Saturday, 20 September 2008

speaking a strange language

What a terrible mistake, thought Drogo, perhaps everything is like that -- we think there are beings like ourselves around us and instead there is nothing but ice and stones speaking a strange language; we are on the point of greeting a friend but our arm falls inert, the smile dies away because we are completely alone.

Dino Buzzati,
The Tartar Steppe


  1. "nothing but ice and stones speaking a strange language"
    a strange language, perhaps, but strangely alluring too... witness the beauty of your photo, which redeems an otherwise bleak vision

  2. oh ffflaneur, if this were true, if there were indeed the possibility of such redemption... maybe there is, if we truly believe in it, I don't know.

  3. Rien n'est plus beau que deux solitudes qui se rencontrent, s'attirent, se respectent et se nourrissent.

  4. belle source limpide, tu es de nouveau la, quelle joie :-) merci de ne m'avoir pas oubliee.

  5. Beautifully mysterious.
    I totally love the concept of your blog, a picture + a quote

  6. thank you mary-laure! well, it is not always one picture/one quote, but maybe it's more difficult to achieve this simplicity. sometimes I cannot and I need more pictures and more words. but I hope you will still love it :-)

  7. i love that photo. so blurry. so moody. so lovely.

  8. beautiful composition. where is this place?

  9. A touch of surrealism, but the realism breaks through. Lovely.

  10. thank you all, I wasn't very sure about this image so I'm all the more glad you like it :-)
    it is somewhere in Japan, sorry Zuma, I forget to mention it.
