig, wirklich... doch gibt es dort vielleicht ein verborgenes Licht, den Hoffnungsschimmer..?!
    Ob Du meine Schritte wohl hörst, auf der Brücke, so spät in der Nacht, ganz leise und nah...?!
    Alles Liebe Dir!

  2. These super-saturated images are so beautiful, and mystical in their beauty - and I say that as someone who thinks of you as essentially a black-and-white artist. Stunning.

  3. Imi place mult blogul tau, Roxana! Il urmaresc de ceva vreme si mereu ma bucur sa revin.

  4. E o "teu" verão, ele é belo, muito belo !

  5. These colors explode with life and I can feel the heat of your eye upon the lens, your hands aflame upon the page. I am never not touched when I walk through the garden of your imagination. Thank you Roxana.

  6. deep down
    up close
    listening to the light

    love your art Roxanna

  7. How do you get such amazing colours?

  8. Jewel tones, passionate colours, magical realms; Monet on acid (or perhaps absinthe). I drink it all in and am inebriated by its richness and beauty.

  9. Now, when she has mastered the esoteric language of color, and has come to know it as a hawk knows its eyas, she irremediably wheedles beacons of vermeil and the unextinguishable horror of Pompeian red from her dark, commodious soul. The magnificent convolutions of summer: an apple tree in a garden, a warm breeze, animated patrons strolling carelessly on a boardwalk -- all fodder for those that indulge in the habitual surfeit of indulgences required of long, lazy days; but, dearest, you dissemble during the gaiety of these hours for you are truly at one with the harvest season, that hour of the maturing sun.

  10. bonjour Roxana, c'est magnifique les images et le texte.

    I think of the menstrual cycle the birth and bleeding of fertility and the efflorescence of summer

    belle journée magique

  11. Je voulais dire "c'est pur" ........Superbe lumière et contraste, un rouge sur rouge très réussi Petite force tranquille, au milieu de cette étendue de rouge, où tout parait endormi...avant la tempête. Douceur dans les plans qui se succèdent parfaitement, mais reste une partie cachée... comme une symbolique une belle histoire de sentiments parfait comme une pièces jeter à terre.

  12. L'âme des fleurs...l'âme du parfum...le parfum de l'âme.

  13. for the first time ever there's nothing new on the bridge. even in that you're unique.




  14. I want to fall into the second image and be washed by those colours.
    I wonder what it would feel like to swim in your photographs? I like to imagine them singing too.

  15. Nein, das ist keine Fotografie mehr - das ist Malerei, wert durch die Zeit getragen zu werden, Generationen später, so wie heute.

    Un arc adânc!

  16. toate aceste flori,draga,care susura prin sangele meu,in urcusuri si coborasuri de microsecunde,ventilate imi sunt talpile si fluturi se ridica din palme,fiecare cerc e un vartej infiorator de pulsatii care strang,urmand meandrele bulgarelui de zapada,tot mai multe necunoscute in stiinta

  17. I want a whole wall in the bedroom done in the first shot, with framed prints of the other two on another wall there. Oh, that would be heaven.

  18. Would my words say something more than you said with your colors, light and feelings ?

    I'm sure not, that's why I'm leaving this comment for you, to know that another one is watching.

  19. The fields are on fire! In a most exquisite way! -J

  20. my dear friends, i am sorry i cannot be more present in the blog world these days, but i am travelling, i will catch up with your blogs when i come back home. meanwhile, thank you so much for your presence here...

  21. liebste Renée, Deine Schritte hoere ich immer, denke ich, und bin so dankbar dafuer, dass Du mit mir auf der Bruecke spazieren kommst. die ersten zwei Bilder habe ich genau so wie Du empfunden, aber beim letzten habe ich indessen keine Traurigkeit verspuert, sondern vitale Energie, sommerliche Lebenskraft und Lebenslust :-)
    sei ganz lieb umarmt, Du, Gute...

    oh Neil, i am so grateful for your comment, and intrigued, a black and white artist, you say? i don't know what to think, my love for colour is undeniably strong, even wild :-) (though black and white touches my heart in a way no colour does).

    Crina, ce surpriza! multumesc mult pentru prezenta si cuvintele frumoase...

    Adelino, thank you, i am glad you like them, even if i think this kind of pictures might be the entire opposite of your own vision :-)

    Trée, and i am so happy to have you here, your comments never leave me "not touched" :-)

    smiling :-)

    Dianne, and i love and am intrigued with your poems!

    dear Elizabeth, this flower meadow was indeed out of this world, i was enraptured. the colours are there :-)

  22. ah, Lynne, Monet on absinthe, i adore that (and your drunkenness :-)

    how well you understood everything - especially: you are truly at one with the harvest season, that hour of the maturing sun. that moment, when i took the pictures, i really was one with the meadow, having shaken off me all sadness and weariness and doubts of life (but they quickly come back, don't they?). aflame, aflame.

    amar, i am so happy to see you here again, and this time as well you provide the Bridge with a new vision: menstrual cycle the birth and bleeding of fertility -- it is indeed an apt description, i have always been fascinated with ancient representations of goddesses of fertility...
    efflorescent hugs :-)

    ah Allan, comme tu as raison, oui, moi aussi j'avais pense a ca, a la purete de ce rouge, de ce feu, normalement les gens associent le blanc a la purete, non, mais je trouve qu'il y a plus de purete dans la passion devoratrice (et auto-devoratrice) de ce rouge...
    je voyage en ce moment mais je vais venir recuperer sur ton blog le plus vite possible...

    K'line, ame, fleurs, parfum - voila l'essentiel :-)
    je t'embrasse, petite fee silencieuse...

  23. anonymous, what truce? i had no idea i was in a war, even when my poor Bridge is under such critical attack, i won't fight back :-)

    Susan, swimming and singing in my pictures, wow, i adore these images :-)

    liebster Robert, deine Worte sind mir so wertvoll, und deine Begeisterung, und deine Traurigkeit auch, alles, was Du bist - jedesmal wenn Du hierher kommst, machst du mich so gluecklich.

    Cerasela, fluturi ti se ridica din palme? uite, chiar astazi am aflat despre aceasta imagine, care stiu ca te va ucide, ca pe mine. este prima din serie, vei intelege, dar vreau sa te uiti la toate, este unul din fotografii care inseamna totul pentru mine.

    Lydia, i am so happy to be part of your heaven :-)

    Vladimir, i know. and i am grateful this someone watching resembles you :-)

    J, your words made me smile, gratefully - yes, on fire!

  24. "anonymous, what truce? i had no idea i was in a war, even when my poor Bridge is under such critical attack, i won't fight back :-) "

    yes, that's what war is has no idea. a bit like...what was the old saying again, make love, not war?

    hmm...but it's no fun if you don't fight back!

    in any case, there was no criticism...quite the opposite, actually. and no, i won't spell it out!

    Take care on your travels, roxana.

  25. Roxana,
    Je suis bien obligée de rompre le silence, la bouche en forme de "Oh" devant tes photos.
    Bises (où voyages-tu ?)

  26. anon, not even for a c.r., you won't spell that out? :-)

  27. je suis a Vienne, Oh-K'line :-)

  28. "anon, not even for a c.r., you won't spell that out? :-)"

    i thought they taught you to read between the lines at university?

    ha! in any case, i've got my standards, can't be else can you offer me?


  29. colour tinged with blood , but Roxana! your sense of summer is even more morbid than my Spring-phobia!

    not easy to forget - that phrase, those photos ...

  30. You'll remember me when the west wind moves
    Upon the fields of barley

  31. ce post est sublime Roxana...
    te voila peintre plus que photographe et j'adore ça...
    tendresses et douces pensées...
    bonne fin de vacances...
    j'espère que le soleil est revenu...:o)
